
The ineffable feeling

" I don't understand. According to what you're telling me it seems like he did have feelings for you. Are you sure he didn't like you that way? "-he asked She chuckles lightly recalling her past memories. At first she thought that too. She thought, for once in her life her feelings were being returned. She thought he was genuinely interested in her. She thought , she loved him.... But she was wrong about all the things. Neither did she love him nor he returned her feelings. That's right, She didn't love him in the first place. " When someone saves you from drowning, it's not necessarily out of love.. Sometimes it's simply out of sympathy ." ------------------------------------------------- People fall in love. Find love. Learn about Love Teach what love is. But has anyone ever tried to explore, the unknown spectrum of love? Things are not always what they seem like. So one should know how to look beneath the surface. A/N: Will be updated every Saturday. Started : 6/11/20 Ended :

Iknow_mebetter · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

5. Maybe

It has already been 2 weeks since she started being tutored by Gaurav. Throughout those 2 hours he'd give some questions to solve after explaining the basics and while she solved those questions he would ask her about her day .

Whenever the question came to her letting him see some of her writing  it was either dodged or ignored.

Today however it wasn't the same. As she sat in front of him solving the equations, his eyes wandered off to a small notebook that placed near her but it was kept untouched. " If you don't mind me asking, what is that notebook for? " He asked.

She stopped writing and took the notebook in her hands flipping through some pages before handing it to him.

" You always wanted to see some of my writings so here it is. " As soon as he started reading it she occupied herself in solving the questions again. Not wanting to see his reaction after reading it.

Not many people had seen her work except some of her really close friends. And no one else made an effort to see them either so it remained that way. Gaurav's duty was to tutor her maths and to make sure she gets good grades but he still went an extra mile to get to know her. He was putting in some effort and it made her happy.

According to him all of them were good but one in particular caught his attention. " What does this one here mean? " he pointed towards a quote she had written not so long ago.

" This is one here is something relatable and unrelatable at the same time. " she replied. " How come? " he was still very much confused. She chuckled

" There times when you have something to say but no one is listening to you and when they want you to say something you no longer have the will to speak . Some people can relate to it and some cannot. "

For the rest of the day he couldn't help but think about what she said. The younger was always quite and only spoke when necessary, could it be related. Could it be that she didn't felt heard so she speaks less now?


Kritika's  POV

If this continues I swear I would die by overthinking. Why didn't he say anything after reading them? He didn't judge me at all. He read everything from happy to depressing ones and yet, he said nothing.


Just Maybe he's not what l expected him to be . He's beet nothing but nice to me all these days and in return all he asks is me to be Me in front of him.

Letting people in is not going to be easy as I've built these walls long ago. Trying is all I can do. I'd have to let people in at some point. How long can I avoid it?

He's not going to be around for a long time anyways. I should appreciate his efforts while I still can. Just for 2 more months, he'll be here. Then everything will go back to normal. I should enjoy his company while I still can.

I don't want to get too attached to him cause I know it'll hurt when he leaves. I just like to talk to him and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Getting attached to people is not good cause in the in the end it's just going to be me. That's what I've been told. Never let anyone make you depend on them. No one is going to take care of you. No one will deal with your problems for you. Be Independent, deal with it alone.



No one will ever deal with your problems for you but that doesn't mean nobody wants to be beside you while you deal with them..
