
(Ch.3) First Family Meal (part 3)

Peter gave out a large sigh, " I'm so sorry Yuki. I don't know what to do about my brother. " I looked at him shyly at first but in the end I simply gave him a gentle smile as I hugged him. I was kinda of shocked when he held me back closely as well. " Thank you Peter for everything. I hope you have a good night. " He looked at me speechless for a moment. "Yeah you too Yuki. " I got out of his room and went to mine which was right across from his. I gently closed my door and I couldn't help but giggle and feel somewhat relieved. It felt like a ton of weight was lifted from my chest. He actually understood my situation. He didn't blame me like everyone else did. This moment of relief fades and sadness and worry replaces it. He understood now, but how would he react when he finds out the truth about me? That I was the one that those men we're looking for because of what I am. What would he do then? I turn to look out my window and I notice my reflection on the glass. My eyes are red. Fear shook my heart. Why are they red now all of a sudden? I took a deep breath and decided to go to sleep. I have work tomorrow. It will be my first time on the job. So, I need to focus and make a good impression.

The next morning I woke up bright and early to go down to start breakfast. On my way out I hesitated when I saw Peter's door to his room. What am I doing and why am I feeling this way? This doesn't make any sense. I never felt this... what is it? I shake my head head back and forth. Then I made my way down to work once I cleared my mind. Downstairs I see Mrs. Yuri. "Oh, your already up. Could you help me with breakfast? I hope you know how to cook. " I looked at her with a bright cheery smile, "yes ma'am, what would you like me to make?" Her eyes peeled up, "well I wanted to make pancakes and bacon. "

When I was done making the meal, I served the plates and brought them to the table on a large platter. I managed to finish setting the table by the time the boys came downstairs and saw the meal. John looked astonished, "wow it's not burnt... wait who made this. " Mrs. Yuri clears her throat, "sit down and pipe down. Eat the food that Yuki had prepared for us. " Peter with his eyes dazzling with surprise sat down and murmured, " Yuki made this. " He gulped and took a bite of the pancakes. Without a word spoken he started golfing them down. Mrs. Yuri looks at me in reassurance as she explained to me that pancakes are Peter's favorite breakfast meal, but unfortunately she could never make them right. They always end up as charcoal. I was so thrilled to see him enjoy the meal I made.

When everyone was done eating I went back to the kitchen to clean up. While doing this I looked back to the moment I just had with the family. Us goofing around, making jokes at the table, and everyone enjoying their food together. Gosh I had forgotten what it felt like. I couldn't hold back my smile. It felt like I was part of their family. An actual real family.

While I was washing dishes I felt someone staring at me. I jumped when I heard someone's voice call out to me. "Hey I want to thank you for the delicious breakfast, and mom said that you are doing great. She wanted to also ask if you would like to run into town with me to get a few things. " I turned around to look at the person who is speaking to me. I smiled to see how cute Peter was when he was scratching the back of his head. His face was a bright cherry red for some reason. He is just too cute. I brought myself back to reality and out of my fan-girling mode. "Yeah I'll go. I'll do anything I can do to help. " His face lit up like fireworks. "GREAT, let's get ready and head out. " I giggled, "ok let's. " Hehe... he really is something huh.

Mrs. Yuri set me up with some clothes to wear since I didn't really have anything suitable to put on. She gave me a gorgeous flowy pale-blue dress. It was soft and smooth. I fell in love with the ruffles. After I got dressed I decided to see how I looked in the mirror. I was astonished by what I saw. I looked like a completely different person. I looked like a normal girl. I always stood out and not in a good way if you know what I'm saying. All my clothes were old and rigid. I can't remember the last time I had a fresh new pair of clothes These are not only fresh but they look amazing. I thank Mrs. Yuri over and over for the new outfit that she said I could keep. This is so special to me. She has no idea how grateful I am. I am simply wowed by how much that they have done for me so far. I really want to show them my gratitude.