
Totally not a mental breakdown

"SCREW YOUR GRANDMOTHER!" the sentient planet screamed, making use of the power it had long been reserving to escape its galaxy wide prison. Sure, the planet had more than enough lives to consume within that galaxy, and didn't need to escape. But it was the thought that mattered. It didn't like being restricted.

But it didn't like being toyed with even more, so it unleashed its hidden powers, and teleported as fast as it could, finally touching the golden door. It wasn't even curious anymore about what the door held. It just wanted it destroyed.

That is why the sentient planet was taken by surprise when the full force of its 278,229 USAs wide body slamming into the door didn't break it. Instead, from the door, the sentient planet felt a request for a teleportation. Feeling intrigued once more, it gave the permission.