
Two weeks of toast and cream cheese

And so again, the life of Hayen continued without changes for the next two weeks. The only thing that changed was the post he got often, where he had to sign to get them.

For two weeks he only ate white bread and cream cheese, because he couldn't afford anything else. He had no idea when all the paperwork would finally end, so he had to plan his budget very strictly.

His back was also giving him problems, because sitting all day in front of a screen and then sleeping at the same desk was very bad for his bones. If not for the little sessions of stretching and the stroll in the city, he would have already become a hunchback.

But that wasn't a problem at all for him, because all the paperwork was going well and he was very satisfied.

But he used all his time to search for new pages that could help him further, but who would have thought that not everything that was, is or will be written is useful.

The difference now is that he could differentiate the useful from the not useful. He was searching for information, for codes, for knowledge that could help him get richer and win popularity.

The book he copied last time was only the beginning, that was the only thing he could use to make money and even that is not enough. From this book he was only aiming for the 50000 dollars first payment, that was the money he could use directly. Until he earns something from the royalties, some time will pass and he plans to be rich at that moment.

Suddenly the phone of Hayen began to ring.

„Hello Karl, how can I help you today? Is everything alright with the paperwork?" Hayen contested as he saw the caller ID.

„Yeah, I am calling you to tell you that everything is settled. You should get your copy of the contract and the confirmation and all legal related paperwork today via special delivery. When you get them, you can send the copy of the book by email and we will transfer you the first payment."

„I am happy to hear that, I will prepare the book and secure it. I will send you the password to open the document to your second email. And thank you very much!"

„I should thank you, I always get headaches with authors, but you are the opposite. It is always a pleasure to work with people like you. Goodbye!"


Hayen put the phone back on his desk and then opened the Library of Solomon again, he still had some time before the mailman came, so why not use the time.

And then he clicked random.


The defeat of the Legends!

Yesterday was the tragiertest day for the club Manzalona FC against the Sovolla Club. The last five years were marked with victories and prizes. The club with the best players in the world and with a market value of billions of dollars was defeated by the medium size club Sovolla Club. This historical defeat on the day 12/08/201* will never be forgotten. The three goals to zero will mark a new beginning for the Sovolla Club…..


The news article continued and gave a detailed analysis of the soccer match.

But what surprised him the most was the date of the match. From the article he knew that the match will take place on 12th August of this year, that means that the match will be in two days.

„If this is true, then I won't ask for anything more!" Hayen said while searching for this match on the internet: „Please be true, please!"

Hayen was hoping deep in his heart that this match would really take place, because he could win a lot of money if the match really happened.

Soccer was the most important sport in the world and the bets related to soccer were very profitable. Millions of people bet every day in soccer, the industry is soaring like never.

And indeed, the results were very positive. There will be a match between Savolla Club and Manzalona FC in two days. It was an official match of the champions league.

The champions league was the biggest tournament of soccer organized by the GAF, so that means that millions of people watch the matches and a lot of them bet on their favourite soccer team.

„I have to make the best bet in two days, I will take the grand prize! Definitely!" Hayen promised himself and then waited for the money to arrive.

Since he had money now and he also had a very trustworthy source of information, he wanted to use that money to bet for the Sovolla Club and win.

He looked for the bets and all the major bet companies offered a very high return, if Sovolla Club won. That was because the chances of them winning is almost zero when seeing their wins and losses.

And so the money arrived and the first thing he did was to download the app of the biggest sports betting company and then he set up an account.

In the first site of the app was already the announcement about the soccer match in two days, since this was an official match of the Champions League and all the people paid attention to it.

Hayen clicked on the button that led to this match and then they asked him on whom he was betting his money on. He clicked at Sovolla Club and the next question was if he wanted a personalised bet or he wanted to bet only for the winning of Sovolla Club. He wanted of course a personalised bet.

He then said that Sovolla Club will win three to zero against Manzalona FC and then the screen showed that if this came true, then he would have a 15x return, with a maximum of 2000023,21 dollars in returns.

Finally he put all his money in the bet and closed the app. Now it was time to wait.