
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

The Temple of Ascendancy

Eve and her loyal band of warriors stood before the imposing entrance of the ancient temple Underneath the Fort, their hearts pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The sacred structure loomed before them, a testament to the power and majesty that lay within. Carved with intricate symbols and adorned with weathered statues, the temple emanated an aura of mystery and divine energy.

Taking a deep breath, Eve stepped forward and pushed open the massive doors, revealing a cavernous chamber bathed in soft, ethereal light. The air was heavy with incense, and the echoes of silence filled the space, adding to the solemnity of the moment, Eve told Lucian & Rin to guard the entrance.

As the remaining of the group ventured further into the temple, they marveled at the intricate tapestries adorning the walls, depicting scenes of celestial battles and the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. The legends whispered that within these hallowed halls lay the key to Adam's power—a relic that had allowed him to ascend to godlike status.

Navigating the winding corridors and ascending the grand staircases, they came to a vast chamber at the heart of the temple. The room was adorned with an array of statues, each representing a different celestial being. At the center stood a towering pedestal, atop which rested the relic they sought—the fabled Blade of Ascendancy.

Eve approached the pedestal, her hand trembling with a mix of anticipation and reverence. She could feel the latent power pulsating from the ancient artifact. This blade, it was said, had the ability to kill gods.

As Eve reached out to grasp the hilt of the blade, a voice resonated through the chamber, both soothing and commanding. "Only the worthy can wield the Blade of Ascendancy," it intoned, filling the air with a divine presence.

Eve's companions watched with bated breath as the room shimmered with a soft light. A figure materialized before them—an ethereal being, their form shimmering with celestial energy. It was Arathiel, the ancient guardian of the temple.

"Prove your worth, Eve," Arathiel spoke, their voice echoing with wisdom. "Only those who embody the spirit of justice and carry the weight of humanity's hope may wield the Blade of Ascendancy."

Determined to prove herself, Eve stepped forward, her eyes shining with resolve. "I carry the burden of vengeance and the desire to restore balance," she declared, her voice steady. "I will wield this blade to end Adam's tyranny and bring peace & balance to all worlds."

Arathiel nodded, their translucent form imbued with a sense of approval. "Then, Eve, descendant of the fallen, take up the Blade of Ascendancy and fulfill your destiny."

Eve reached out once more, her hand grasping the hilt of the legendary weapon. As her fingers closed around it, a surge of energy coursed through her body, a melding of mortal strength and divine power. The Blade of Ascendancy became an extension of her very being—a conduit for her determination and the collective hopes of humanity.

With the blade in her possession, Eve's presence radiated with a newfound aura. She turned to her companions, a fierce determination burning in her eyes. "We have a destiny to fulfill, and Adam's reign of darkness ends now," she declared, her voice filled with conviction.

United by a common purpose, the group forged ahead, their steps filled with renewed vigor. They ventured deeper into the temple, encountering celestial guardians and trials that tested their resolve. Each obstacle was met with unwavering determination, for they knew that the fate of humanity rested on their success.

Finally, they reached the innermost sanctum.

The innermost sanctum of the temple unfolded before Eve and her companions, revealing a chamber bathed in an otherworldly glow. In the center stood a colossal gate, adorned with celestial symbols and pulsating with divine energy. It was the Celestial Gate, a gateway said to lead to realms beyond mortal comprehension.

As they approached the gate, Eve could feel a tingling sensation, a combination of anticipation and apprehension coursing through her veins. She knew that beyond this threshold lay the ultimate challenge, the culmination of their journey to confront Adam and restore balance to the world.

With a deep breath, Eve stepped forward, her hand resting on the hilt of the Blade of Ascendancy. She felt the weight of her purpose, the hopes of countless lives resting on her shoulders. Her companions followed suit, their faith and loyalty unwavering.

As they approached the Celestial Gate, the air crackled with energy, and the gate began to shimmer, its intricate patterns illuminating the chamber. A voice, both melodious and commanding, resonated from within.

"Only the worthy may pass through the Celestial Gate," it proclaimed, reverberating through the sanctum. "Prove your resolve and demonstrate the balance of your heart."

Eve exchanged a determined glance with her companions, drawing strength from their unwavering support. She knew that the challenges ahead would test their mettle and the core of their beings. Together, they stepped forward, ready to face whatever awaited them.

Eve: "Lucian, Rin, guard the entrance. We cannot afford any interruptions."

Lucian and Rin nod in acknowledgment, their eyes sharp as they take up their positions.

Eve: to herself "This ends now."

Taking a deep breath, Eve steps forward and pushes open the massive doors, revealing a cavernous chamber bathed in soft, ethereal light.

