
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Eve vs Azrael: Final showdown

Eve and Azrael's exchange of words echoed across the lunar landscape, their emotions raw and intense. As Azrael powered up, his intent clear, the air crackled with tension. His plan to absorb Eve's power and unleash destruction upon the universe seemed like a desperate attempt to assert control over his own existence.

Eve's initial sarcasm shifted into seriousness, a stark contrast to Azrael's increasingly volatile emotions. Her words struck a nerve, revealing the truth behind Azrael's actions. He was driven by a combination of rage, pain, and a twisted desire for power. As she confidently challenged him, Azrael's anger surged to the forefront.

His shout, "THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT!" reverberated through the vacuum of space, his voice a mixture of anguish and determination. It was as if all his pent-up frustrations were channeled into that single moment. But amidst his anger, a spark of doubt emerged, a questioning of the path he had chosen.

Eve's determination was unwavering, her stance resolute as she prepared to face Azrael head-on. Their simultaneous charge at each other was a collision of contrasting intentions—Azrael's thirst for destruction versus Eve's resolve to protect and restore. The moon's surface quaked under the pressure of their clash, their energies colliding in a tempest of power.

Their swords met once again, and the force of their collision sent shockwaves rippling outward. Each strike was a testament to their conflicting ideologies, their paths intertwined yet divergent. Their movements were fierce and unrelenting, every swing of their blades a representation of the battle between light and darkness, hope and despair.

As they clashed, their voices overlapped, their words intermingling in a cacophony of emotions.

Eve: "You won't bring peace through destruction!"

Azrael: "This is the only way to end the suffering!"

Eve's sword glowed with a brilliant light, while Azrael's was engulfed in shadowy flames. The clash of their energies created a mesmerizing display, an embodiment of their struggle and the potential consequences of their actions.

Their fight was no longer just a physical conflict—it was a clash of ideals, a confrontation of the choices they had made and the paths they had taken.

Azrael's face contorted with a mix of rage, determination, and a touch of madness. His hand rose high, drawing dark energy from the very fabric of the universe. The swirling mass of shadow began to coalesce, forming a massive orb that seemed to devour the light around it. The ball grew and grew, until it was a monstrous, planet-sized sphere pulsating with malevolent power.

Eve's eyes widened at the sheer scale of Azrael's dark creation. The weight of his intentions hung heavily in the air, an ominous reminder of the destruction he sought to unleash. As the ground beneath them trembled, and the very stars seemed to dim in response, Eve readied herself for what was to come.

Eve: "Azrael, this isn't the way! You're choosing a path that will only lead to more suffering!"

Azrael's gaze locked onto Eve, his expression unyielding.

Azrael: "Suffering... it's all that's left in this world. The pain, the despair, revenge —it's the only truth."

The dark energy within the colossal sphere pulsed with a sickening rhythm, casting twisted shadows on the moon's desolate landscape. The universe seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating the cataclysmic clash that was about to unfold.

Eve's grip on her sword tightened, her resolve unwavering even in the face of such overwhelming power.

Eve: "I won't let you perpetuate this cycle of destruction! I'll stop you, no matter what it takes!"

With a surge of energy that seemed to emanate from both light and darkness, Eve charged towards Azrael, her sword radiating a brilliant golden glow. The clash of their swords echoed across the moon, a collision of ideals, emotions, and the very forces that shaped the cosmos.

But Azrael was unyielding, his grip on the sphere of dark energy unbroken. The very fabric of reality trembled as his power surged, threatening to tear apart the very foundations of existence.

Azrael: "It's too late for words, Eve. This is the only way to end the pain!"

The clash of their energy attacks created a spectacle that illuminated the desolate lunar landscape. The two colossal beams of power collided, creating an intense struggle as the sheer force threatened to tear apart reality itself. Eve strained against the overwhelming might of Azrael's attack, her own energy blast pushed back by the sheer force of it.

But then, an ethereal presence seemed to envelop Eve. The billions of souls, once lost to the ravages of war and pain, reached out from beyond the veil. Their outstretched hands met hers, lending their strength, their hopes, and their collective will to her cause.

Eve's eyes widened as she felt a surge of power unlike anything she had ever experienced. The weight of the countless souls lifted her, and her energy blast began to push back against Azrael's onslaught.

Her voice, infused with the echoes of those lost, resounded through the cosmos:

Eve: "I won't let you drown the universe in darkness! The pain of the past won't dictate our future!"

Azrael's eyes widened in shock as the balance of power shifted. The darkness of his energy attack began to waver, faltering against the unified force that stood against it.

Azrael: "No! This... This is impossible!"

