
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Price pay in blood

Eve's eyes slowly opened, her vision blurry and her head pounding. As her senses gradually returned, she became aware of the acrid smell of smoke and the deafening silence that hung in the air. She tried to push herself up, her muscles protesting the effort.

Eve: (whispering) What... what happened?

Struggling to her feet, she looked around in shock. The once vibrant battlefield was now a scene of devastation. Bodies lay scattered across the ground, some torn apart by the force of the blast, others lying still as death's embrace enveloped them. The air was heavy with sorrow and the weight of loss.

Eve stumbled forward, her heart pounding in her chest. She moved from body to body, hoping against hope to find signs of life. But each face she encountered was vacant, their eyes forever closed.

Eve: (choking back tears) No... no, this can't be...

Her voice trembled, and her steps grew heavier with each passing moment. She couldn't comprehend the scale of the tragedy that had unfolded before her eyes. These were the warriors who had stood by her side, the brave souls who had fought to protect their world. And now, they lay motionless in the aftermath of the battle.

Eve: (voice shaking) How... how could it have come to this? So much death... so much suffering...

She sank to her knees, the weight of her grief almost too much to bear. The enormity of the loss washed over her, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she wept for the fallen.

Eve: (whispering) I failed them... I couldn't save them...

The echoes of her words seemed to reverberate through the desolate landscape, a haunting reminder of the horrors of war. The once-proud warriors had been reduced to mere casualties, victims of a conflict that had spiraled out of control.

Eve's gaze shifted from the devastation around her to the survivors who were scattered among the wreckage. The sounds of moans and cries of pain pierced the air, a symphony of suffering that echoed the horrors of the battle.

Survivor 1: (weakly) Please... help...

Survivor 2: (sobbing) It hurts so much...

Eve rushed to the side of the first survivor, a young man with his arm mangled and blood staining his clothes. She knelt beside him, her heart aching at the sight of his pain.

Eve: (gently) It's going to be alright. I'm here to help.

Survivor 1: (whispering) Thank you... thank you...

As Eve tried to assess the extent of his injuries, she could hear the desperate pleas of another survivor nearby. A woman lay on the ground, her leg twisted at an unnatural angle.

Survivor 3: (crying) Please... I can't move... I can't...

Eve's eyes filled with compassion as she moved towards the woman. Her own heartache mingled with the pain of those around her. She crouched down beside the survivor, her voice a soothing presence.

Eve: You're not alone. We'll get through this together.

Meanwhile, the cacophony of voices around her seemed to blend into a chorus of agony. Some survivors were trying to console each other, offering words of comfort amidst the chaos.

Survivor 4: (clutching a wound) Hang on, help will come.

Survivor 5: (frantic) Someone, please, we need a medic!

Eve's hands trembled as she tried to do what she could for the wounded, torn between her own grief and the urgent need to help those in pain.

She looked around, her eyes scanning the debris, hoping to spot a glimmer of hope amidst the devastation.

Survivor 7: (coughing) It's... it's too late for me, isn't it?

Eve turned towards the voice, her expression pained as she saw a survivor who was beyond help. She knelt beside them, holding their hand, offering what comfort she could in their final moments.

Eve: You're not alone. You're not alone...

Eve's gaze fell upon Captain Anderson, her heart heavy with sorrow as she approached the wounded warrior. The ground around Captain Anderson was stained with her blood, and her breath came in shallow gasps.

Eve: (softly) Captain Anderson... What happened? Where are you hurt?

Captain Anderson managed a weak smile, her voice barely a whisper as she spoke.

Captain Anderson: I used... all my power... to heal them. I couldn't... heal myself...

Eve knelt down beside Captain Anderson, her eyes filling with tears as she saw the warrior's injuries. She reached out a trembling hand, her touch gentle.

Eve: You sacrificed yourself to save others... You're a hero.

Captain Anderson's lips twitched into a pained smile, her gaze distant as if lost in memories.

Captain Anderson: I thought... we could change things... bring about a better world...

Eve's voice cracked as she responded, her own pain evident in her words.

Eve: We tried... We fought with everything we had...

Captain Anderson's eyes met Eve's, a mixture of regret and determination shining in them.

Captain Anderson: I'm sorry... I can't continue the fight... or yours...

Eve shook her head, her voice filled with emotion as she spoke.

Captain Anderson's breathing grew more labored, her strength fading rapidly.

Captain Anderson: Eve... promise me... you'll keep fighting...

Eve's tears fell onto Captain Anderson's blood-stained armor as she made a solemn vow.

Eve: I promise... I won't stop fighting... for a better world... for all of us...

Captain Anderson's eyes began to close, her voice barely audible.

Captain Anderson: Thank you... for being... a light... in the darkness...

With those final words, Captain Anderson's breathing grew still, her eyes closing as she slipped into unconsciousness. The weight of the loss settled heavily on Eve's shoulders as she knelt there, surrounded by the aftermath of the battle.

Eve: (whispering) Thank you... You were a true hero...

Eve's anguished cry pierced the air, a raw and heart-wrenching sound that echoed through the desolation around her. The weight of loss, pain, and despair bore down on her as she grieved not only for Captain Anderson but for all those who had fallen in this catastrophic battle. Her voice cracked with the intensity of her emotions, and her fists clenched in a futile attempt to contain the overwhelming grief that threatened to consume her.

Eve: (screaming) NO! Why... Why is this happening?! How could it end like this?!

Her voice reverberated through the silence, a lament for the lives lost, the hopes shattered, and the world that now lay in ruins. Her tears mingled with the blood-soaked earth beneath her, her cries a release of the pain that had been building inside her since the beginning of this tragic journey.

Eve: (voice shaking) They believed in a better world... They fought with everything they had... And for what? For all of this destruction?

The echoes of her own words seemed to mock her, reminding her of the seemingly insurmountable odds they had faced and the devastating consequences they now faced. Eve's body trembled with the force of her emotions, her grief and anger merging into a powerful storm that raged within her.

Eve: (shouting) Is this the world we've fought for? Is this the price for peace that's we've sought to achieve?

Her cries seemed to reach out to the heavens, as if demanding answers from the universe itself. But there was no answer, only the haunting silence that hung heavy in the air, a silence that mirrored the emptiness in her heart.

Eve: (voice breaking) I can't... I can't bear this pain... It's too much...

Her words were a desperate plea, a cry for solace in the face of a reality that was too cruel to comprehend. The weight of the loss was crushing, threatening to drown her in a sea of sorrow.

Eve sank to her knees, her sobs mingling with her cries as she allowed herself to release the flood of emotions that had been building inside her. The tears flowed freely, a river of anguish that mirrored the devastation around her.

Eve: (whispering) I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't save you all...

Her voice was a whisper, a final acknowledgment of her powerlessness in the face of such overwhelming tragedy. And yet, amidst the sorrow and despair, a spark of determination flickered deep within her. She wiped away her tears and looked out at the ruins around her, her gaze hardened with resolve.

Eve: (whispering) I won't let your sacrifice be in vain. I will keep fighting, for a world where no one else has to suffer like this.