
Dumbfounded Fran

Quinn suddenly let out a freakish laugher and passionately stared at Boris. Boris shivered all over like naked maiden in front of a perverted wolf. Quinn went over to Boris and patted him with great appreciation.

"I'm expecting a great deal of hard work on your part for up keeping our brotherhood."

Boris didn't know what Quinn meant but he just nodded his head with confusion.

Quinn happily walked to room and whistling his favorite song. After entering his room let out a manic laugh and jumped over to bed happily. He imagined Boris getting beaten up by an angry red hulk and venomous snake it was a marvelous scene to behold.

Quinn was over moons as he could finally escape from the disaster he was courting by choosing this dorm. After that he thought of different ways to use Boris as a shield to escape from the 2 freaks. Herculean Muscle art was tailor made for masochists and he secretly paid his tributes for Boris.

He was worried about mixing with a bunch of weirdos and had a bad premonition about his upcoming school days.

'Well let's deal at that time. In any case, the school days are sure to be entertaining. '

After putting away those unpleasant thoughts, and decided to solve the problem on the hand. Then he remembered Boris's suggestion and felt like rushing to his room to give him a hug he was really a lifesaver.

Quinn really forgot that he could still consult with Fran if he couldn't decide which art to choose.

Quinn decided to ask Fran copies of 5-elemental art and Primal evolution art and choose one after reading them. Finding a solution relieved the stress thus he had a deep sleep while subconsciously practicing Origin Soul manual.

Next morning he woke up a bit late and as usual there no improvement with Origin Soul manual but he wasn't worried. Quinn started his day briskly, he quickly had hot bath and went down to meet his friends and had a nice breakfast.

There he saw all his friends happily chatting and teasing each other, soon he understood that they were all very lazy to check their friend's body refining art and pitied Boris. He was anticipating their face expression when they learn about arts their friends.

Kallis was the first one to find Quinn on the stairs so he invited him.

"Quinn come here, did you select an art yesterday night Boris has select his Body Refining Art."

"Yeh, I was the first one know about Boris's art and choosing one of the arts is still giving me headache so I'm going ask for copies of the 2 arts before selecting?" Quinn just nonchalantly answered.

After some chitchats they had their breakfast and went to the class. The class was started at 10 just like yesterday. They all gathered in the classroom waiting for their teacher.

Fran like usual came right on time. He went to the stage and started.

"How many of you have selected the body refining art please raise your hands." Fran didn't even bother to wish them good mornings and directly jumped into the class.

All the students followed his instruction and those who selected their Body Refining Art lifted their arms. Nearly three-fourth of the class has selected their art.

"Okay you can put your hands down. Those who selected your art must tell your name and your physique with tier if you had one and the Body refining art. You start." Fran pointed at the first bench student.

"Sir I'm Jake Rodriguez. I have no physique and I chose Blade Limbs Art."

The boy was naïve and typical fatty; anyone would feel that Blade limbs art was unfitting. But Fran didn't comment he just gestured him to sit and called the next one.

"Sir my name is Lucy Gower. I would like Galactic River Art and I have river spirit physique."

Fran frowned a bit and after a bit of contemplation he reluctantly nodded. Lucy became nervous seeing Fran's frown and relaxed only after he nodded. The next student started.

"Sir I'm Matt Gerald. I hav...."

"I'm Ron ..... "

"Sir I'm Kate ....."

The students told their names, physique and body refining arts. Fran just nodded or directly called the next person. Quinn was happy to know that his classmates were normal kids and not a bunch of weirdos like his roommates.

If everyone in the class were like his friends then Quinn might have to commit suicide. The roll went on and Fran hard spoke and times his think a bit before nodding.

"I'm Tracy Pogher. I have Enhanced eyes - Tier 3 low grade and I choose Eye of Clairvoyant art."

Fran who was standing on the stage felt jaws dropped. Fran stared at Tracy in bewilderment.

"Tracy did you read through the description, are you not aware that of the risks in practicing it."

Fran asked in confusion as he thought she was a good kid and thought she will not over reach.

"Sir I read through the description and chose it because I'm Kelly Pogher's sister."

Once Fran heard the name Kelly Pogher his face became calm and solemn. Then he looked deeply into her eyes as if he was trying to pry into he deepest secrets. Tracy didn't have an ounce of hesitation she to stared at him without any fear. Fran then nodded with a satisfied smile.

All the students were confused and all they could make was that Kelly Pogher was a famous name in the school. Fran told her to sit and called the next student. The same thing repeated the students would tell and Fran would nod and call the next one.

Then it was Boris's turn. Fran recalled that he was the one who found the method to start the flying cloud, so he anticipating his choice.

"Sir my name is Boris Hustling. I don't have any special physique and I chose 'Herculean Muscle Art'"

The students looked at him enviously when they heard herculean muscle and assumed that it will be very strong. Fran on the other hand was frozen dumbfounded.

Fran was rooted to the ground and blankly stared at Boris and he suddenly remembered his ridiculous unfair gamble with Ben.

(Ben is the bear teacher the students first met.)

"Ben lets remove this body refining art from the library it has already caused enough trouble." Fran asked Ben's opinion.

Fran was in Archive department at that time and was assigned to eliminate rare and dangerous Body Refining arts form the library.

"Fran if you dare to talk about removing Herculean Muscle Art ever again I will tear that stupid mouth of yours"

Ben furiously slammed the bench and warned Fran. Fran got angry and shouted back.

"Ben your stubbornness on resisting the ban on Herculean Muscle Art let us to the place we are standing, Demoted from Island head to a mere Leader of Archive Department now if we refuse to remove it from the library then it's simply nothing but courting death you idiotic muscle head."