
The Invincible Young Master

"You either Die a Villain or Live long enough to see yourself as a Hero." ~Probably Spark --------------------------------------- Spark, the lofty young master of the Dwight family, had always been a mystery. His true abilities were never known until the day he stepped onto the frontlines. In one awe-inspiring exhibition of power, Spark shocked the world and sent the coalition army of the five emperors into a chaotic retreat. Now, with the eyes of the world on him, each faction lusted to uncover the secrets behind his unparalleled strength. Still, in spite of the rampant curiosity and greed, nobody had the guts to confront him directly. And with every rumor spread of his feats, a question burned in every mind: was Spark this powerful all this time, or was he casting an illusion of strength before everybody's eyes?

Lucky_duck · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
155 Chs

Chapter 2 - Ascendants

They arrived at their destination: a modest house with a clean courtyard.

"This…" Zhao Shi started, his voice trailing off.

"What's wrong? This will be our home for the next month," Spark said, noticing his hesitation.

Zhao Shi felt a pang of disappointment.

As the young master of the Dwight family, Spark should have resided in a lavish mansion with numerous servants. Instead, their living quarters were humble, lacking the lavishness he had anticipated. The house, though not small, was far from the grandeur expected of nobility.

"Young master, are there no other workers here besides us?" Zhao Shi asked, scanning the quiet surroundings.

"I'm in exile. Of course, they wouldn't let me bring people," Spark replied with a hint of bitterness. "At least they allowed me a proper house."

"Young Master, How long is your exile?" Zhao Shi inquired.

"Was it three months?" Spark turned to the woman for confirmation.

"Yes, young master," she nodded.

The woman led Zhao Shi to a small, sparsely furnished room at the back of the house. A single bed, a wooden chair, and a modest table occupied the space. She gestured to the room.

"This will be your quarters," she said curtly before leaving him alone.

Zhao Shi stood in the doorway for a moment, taking in his new surroundings. He walked to the window and opened it, allowing the cool night breeze to filter in. The courtyard outside was bathed in soft moonlight, casting long shadows from the surrounding trees.

He stepped outside into the courtyard, the chill of the breeze brushing against his skin. Standing there, he looked up at the moon, its pale light reflecting in his eyes.

"I've found a shelter. I'll be fine," he muttered to himself, his voice almost a whisper carried away by the wind. He clenched his fists and drew a deep breath, determination hardening his gaze. "Wait for me, Yue'er."


"Oh, your usual meditation," remarked Spark as he stepped into the courtyard.

Zhao Shi opened his eyes and nodded respectfully. "Good morning, Young Master."

"I've noticed you meditate every day," Spark praised. "You're quite disciplined."

"I do it to keep my body strong," replied Zhao Shi with a hint of pride.

Each night, after Spark retired to bed, Zhao Shi would remain in the courtyard, meditating beneath the moon's gentle glow, until the sun rose. It was some kind of breathing technique Zhao Shi had said when spark inquired.

"Young master, there are gifts again today," Zhao Shi pointed out, indicating the table laden with flowers, vases, and paintings.

"What can I say? I'm quite the popular guy," Spark boasted with a smirk.

It had been a week since Zhao Shi began his duties as Spark's butler. From the very first day, every morning, gifts had arrived in abundance, stacked one atop the other. Zhao Shi couldn't help but wonder at the seemingly endless stream of presents that greeted them every morning.

As it was time for Young Master Spark's breakfast, Zhao Shi headed to the kitchen to prepare.

He meticulously chopped onions, adding them to the hot oil followed by a mix of spices. The kitchen soon filled with the mouthwatering aroma, tempting anyone who caught a whiff.

Zhao Shi hailed from a humble background, where every coin counted. Growing up in a family of limited means, he learned to stretch every penny and make the most of what little he had. Dining out was a luxury he couldn't afford, so he turned to the forests for sustenance, gathering wild plants and spices to flavor his meals.

From a young age, Zhao Shi developed a discerning palate, honing his culinary skills with each dish he prepared. He took pride in his ability to create flavorful meals from simple ingredients, finding joy in the art of cooking.

Yet, as he matured, Zhao Shi began to question the value of his culinary talents. In a world where strength reigned supreme, what use was there for a skilled cook? It was a pivotal moment that reshaped his perspective on life.

A significant event shattered his complacency, forcing him to confront the harsh realities of the world. In that moment of reckoning, Zhao Shi realized that true power lay not in the kitchen, but in one's ability to command, defend, and protect. Strength, he concluded, was the ultimate currency—one that could secure freedom, loyalty, and the safety of those he held dear.

"See, I told you," a voice interrupted from the doorway. "His cooking is like magic."

Spark and the woman entered the kitchen, greeted by an array of dishes prepared by Zhao Shi.

The three of them sat down to eat, with Zhao Shi watching as Spark relished the food he had cooked.

After breakfast, they left the residence together, going on Spark's daily stroll around the city in search of amusement.

In the days that followed, Zhao Shi had gradually discerned that the woman accompanying Young Master Spark, Yuna, was not a mere servant, but rather a companion—much like himself—taken in by Spark's generosity.

