
The Intensity of Black, White, and Grey

Once a soul has been tempered in the fires of life, it is let rest until it cools and the vessel dies. At this point, changing the soul is nigh impossible. But that doesn't mean there isn't an afterlife. This is a book designed to break away from the stereotypical heaven or hell, devil or angel, and good or evil tropes. Not everything is black or white, but everything is a different intensity of grey.

Teddy_910 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Samantha walked through the school hallways with fierce footsteps. She was not going to miss her chance to prevent an unjustified act. The idea of letting anything, or anyone, go against her moral code, was unthinkable. So she didn't let it happen.

She heard whispers from other students as she walked past. "Bully." "Abusive." "Hot." "Scary." She paid no mind to any of the terms she had already deemed useless. Instead, her focus was on a boy pinned against a locker.

She hit record before propping her phone up at a suitable angle, hidden in the shadows. Adjusting her hair, she ran towards the conflict. By now, the bystanders knew to clear her a path. Sam cleared her throat before proclaiming "Lay another hand on that poor boy, and I will make sure you feel just as much pain as he has felt. So step away from the locker, and leave."

The two bullies grinned before looking up and seeing who intervened. New students were confused when the burly boys fumbled backwards, apparently fearing a short redhead. But the bullies knew she had tricks. Every time they saw her punished for interfering, the person who punished her was suspended or expelled. They didn't know how, or why, but they wanted no part of it.

The bullies stormed off and Sam helped the boy to his feet. Through his tears, he managed to mumble a thanks. "I'm sorry for ever doubting... Sam? Thank y..." But she had already walked off. She had better places to be.

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