
The Invincible Young Master

"You either Die a Villain or Live long enough to see yourself as a Hero." ~Probably Spark --------------------------------------- Spark, the lofty young master of the Dwight family, had always been a mystery. His true abilities were never known until the day he stepped onto the frontlines. In one awe-inspiring exhibition of power, Spark shocked the world and sent the coalition army of the five emperors into a chaotic retreat. Now, with the eyes of the world on him, each faction lusted to uncover the secrets behind his unparalleled strength. Still, in spite of the rampant curiosity and greed, nobody had the guts to confront him directly. And with every rumor spread of his feats, a question burned in every mind: was Spark this powerful all this time, or was he casting an illusion of strength before everybody's eyes?

Lucky_duck · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
155 Chs

Chapter 31 - Culinary master

Spark's group set up camp alongside Princess Ling's large entourage. The mingling groups created a bustling scene against the backdrop of the twilight plains. Their tents pitched slightly apart from the rest, gave them a semblance of privacy, yet they were under the vigilant watch of the soldiers.

The soldiers, clad in their armor, stood sentinel around the camp, their eyes constantly sweeping over the trio. Any slight movement was observed with practiced scrutiny.

As the night deepened, Zhao Shi began his usual routine of preparing the evening meal. With a calm demeanor, he started unpacking many cooking utensils and ingredients from his storage bracelet. The bracelet seemed almost magical in its capacity, producing what appeared to be a miniature, fully-equipped kitchen.

Observing from a distance, the soldiers couldn't help but exchange whispers and suppressed laughter.

"Look at that cook. He has an entire kitchen just for three people," one soldier murmured.

"What a show-off," another commented, shaking his head.

"I heard people here don't even salt their food properly," someone snickered, drawing a few chuckles from his comrades.

"How do they enjoy food without proper salt and spices?" another added, with a tone that was both incredulous and mocking.

Despite their disparaging remarks, Zhao Shi remained focused and unperturbed. As he began, he retrieved the fresh fish he had caught that morning from his storage, their silvery scales still gleaming.

With expert precision, Zhao Shi heated oil in a pan until it shimmered. He carefully laid a beautifully cut piece of fish into the pan.

The fish sizzled on contact, sending up a tantalizing aroma that quickly spread throughout the camp. The sound of the fish searing, a symphony of crackles and pops, was music to the ears of any hungry onlooker.

Minutes later, he lifted the golden-brown fish from the pan, its skin perfectly crispy and still audibly crackling as it hit the plate. The scent of the seared fish was rich and inviting, causing nearby soldiers to subtly lean closer, their mouths watering despite their best efforts to appear indifferent.

Zhao Shi wasn't done yet. He placed another piece of fish into the pan and repeated the process, the savory fragrance intensifying with each new batch. As the second piece sizzled, he began preparing a side dish with the same meticulous care.

The soldiers, initially mocking Zhao Shi's elaborate setup, were now visibly entranced. Their earlier mockery had turned to thinly veiled jealousy as they watched dish after dish being expertly prepared. The tantalizing aromas permeating the air were almost unbearable.

"What's this aroma?" one soldier finally asked, his voice tinged with desperation.

"I don't know, but it's making me hungry," another replied, his eyes fixed on the sizzling pan.

"This is torture," muttered a third, barely able to restrain himself from approaching the aromatic spread.

Spark, ever the picture of nonchalance, lounged nearby, enjoying the unfolding spectacle. He enjoyed the envious stares of the soldiers, his extravagant lifestyle on full display. The richness of his surroundings, the luxuriousness of their meals, and the ease with which he carried himself were all part of his unspoken message: Spark was no ordinary traveler.

Yuna, equally relaxed, sat beside Spark, occasionally casting amused glances at the soldiers. She could almost hear their stomachs rumbling over the crackling of the fire and the sizzling of the fish. The two of them seemed completely at ease, unbothered by the soldiers' discomfort.

As the soldiers continued to drool over the aromatic dishes prepared by Zhao Shi, a commanding voice broke through their reverie, snapping them back to attention.


The soldiers immediately straightened their backs and turned toward the source of the voice. It was the masked man, standing with a stern expression, and beside him, Princess Ling, her presence commanding respect and silence among her entourage.

With her regal bearing, Princess Ling walked directly towards Spark's tent area, her gaze fixed on the small group enjoying the cooking show. Spark looked up from his relaxed position and met her eyes with a casual smile.

"What brings the princess to this side of the camp?" Spark asked, his tone light and knowing.

"I couldn't help but notice the delightful aroma wafting over," Princess Ling responded, a hint of amusement in her voice. "It seems Lord Spark's butler is quite the culinary master."

Spark chuckled, casting a proud glance at Zhao Shi, who was quietly preparing the next dish.

"What can I say? He is indeed gifted," Spark replied with a playful smile.

Zhao Shi, hearing their conversation, gave a slight nod of acknowledgment but continued his work, plating the seared fish and garnishing it with herbs that added a final touch of color and fragrance.

"If the princess would like, you are more than welcome to join us," Spark offered, his voice both inviting and teasing. "We have enough for one more, though I wonder if the princess would enjoy our humble fare."

Princess Ling looked at Spark, catching the playful challenge in his eyes. Without hesitation, she responded, "How could I refuse Lord Spark's generous offer?"


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