 When Zhao Shi broached the subject, Yuna clarified. "I'm not his maid."

Surprised by this revelation, Zhao Shi couldn't help but inquire further.

"Then what are you?" he asked, intrigued by her enigmatic presence.

"A lost little lamb, I suppose," Spark interjected with a mischievous grin. "She sought me out, much like you did, and begged to serve under me."

Yuna, however, merely harrumphed in response, refusing to offer any further explanation. Her silence only added to her mysterious allure, leaving Zhao Shi to ponder the true nature of her relationship with Young Master Spark.


As they wandered through the bustling streets, Zhao Shi marveled at the extravagant lifestyle of Young Master Spark. With each store they entered, the young master's charisma and reputation seemed to draw people in like a magnet.

Shopkeepers would rush to greet him, their faces lighting up at the sight of the affluent nobleman. They offered lavish gifts, from ornate vases and exquisite silks to rare trinkets and handcrafted jewelry. Some items were handed over as tokens of admiration or attempts to curry favor, while others Spark purchased simply out of curiosity, his whims changing as quickly as the shop fronts they passed.

Zhao Shi watched in awe as the procession of goods grew larger with each stop, their carriage gradually filling with the spoils of the day's leisurely adventure. He carried the items dutifully, his arms often burdened with the weight of Spark's latest purchase. It was a world far removed from the simple life Zhao Shi had known—a world where wealth flowed freely and indulgence was the norm.

To Zhao Shi, the scene was surreal. He struggled to comprehend how the wealthy lived with such ease and opulence, acquiring possessions without a second thought. Each purchase seemed a testament to a lifestyle of boundless luxury and unrestrained desire.

During one of their stops, Spark paused outside a grand boutique, its windows showcasing glittering jewelry and finely tailored garments. He turned to Zhao Shi, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Tell me, Butler Zhao, do you think I need another pair of those?" Spark pointed to an elegant display of silk gloves.

Zhao Shi, caught off guard by the question, hesitated before responding.

"Young Master, you already have several pairs," he said cautiously. "But if it pleases you, another would not be a burden."

Spark laughed, clapping Zhao Shi on the shoulder.

"Ah, practical response, I see," he replied. "But sometimes, it's not about need. It's about the thrill of the moment."

With that, Spark entered the boutique, leaving Zhao Shi to ponder his words. As he stood outside, waiting, he couldn't help but reflect on the vast gulf between his world and Spark's.

For Zhao Shi, every coin had to be carefully considered, and each purchase weighed against the necessities of life. Yet, for Spark, wealth was a means to explore, to indulge, to satisfy fleeting curiosities without the constraints of financial worry.

Emerging from the store a few moments later, Spark held a new pair of gloves, their fabric shimmering in the sunlight.

"I couldn't resist," he said, slipping them into Zhao Shi's already full hands.

The day continued in this fashion, with Spark flitting from one shop to the next, his laughter and carefree spirit contrasting sharply with Zhao Shi's silent contemplation. As they finally made their way back to the carriage, laden with the day's acquisitions, Zhao Shi couldn't shake the sense of wonder and bewilderment.


One early morning, a visitor arrived at the residence, bearing a sealed letter.

"Young Master, someone came to deliver this letter," Zhao Shi announced, holding out the letter for inspection.

"What does it say?" Spark inquired curiously.

Breaking the seal, Zhao Shi's brow furrowed as he studied the unfamiliar characters on the parchment.

After a moment of contemplation, he reluctantly admitted, "Young Master, I'm afraid I can't read this language."

Spark chuckled in response.

"I forgot, you're not a native here," he remarked, understanding dawning on him.

Despite having honed his spoken language skills over time, Zhao Shi still struggled with the intricacies of the local script, a fact that occasionally proved inconvenient.

"Hmm," Spark mused, taking the letter from Zhao Shi's outstretched hand.

"It's an invitation to a party," he announced with a hint of excitement.

"A party?"

"Yes, a celebration for Marquis William's awakening," Spark explained.

"Do you understand what awakening entails?" Spark asked.

"A little," Zhao Shi nodded.

There were individuals who, through relentless training and the consumption of potent elixirs, achieved extraordinary abilities beyond the grasp of ordinary folk.

They were known as ascendants, beings capable of harnessing the energy of their surroundings to attain levels of might and mastery that surpassed the realm of the ordinary.

Essence awakening

Spirit inception

Soul tempering

Astral bloom

Ethereal manifestation

These were the known levels of ascendants in the continent, each representing a profound mastery of power. A single essence-awakening expert wielded the ability to single-handedly repel thousands of soldiers with unmatched skill and strength. One could only speculate about the capabilities of even more powerful ascendants, their might transcending the limits of imagination.

"Young Master, Are we going?" Zhao Shi inquired.

"Of course, how can I resist a free meal? Besides, I could use some excitement," Spark replied with a grin.

Dam, these pesky mosquitoes won't let me focus in my writing :(

Lucky_duckcreators' thoughts