

What is Infinity?... a Number, a Being, or maybe... just maybe... something much more extraordinary... This is the story of Meng Tian, a normal high-school student, who stumbled into an amazing reality much like his own. Meng Tian was an ordinary sixteen year old boy who accidentally fell into a world where a unique energy was taking form and changing the environment. Modern day humans were focused on improving their body strengths to fight mutated beasts on land to keep everyone safe. As he was trying to wrap around his head on what was going on, a blue screen appeared in front of him showing his body parameters as a Status. And he did not need to do much to improve his body, his martial techniques, etc. All he had to do was watch, learn and survive... marching towards an infinite set of possibilities -- Hey there!! Author here... Many thanks for taking the time to come here. Happy reading. --- Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in it are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

Guggi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Weapon Skills

"Fuck!!" Meng Tian loudly cursed in his mind.

He really wanted to go and fight his Big Brother, the Principal. He knew that all of this arrangement was probably for him to enter this stupid camp. It was true. Principal Ren clearly knew that any one who had not experienced life and death fights, would just remain as greenhouse flowers.

Especially, with geniuses like Meng Tian, they had to be bathed in blood at an early age... for them to move forward with a strong will and sturdy steps.

Principal Ren was convinced that given enough push, Meng Tian could even complete the first level of the Body Forging Realm in the next two months. So, he arranged for his Little Junior Brother to enter the District Training Camp this year.

He used his authority and status as a Martial General, to change the rules of the training camp in his district, to include one first year student as well from each of the 500 schools. This effectively increased the camp intake from 3000 to 3500 students in his district.

He introduced this as a pilot venture in his district alone. So, he did not encounter much opposition and could finalize it in a short time. But he still had to use up some favors.

Although Principal Ren wanted to give Meng Tian a chance to polish his skills and improve his cultivation, he did not neglect the issue of safety... Hence, this 'pilot' initiative was introduced.

Nonetheless, Meng Tian was completely irritated by this new development. He understood what was happening and was grateful to his Big Brother Ren for the opportunity. But, he was just too lazy and maybe too overpowered for the training camp.

In spite of all that, when he saw the hungry faces of his fellow students, a monstrous fighting spirit burst forth from his eyes. Most of the challengers immediately felt their hearts shudder... It was as if they were being stared at, by a higher level being that could easily crush them.

Even then, some of the top martial arts students raised their hands showing their intent to contend for the top spot. Teacher Tiao saw 10 students in total who wanted to compete and looked at Meng Tian with a slight smile. Meng Tian nodded his head towards her. The remaining students felt intrigued by these gestures, and were further interested in the upcoming duels.

"Alright everyone, settle down. The ten contenders are allowed to use their three basic martial techniques to fight Student Meng- Boxing, Movement or Weapon. You will have to defeat him completely in order to gain the entry into the District Training Camp. I will the referee. Who wants to go first?"

Meng Tian was also a little excited by the developments. He did not have a chance to try out his skills after they reached perfection. His Boxing Experience has yet to fill up as well.

So, he decided to raise all of his experiences and convert them into skills. They could be useful later on. He was also not worried about this putting more burden on his Soul because of his cultivation, stat synchronization and talent. His growth would be explosive but balanced.

Ten contenders were standing in line outside the huge boxing ring in the gym... And a short chubby girl was the first one to go. Meng Tian knew these ten people... They were the top ten in the first year class of his school. One of the three girls in this group, Lan Daiyu, came up to Meng Tian with a huge hammer in hand.

"Hi! Meng Tian. We have never had the chance to talk, as you had always had that 'stay away from me' look on your face. I did not expect you to be such a dark horse. I heard that you use a Sword. Let me see how good you actually are..."

Meng Tian was just standing there waiting for Lan Daiyu to make her move. He did not intend to use any weapon to fight her. Her chubby face instantly turned sour as she did not see him pick up any weapon. Everyone else watching were also intrigued because they had heard that he was 'good' with the Sword. Teacher Tiao then whistled, indicating the start of the match.


Lan Daiyu used her movement technique and appeared right next to Meng Tian. She waved her hammer right towards his face. But Meng Tian saw everything play around him in slow motion.

He raised his right fist and gave a light punch to her stomach, before the hammer could even reach him. Lan Daiyu was instantly incapacitated as she was shot out of the ring and lost consciousness.

One Punch!!!

Just a single punch and the match was over. An unforgettable show of strength...

Meng Tian just wanted to increase his Boxing Experience to a hundred. So, he decided to use his fists but what he did not take into account was that he was already at a very high level. And, his understanding towards basic martial techniques was increasing at a very rapid rate. Hence the even a normal punch from him would crush any opponents below Martial Apprentice like an ant.

This punch was only directed towards Lan Daiyu, but everyone in the gym felt the pressure, especially the other nine competitors.

A tall, beautiful girl with shiny black eyes was giving Meng Tian a very cold look. Although she felt a pressure from him, she did not hesitate to jump into the ring.

"Meng Tian, I am Zhang Ting. Daiyu only wanted to spar with you... You did not have to be so hard on her. Did you?... Although she was crushed by her own lack of strength, I will still make you pay the price for hurting my best friend. And, I will not show you any mercy."

She was holding a wooden sword and decisively made a strike. But Meng Tian once again made a similar move with his right fist, but this time with much less power.

Zhang Ting was unable to dodge the strike and was hit in her stomach. She only stopped after stumbling back a couple of steps. Meng Tian did not move again. He just stood there like a grand and unmovable mountain.

Zhang Ting used four more moves to attack him but had failed each time. At last, he gave her a light smile and knocked her head unconscious. He was happy because he had finally filled up the Experience for his Boxing and converted it into a skill.

[Boxing Lv.1 (Basic) (0/10)]

His combat style was intimidating to everyone present there. He hit people till they collapsed and never showed any mercy, even to the top beauty in his class, Zhang Ting.

As Meng Tian was thinking about using a Weapon, a short guy with a brooding face walked into the ring. He did not speak but directly took out a wooden saber and stood there. Meng Tian immediately made a decision to use the Saber as well.

He went to the side of the ring which had a few practice weapons and came back with a wooden saber in hand. Teacher Tiao was confused and surprised by his choice of weapon. But she did not question anything and started the match.

"Remember my name, Zhao Bolin..." He, just like the others rushed towards Meng Tian. Although this was Meng Tian's first time using the saber, it was a basic technique and hence not much difficult for him. He slowly defended himself with the Saber and continued the duel. His main goal was to level up his saber experience into a Skill.

Zhao Bolin was baffled by his opponent's saber defense, as none of his strikes managed to pass through and land. He was constantly moving, trying to hit Meng Tian, only to be stopped by the slow and steady saber movements. He felt like a new world of saber arts opened up before his eyes but before he could revel in this feeling, he was hit in the head and he fainted.

[Saber Lv.1 (Basic) (0/10)]