
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Ocean of blood

As the sky transformed into a fiery red hue, and the colossal vortex portals tore open, releasing a horde of monstrous creatures, the battlefield became a cauldron of bloodshed and chaos. Warriors from all realms engaged in a brutal and relentless struggle, their weapons clashing, magic crackling, and bodies colliding in a savage dance of death.

Amidst the violent onslaught, the combatants found themselves yelling and screaming at each other, their voices piercing through the chaos and merging with the sounds of battle.

Human: "Monsters! You will never conquer our lands!"

Demon: "We'll send you back to the depths where you belong!"

Angel: "Your darkness will not prevail over our light!"

The warriors fought fiercely, exchanging blows with their foes while shouting their defiance and determination. The air crackled with tension as they clashed, their voices resonating with anger, fear, and unwavering resolve.

Human: "We'll defend our homes and loved ones until our last breath!"

Demon: "Your monstrous horde will crumble before our might!"

Angel: "We fight for the preservation of all that is good and just!"

The environment bore witness to the grim tableau unfolding upon it. The once tranquil landscape now bore the scars of war, marred by the relentless struggle between the forces of light and darkness. The ground trembled beneath their feet, drenched in the blood of fallen warriors, while the sky echoed their screams of pain and defiance.

Human: "No mercy for the beasts! Drive them back to the abyss!"

Demon: "Tear through their ranks! Let none escape our wrath!"

Angel: "May our divine fury smite these abominations!"

The clash of swords, the explosive bursts of magic, and the agile maneuvers of martial arts intermingled with their voices, creating a symphony of violence and desperation. Each warrior fought with an indomitable spirit, their words becoming fuel for their blades and spells.

Human: "Protect your comrades! Don't let these creatures advance!"

Demon: "Unleash the full force of your demonic power! Show them our might!"

Angel: "Let your wings carry you to victory! Strike down the monsters!"

Their screams and yells, filled with determination and grief, formed a haunting chorus that reverberated across the battlefield. Even amidst the chaos, their voices rang true, a testament to their unyielding resolve and the weight of their shared tragedy.

Human: "We will not let fear conquer us! We fight for freedom!"

Demon: "Our demonic heritage fuels our strength! Destroy them!"

Angel: "Divine grace guides our hands! Purge the darkness!"

With each clash, strike, and spell, they fought not only for the preservation of their realms but for the hope of a better future. The battle unfolded in all its dark tragedy, their voices intertwining with the symphony of war, a reminder of the indomitable spirit of the warriors who stood against the overwhelming horde.

In this dire environment, their screams and yells served as a battle cry, rallying their comrades and instilling fear in the hearts of their enemies. Though the outcome remained uncertain, the warriors fought on, driven by their shared purpose and a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

As the chaos of battle raged on, a figure emerged from the depths of the monster horde, commanding an aura of darkness and death. It was Thanatos, a formidable and enigmatic enemy clad in black armor. Unlike the other combatants, he wielded no weapons, for his power lay in his ability to manipulate decay and render all things to nothingness.

The warriors, their faces etched with horror and determination, realized the immense threat Thanatos posed. Their swords and magic proved futile against his formidable abilities. In a matter of minutes, he effortlessly decimated thousands of skilled fighters, reducing them to lifeless husks and crumbling remnants.

Fear swept across the battlefield as the warriors witnessed the devastating power of Thanatos. Desperation filled their hearts, knowing that their traditional methods of combat were powerless against this formidable foe. They sought to find a way to counter his unstoppable decay, to devise a strategy that would bring them even a glimmer of hope.

Human: "Our weapons are useless! We need to find a way to overcome his decay!"

Demon: "Our demonic powers are rendered useless! We must find his weakness!"

Angel: "Our magic fails to reach him! We need to think of a new approach!"

The warriors scrambled to adapt their tactics, their minds racing against the tide of destruction wrought by Thanatos. They understood that their only chance lay in discovering his vulnerability, in finding a way to neutralize his insidious power and turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Human: "We must find a way to nullify his decay! Search for any weaknesses!"

Demon: "His power defies our demonic nature! Seek out his Achilles' heel!"

Angel: "We need to uncover his vulnerability! His darkness cannot be invincible!"

Their voices rose above the chaos, their determination pushing them to the limits of their abilities. They scanned the battlefield, searching for any clues, any glimmer of hope that could aid them in their battle against this embodiment of death.

