
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Night Sky

Eve's eyes widened in shock as she listened to the voice on the other end of the phone. Azathoth invading the United States? It seemed impossible, yet the voice was urgent, conveying a sense of desperation and fear that she couldn't ignore.

Without wasting a moment, Eve relayed the information to Kai and Seraphina. Their faces shifted from the weight of the blame they had just faced to the gravity of the new threat. The survivors around them, still grappling with their grief, looked on with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

Kai's voice was steady, his resolve unwavering. "We can't let Azathoth continue unchecked. We've faced impossible odds before, and we've fought alongside each other for a reason."

Seraphina nodded, her eyes blazing with determination. "We might not be able to change what happened here, but we can prevent more destruction."

Eve's fingers tightened around the phone, her voice clear as she spoke into it. "We'll come. We'll do whatever we can to stop Azathoth."

As she ended the call, the survivors began to murmur among themselves. The accusing voices had quieted, replaced by a mixture of fear, hope, and uncertainty. Eve's presence, once a target of blame, The survivors, their lives shattered and their hearts broken, saw in her a chance for redemption, for a fight against the darkness that had engulfed them.

As they prepared to leave for the United States, the survivors gathered to see them off. There were no cheers, no applause – just a collective understanding. The path ahead was uncertain and the wounds were deep, but as the airship took off into the sky, there was a spark of resilience that refused to be extinguished. And in that moment, amidst the ruins of what was once Japan, a glimmer of hope emerged.

As the airship soared through the skies, Eve wasted no time. She reached out through her communication device to rally the remaining Federation warriors. Her voice was steady, carrying the weight of her determination and the urgency of the situation.

"Fellow warriors of the Federation, this is Eve. I know we've faced devastating losses, and the pain is still fresh in our hearts. But a new threat has emerged – Azathoth himself is invading the United States. We cannot let this darkness spread any further."

There was a moment of silence, a collective pause as the warriors processed the gravity of the situation. Then, voices began to respond, carrying a mix of resolve, doubt, and fear.

"We've already suffered so much. Is there any hope left?"

"Can we really make a difference against a force like Azathoth?"

Eve's voice remained firm, cutting through the uncertainty. "I understand your doubts. I've seen the devastation firsthand, and I know the weight of our failures. But this is a chance for us to stand up, to fight back against the darkness that seeks to consume our world. We are warriors – it's in our blood to protect, to defend, and to never yield."

She could feel the hesitancy in the air, the internal struggle of each warrior grappling with their own fears and doubts. And then, a single voice spoke up, carrying a spark of determination.

"We can't change what's already happened. But we can choose how we respond. I'm with you, Eve."

That single voice ignited a chain reaction. One by one, the warriors began to pledge their support, their willingness to join the fight once again. The airwaves were filled with declarations of unity, of warriors stepping forward despite their scars and losses.

Eve's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and gratitude. "Thank you. We're not alone in this. We'll combine our strength, our skills, and our unwavering resolve. The United States needs our help, and together, we can make a stand."

As the communication ended, a renewed sense of purpose filled the airship. The warriors, still nursing their wounds from the tragedy in Japan, now had a new focus – a chance to confront Azathoth and prevent further devastation. Eve, Kai, and Seraphina shared a determined glance, their actions speaking louder than words. They were not just warriors; they were beacons of hope, symbols of resilience in the face of despair.

Kai approached Seraphina quietly, his concern evident in his eyes as he looked at her gazing up at the sky. He settled down next to her, giving her a gentle nudge.

"Hey," he whispered softly. "You okay?"

Seraphina turned her head to look at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. Weariness, sorrow, and a deep-seated pain that seemed to go beyond the physical wounds they had sustained.

"I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've seen so much death, so much destruction. It's like... no matter how hard we fight, it just keeps coming. And now Japan... it's gone."

Kai nodded, understanding the weight of her words. He reached out and gently placed a hand on her shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze.

"I know, Sera. It's been a nightmare, and I can't even begin to imagine what you're feeling right now. But you're not alone in this. We're in this together, and we're going to keep fighting, no matter how bleak things seem."

Seraphina's gaze returned to the sky, her thoughts a swirl of memories and emotions. "I keep thinking about Master Black, about all those we've lost. Are we really making a difference, or are we just prolonging the inevitable?"

Kai took a deep breath, his own gaze fixed on the horizon. "I can't promise that everything will be okay, that we'll win without more sacrifices. But what I do know is that as long as we're breathing, as long as we're fighting, there's hope. And that hope is what keeps us going, no matter how tough things get."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Seraphina's lips. "You always know the right thing to say."

Kai chuckled softly. "I try my best. But really, it's not just me. It's all of us. We're a team, a family. And we're going to keep pushing forward, because that's what warriors do."

They sat there in silence for a moment, the weight of their situation palpable yet somehow easier to bear when shared. The wind rustled through their hair, a gentle reminder that life was still moving forward, despite the darkness that had enveloped their world.

"Thanks, Kai," Seraphina finally said, her voice a bit stronger now. "I needed that."

Kai gave her shoulder another reassuring squeeze. "Anytime, Sera. We're in this together, remember?"

Seraphina nodded, a newfound determination in her eyes. "Yeah. Together."

Kai took a deep breath, his heart pounding as he looked into Seraphina's eyes. He could see the pain and turmoil within her, the weight of the world bearing down on her shoulders. But he was determined to reach her, to let her know that he was there for her no matter what.

"Seraphina," he began, his voice gentle yet resolute, "I know that everything around us seems so bleak right now. And I can't pretend to have all the answers or know what the future holds. But I want you to know that you're not alone in this. I'll always be by your side, no matter what challenges we face."

Seraphina's gaze met his, and for a moment, he saw a flicker of something beyond the pain. She seemed to be searching his eyes for something, maybe even a glimpse of hope.

"Kai, I..." she started, her voice wavering slightly. "I don't know what to feel anymore. The world has been turned upside down, and everything we've fought for... it feels like it's slipping through our fingers."

Kai reached out and gently took her hand in his, his fingers intertwining with hers. "I understand, Sera. It's okay to feel lost and overwhelmed. But I want you to know that even in the darkest of times, there's still a spark of light. And that spark, it's what keeps us going."

Seraphina's eyes held a mixture of emotions, a struggle between her pain and the glimmer of hope he was trying to offer. "Kai, I've seen so much death too, so much destruction. It's hard to hold on to anything positive."

Kai tightened his grip on her hand, his gaze unwavering. "I can't promise that everything will be okay overnight. But what I can promise is that no matter how tough things get, I'll be right here beside you. And I want you to know, Seraphina, that... I love you."

Seraphina's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in surprise. She hadn't expected those words, not now, not in the midst of all this chaos. Her lips parted as she searched his eyes, trying to discern the sincerity behind his confession.

"Kai," she whispered, her voice barely audible, "I don't know what to say."

Kai gave her a warm smile, his thumb caressing the back of her hand. "You don't have to say anything right now. Just know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what you decide. We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Seraphina's expression softened, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Thank you, Kai. Your words... they mean more than you know."

Kai leaned in closer, his forehead resting against hers. "Take your time, Sera. We have a long journey ahead of us. And whenever you're ready, I'll be here."