The air is heavy with incense, and the echoes of silence fill the space, adding to the solemnity of the moment.

Eve's heart pounds with anticipation as she enters the chamber, her determination unwavering despite the weight of the task ahead.

With each step, she braces herself for the final confrontation, knowing that the fate of countless lives rests on her shoulders.

As the innermost sanctum of the temple unfolds before Eve and her companions, they are greeted by a chamber bathed in an otherworldly glow.

The air crackles with anticipation as they behold the sight before them—a colossal gate standing proudly in the center of the chamber, adorned with celestial symbols and pulsating with divine energy.

It is the Celestial Gate, a gateway said to lead to realms beyond mortal comprehension.

Warrior 1: "It's even more magnificent than I imagined."

Warrior 2: "But also more dangerous. We must proceed with caution."

Their voices echo softly in the chamber, a reminder of the gravity of their mission amidst the chaos of war outside.

Eve: "Agreed. We cannot afford any missteps."

With a sense of solemn reverence, they approach the Celestial Gate, each step filled with purpose as they prepare to unlock its mysteries and hopefully change the course of the war forever.

As they traverse the platforms leading to the Celestial Gate, Eve alone encounters celestial trials that test her virtues.

Eve: "Follow me, but keep your distance. I must face these trials alone."

Warrior 3: "But Eve-"

Eve: "No arguments. This is something I must do."

Warrior 4: "We'll be right behind you."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Eve leads the way, her heart heavy with the weight of the trials ahead.

The first trial tests her courage, as she faces daunting obstacles and fearsome adversaries, her determination unwavering as she presses forward.

In the second trial, Eve is challenged to show compassion, her heart opening to the plight of others as she extends kindness and empathy to those in need

Next, they reached the final platform, a shimmering oasis of light. Standing at its center was a figure of radiant beauty—an angelic being known as Auriel, the Guardian of Balance.

Third, the trial of wisdom presents itself, as Eve is confronted with puzzles and riddles that require her to think deeply and solve problems with insight and intelligence.

Forth, the trial of resilience pushes Eve to her limits, as she faces adversity and setbacks that threaten to break her spirit. Yet, with unwavering determination, she rises to the challenge, emerging stronger than before.

Each trial tests a different aspect of Eve's character and resolve, shaping her into the warrior she is meant to become as she draws ever closer to unlocking the secrets of the Celestial Gate.

As Eve faces the final trial, she is confronted with illusions that seek to deceive and tempt her.

But amidst the illusions, she is suddenly plunged into a nightmarish vision—her entire family being slaughtered by Adam, her siblings helpless and defenseless as they are mercilessly killed.

Eve: "No... this can't be happening..."

Her voice trembles with anguish as she is forced to relive the horrifying memories.

The screams of her family echo in her ears, filling her with a deep sense of despair and rage.

Eve: "Stop... please, make it stop!"

Her cries pierce the air, a desperate plea for the torment to end.

Tears stream down Eve's face, mingling with the rage burning in her eyes.


Her voice echoes with fury, each word a vow of vengeance against the one who caused her so much pain.

The intensity of her rage is palpable, filling the chamber with a sense of raw power and determination.

With a fierce determination, Eve fights against the illusion, refusing to let it consume her.

Eve: "No! This isn't real! I've had enough of this illusion! Get out of my head! AHHHHHH!"

Her voice reverberates through the chamber, filled with defiance and resolve.

As the illusions shatter like glass, Eve's heart sinks as she realizes the bitter truth—it ended in defeat, not victory.

The chamber is filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the echoes of Eve's shattered dreams.

Her spirit crushed, Eve's shoulders slump in defeat, her mind consumed by revenge.

With a primal scream of anguish and fury, Eve unleashes the full force of her wrath, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead as she seeks justice for her family.

But even in defeat, Eve refuses to give up hope. With determination burning in her eyes, she vows to rise again and continue her fight, no matter the cost.

For Eve knows that true victory lies not in never falling, but in rising every time she falls.

"Congratulations, champions," Auriel's voice echoed, her presence exuding an ethereal grace. "You have proven yourselves worthy. But one final challenge awaits."

Eve stepped forward, her grip tightening around the Blade of Ascendancy. "I'm prepared for whatever lies ahead," she declared, her voice resolute.

Auriel nodded, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "To face Adam, you must confront the darkness within yourselves. Only by embracing your own inner balance can you hope to bring balance to all the worlds."

In the realm of her minds, she faced her own personal demons and reconciled with past mistakes.

As her eyes opened, her form glowed with an inner radiance, a symbol of her newfound equilibrium. Auriel's smile grew wider, her approval evident.