Eve's voice was resolute, amplified by the chorus of souls that stood with her:

Eve: "We'll find a way to heal, to mend the wounds of this world. Even in the face of despair, we'll rise!"

With an explosion of energy that tore across the moon's surface, the tide turned. Azrael's attack crumbled under the weight of Eve's determination, his dark energy dispersing like smoke in the wind.

Eve's energy blast surged forward, engulfing Azrael's form. The darkness that had consumed him was pushed back, dissipated by the blinding light of hope and unity. The impact was cataclysmic, shattering the moon's surface and sending shockwaves through space.

Eve and Azrael clashed once more, their forms illuminated by the dying light of their expended powers. Their movements were a symphony of violence, a dance of desperation and determination. Every strike was a testament to their will to keep fighting, even in the face of exhaustion and pain.

Their blows landed with bone-shattering force, each strike sending shockwaves through their bodies. Blood mixed with sweat as wounds opened and skin tore. The battlefield was marked by the scars of their battle, the very ground beneath them bearing witness to the clash of gods.

As their swords met, sparks flew, and their eyes locked in an unspoken understanding. Each blow was a declaration, a defiance against fate itself. Their breaths came in ragged gasps, and their bodies moved on sheer willpower alone.

Eve: "You... won't break me..."

Azrael: "And you... won't stop me..."

Their words were punctuated by strikes, a testament to their unwavering resolve. The pain was overwhelming, but they pushed through it, driven by their desire to see their goals realized.

With a final burst of energy, Eve's sword clashed with Azrael's. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The weight of their struggles, the lives lost, the pain endured—it all converged in this moment of reckoning.

Their blades trembled against each other, a testament to the titanic forces at play. And then, with a deafening roar, their swords shattered simultaneously, the fragments scattering like stardust.

The impact sent both figures hurtling back, their forms crashing into the moon's desolate surface. Their breaths came in ragged gasps, and blood pooled beneath them.

Eve: "This... is the end..."

Azrael: "Yes... the end..."

In that moment of shared defeat, both had fought for their ideals, both had been consumed by their obsessions. As the void of despair loomed, they exchanged a final gaze—one of understanding, and perhaps, of acceptance.

The impact of their fall echoed across the desolated landscape. Dust and debris were kicked up into the air as their forms collided with the earth. The once-vibrant ground, scarred by battles and devastation, now bore the marks of this final clash.

In that somber moment, Eve's voice carried a haunting truth. She looked down at Azrael, the once-mighty god now reduced to a broken being on the precipice of death. The landscape around them bore the scars of their final battle, a testament to the destruction they had wrought.

Azrael's eyes, filled with both defiance and resignation, met Eve's gaze. His voice was barely a whisper, a mere echo of the power he had once possessed.

Azrael: You of all people should know the truth by now... there is no hope.

Eve, despite her injuries and the desolation around her, remained resolute. She spoke with a conviction born of her struggles and her determination to protect what remained of the world.

Eve: Maybe I'm just trying to convince myself, but I believe there is still hope. So, I will continue to move forward.

Azrael's question hung in the air, a weighty uncertainty that neither of them could escape.

Azrael: What if you're wrong?

Eve's response was a reflection of her unwavering spirit, even in the face of despair.

Eve: Well, if I'm wrong, then... what more could I lose?

The words carried the weight of all she had sacrificed and endured. The world, battered and scarred, bore witness to their final exchange. In that desolate landscape, amidst the ruins of their epic struggle, Eve's determination flickered like a distant star in the darkest of nights.

As Azrael's life ebbed away, his final words were a mix of bitterness and resignation. He recognized that Eve's unwavering resolve was not without its consequences.

Azrael: You're... truly a fool down to your very being. Even though now you will be walking on the path of endless bloodshed, and you will fall into despair.

Azrael: "Beware of the Start counsel and Victoria bloodfalled.

With those words, Azrael's eyes closed for the last time, and his body grew still. The once-mighty god, who had sought to reshape the world in his image, had met his end.

As Azrael's form shifted from his own to Seraphina's, Eve approached her niece with a mixture of relief and sorrow. Kneeling beside her, Eve gently cradled Seraphina's unconscious form, her heart heavy with the weight of their losses.

Eve: Seraphina... It's over now. You're safe.

Tears welled in Eve's eyes as she looked upon her niece, a reminder of the innocence that had been lost in the chaos of battle. She brushed a stray lock of hair from Seraphina's face, silently pleading for her to awaken.

Eve: You fought bravely, Seraphina. Rest now.

With a tender touch, Eve remained by Seraphina's side, waiting for the moment when her niece would open her eyes once more, signaling the beginning of a new chapter.