Human: "Do not lose hope! Together, we can find a way to defeat him!"

Demon: "Our strength lies in unity! Let us pool our knowledge and find a solution!"

Angel: "Believe in our shared purpose! We will find a way to overcome this darkness!"

As the battle waged on, the warriors fought not only against the monster horde but against their own despair. They knew that their determination and resilience would be tested in the face of such overwhelming adversity. And so, they fought on, their voices filled with both the desperation of the moment and the unwavering resolve to find a way to overcome Thanatos and bring an end to the encroaching darkness.

As Thanatos unleashed his unstoppable power, the battlefield turned into a scene of carnage and despair. The once valiant warriors, both angels and demons, as well as humans, fell under the overwhelming might of Thanatos. Their bodies crumpled to the ground, life extinguished by his devastating abilities. The air was heavy with grief and the echoes of battle cries silenced.

Among the devastation, only a handful of survivors remained. Black, Seraphina, Eve, Kai, and Satan stood amidst the wreckage, their faces etched with determination and sorrow. They had witnessed the annihilation of their comrades, and the weight of their loss bore heavily upon them.

Black, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and determination, clenched his fists.

Black: "We cannot let their sacrifice be in vain. We must find a way to defeat him, to avenge our fallen comrades."

Seraphina, her wings tattered and stained with blood, nodded solemnly.

Seraphina: "Indeed, we must gather our strength and devise a strategy. Thanatos may be powerful, but we have each other."

Eve, her expression a mix of sorrow and determination, spoke with a voice filled with unwavering resolve.

Eve: "We cannot falter now. Our realms depend on us. We must find his weakness, a chink in his impenetrable armor."

Kai, his body covered in wounds, but his spirit unyielding, raised his weapon.

Kai: "We have faced great challenges before. This is just another trial. Together, we can overcome even the darkest of foes."

Satan, his gaze burning with determination, stepped forward.

Satan: "Let us channel our grief into strength, our pain into resolve. We must rise and fight back, for the sake of our fallen allies and the survival of our realms."

As the survivors gathered, their voices resonated with the determination to defy fate itself. In the face of overwhelming loss and seemingly insurmountable odds, they refused to yield. Their unity became their strength, and their shared purpose ignited a flame of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

They knew that defeating Thanatos would not be an easy task. It would require every ounce of their strength, every shred of their resilience. But they were warriors, and they had faced adversity before. With their fallen comrades in their hearts and the survival of their realms at stake, they stood ready to confront Thanatos once more, their spirits burning brighter than ever before.

Black nodded, his expression resolute yet tinged with sadness. He understood the risks involved in his plan, but he believed it was the only way to stop Thanatos.

Black: "That's correct, Satan. I will have to face Thanatos in close combat, without the aid of weapons or magic. My objective is to isolate him within a barrier that nullifies his decay abilities."

Seraphina's tears flowed freely as she desperately pleaded with Black.

Seraphina: "No, Master! You can't face Thanatos alone. We're a team, and we fight together. Please, reconsider. We can find another way."

Kai, his voice trembling, added his voice to Seraphina's plea.

Kai: "Master, you're not alone in this. We'll find a way to defeat Thanatos together. Your life is too precious to risk."

But Black remained resolute, his gaze unwavering.

Black: "Seraphina, Kai, I appreciate your concern, but this is a sacrifice I must make. Thanatos is too dangerous, and I am the only one who can create the barrier to isolate him. Trust in me, my friends."

He turned his attention back to Satan, seeking his approval.

Black: "Satan, I understand the risks involved, but I believe in my strength and in our cause. If I can get close to Thanatos and create the barrier, it will give you all the opportunity to deal with the monster horde. I trust you to lead our forces to victory."

Satan's gaze met Black's, a mix of concern and respect in his eyes.

Satan: "Black, you have always been a formidable warrior, and I trust your judgment. If you truly believe this is the path we must take, then I will stand by your decision. But remember, you are not alone. We are with you, even if not physically."

Black's determination intensified, his voice firm.

Black: "Thank you, Satan. I know the risks, but I cannot let fear dictate our actions. The fate of our realms hangs in the balance. It is my duty as a warrior to face Thanatos head-on."

He turned to his comrades, his voice filled with strength and resolve.