
The Immortal skill is op

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

My Life Sucks

This world hates me the most out of everyone

For some more context

This world has superhumans, each person is given a skill when their born, it wasn't always like this, we used to be normal, live streamer were everywhere, we were always on our phones and then there was an Asteroids shower that came at earth, people thought it was the end of the world when the asteroids wouldn't stop falling from the sky, it stopped after 5 days, it killed 1,194,937 human and then everything slowly wen't back to normal But people always have to be curious........

They dug into the asteroids and gas came out of the hollow rocks, and the first ones to get infected with this strange gas was humans but animals started to show effects faster than humans, the first sighting was Squirrels picking up trees out of the ground then, there was the first ever super human who was born on the year 3429, that person was a girl and she had the ability to flash people with her shooting beams out her mouth, when that person was born everything changed, we got a message from God called the system, it showed us our power and, once everything was starting to get better, these huge towers, and dungeons started to pop out of the ground from where the asteroids landed, they were everywhere.

That brings us back to me, I am the 15th generation of superhumans, there was a bunch of bumps in the road for our Society, like how people with powers started to do Villainous things, like Robbing places and murder. So the government had to act fast, so they made a superhuman police force, and school to help with that. But most people only go to the school not for helping people, but for dungeon and tower climbing, which is what my favorite thing in the world.

well enough of story for you

Ever since I was born people were curious about me since I had the ability (IMMORTAL) which could mean a lot of things from our ancient book, going by the books that I read I found out that they cut my leg off and it grew back and they even cut my head off the see what would happen, and my head grew a body and other body started to rot, it says that I age slowly to, and says that I can eat more than an average person and will not gain weight, I also gain more muscle than a normal man. I was deemed a monster and was locked away. I don't blame them but.

You think they would just have some super strong people to watch me, but no they locked me away in a building that is also a dungeon that they conquered. Apparently they don't disappear when you kill all the monsters in them so they use it for space.

I was the first to be locked away

I personally never like violence, I always strade away from fight because I was scared to hurt people.

But I guess it's not all bad, even though I was locked away, It was like a daycare, it has everything I'll ever need, I have caretakers, and I have friends, their all people they deemed to powerful so they locked them away, I didn't hate being locked away, I don't like people to begin with so I was fine with it, but some people down here wants to escape and rain Havoc on the people that did this, but I no that it's impossible, they have trained heroes all around here so what can we do.....

They added a new system today, it's called class and it's supposed to teach us things, we had to go up infront of the class and introduce our selves, I felt so nervous since my name is Zane I was in the back of the class....

Alright class before we start we will introduce ourselves to the class and say our powers and names

First will beeeeee you and we'll go from left to right to the back.

(Everyone) Ok teacher

Hi everyone my name is Andrew and I have the power called gravity and I can change gravity to push things any direction


Hi my name is Charlie and I have the power teleportion 

Their is people with the power teleportion but what make Charlie scary is that he can teleport anywhere in the universe, unlike other teleportion users who have limitations, he has none, but thankfully they made this place out of the asteroids so we can't use our ability while in here, their are place we can in here but since there so much asteroid here he can't escape.

I like to learn and study people to find out if their a ally or and enemy.

Hi my name is Joe and I have the power air blades 

He can shoot air bending blades at people that are sharper then some of the sharpest things on earth.

Hi my name is Heather and I have the power sleep 

It's the same for Heather as Charlie which means that Heather has no limit on the distance of her sleep.

Hi I'm Mark and I have the power ending

This is a confusing one he can give people any dreams they want buuuut if the person effected doesn't figured out its a dream they stay asleep forever, the reason it's named that is because it can put people in good or bad ending dreams.

Hi my name is Marsh and I have the power NULL 

It's exactly what it sound like but he also doesn't have a limit, I think he's here to keep us in check he can nullify anybody power from any range, no he's not the only nulifyer he's the 7th Gen of nullifyers , his mom and dad were nullifyers.

my name is carp and I have the power black hole

he's not allowed to go in the place where we can use our powers, he even has a asteroid put into his body.

Hi guys and gals my name is Jeremy and my power is invisibility 

He's another person without a limit, he can make himself and anything he think of and touches invisible, he is also the 5th generation of invisibility wielders

By the way their is no one that has the ability immortal I'm the only one, but why am I the 15th generation, that's because going by my parents background I'm their 15th generation.

Hey my name is Stella and my power is quiet 

Her power let's her make everything (no limits) quiet.

hi my name is Jean and my power is Disintegrate

Like his power implies he can disintegrate anything he also doesn't have permission to use his power and also has a asteroid piece put into his body

And I'm next 

he...l.lo every...one my.. my name is Zane an..d my pow..er iiiis immortal.

everyone is quiet and they don't seem to care but I couldn't have been more wrong.