
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Edens History

Eve stood in the midst of the pristine white void, the infinite space around her feeling both vast and intimate. Above her stretched a breathtaking sky, a canvas of colors that shifted and blended in hues that she had never seen before.

A voice, calm and resounding, echoed through the void. "Eve," it said, carrying a sense of wisdom and authority.

Eve looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice. "Who are you?" she called out.

The voice responded, "I am the one you might refer to as God."

Eve's eyes widened in astonishment. "God? Are you the creator of all things?"

The voice held a gentle laughter. "In a sense, yes. I am the essence that permeates all realms and realities."

Eve gathered her thoughts and posed a question that had been burning in her mind. "Why does Azathoth wish to destroy all realms? And why this intense hatred towards the Edens?"

The voice carried a somber tone as it began its tale. "Five hundred million years ago, the realms existed in harmony. The Celestial Realm, Earth Realm, Underworld Realm, and the Shadow Realm coexisted in balance, each with its unique inhabitants and energies."

Eve listened intently, captivated by the story that unfolded before her.

"Among the beings that inhabited the realms were the Demon Gods, the Earth Gods, and the Celestial Gods," the voice continued. "But with time, the balance was disrupted. The powerful sought to exert control, and the Shadow Realm's inhabitants were treated as slaves and lesser beings."

Eve's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why would they do that? Wasn't balance and harmony important?"

The voice echoed with a sense of regret. "Indeed, harmony was crucial. But the allure of power corrupted even the divine beings. The Demon Gods sought dominance, the Earth Gods sought to control the physical realm, and the Celestial Gods wished to rise above all."

Eve felt a pang of sorrow. "So, the Shadow Realm suffered because of their ambition?"

"Yes," the voice confirmed. "The hatred festered over time. The Shadow Realm's inhabitants were subjected to suffering and oppression. Azathoth, once a benevolent being, was consumed by rage and despair. He sought to rewrite reality itself, to reshape the very fabric of existence to undo the wrongs that had been committed against his realm."

Eve's heart ached for the tragedy that had unfolded. "But why target the Edens specifically?"

The voice carried a weight of understanding. "The Edens, bearing the bloodlines of powerful ancient beings, such as myself and many Earth gods, therefore Edens were seen as symbols of potential threat. Azathoth's hatred extended beyond reason, fueled by the pain of his realm and the actions of those who wronged it."

Eve's thoughts whirled as she absorbed the revelation. "Is there any hope to end this cycle of destruction?"

The voice held a note of compassion. "Hope lies in the hands of those who can transcend their origins. The potential to break the cycle exists within each realm's inhabitants. The Edens, with their unique heritage, have the power to tip the scales towards redemption or chaos."

Eve's heart swelled with determination. "I will do everything in my power to stop this destruction, to bring balance back to the realms."

The voice radiated a sense of approval. "Your resolve is commendable. Remember that the power of choice lies within your hands and the hands of those you inspire. Balance can be restored, but the path will be arduous."

Eve's eyes widened in shock as the voice continued its explanation. "The gods and their creation waged an eternal war, their conflict turning the once serene Shadow Realm into their battlefield. When the war finally reached its end, the realms of the gods felt that the Shadow Realm was of no use to them. In a misguided act, they decided to unleash the Edens upon it."

Eve's heart clenched at the realization of the horrors that had unfolded. "You sent the Edens to the Shadow Realm to... massacre its inhabitants?"

The voice carried a tone of sorrow and remorse. "Yes. The gods believed that erasing half the population, including men, women, and innocent children, would eliminate any trace of the Shadow Realm's defiance. But they failed to understand the depth of pain and the darkness they were sowing."

Eve's voice trembled as she struggled to comprehend the cruelty. "How could they commit such a monstrous act?"

The voice resonated with understanding. "Power, pride, and the belief in their own divinity blinded them to the consequences of their actions. They saw the Shadow Realm's inhabitants as lesser, disposable beings, ignoring the inherent value of every life."

Tears welled up in Eve's eyes as the weight of the revelation settled upon her. "So, the cycle of suffering and destruction was set in motion."

"Yes," the voice confirmed. "The Shadow Realm's anguish gave birth to Azathoth's fury, and his determination to seek vengeance spread like a plague across the realms."

Eve's voice quivered with a mix of grief and determination. "I won't let this cycle continue. I'll stop Azathoth, and I'll work to restore the balance that was lost."

The voice echoed with encouragement. "Your determination is commendable, Eve. The path ahead is filled with challenges, but you possess the potential to bring about change."

The souls of the past Edens stood before Eve, their ethereal presence a testament to the history that had unfolded. Their voices carried a mixture of regret, determination, and understanding.

Soul 1: "We were once warriors, tasked with the sacred duty of protecting the balance of the realms. But in doing so, we caused pain and suffering, even when our intentions were to preserve the greater good."

Eve's voice trembled with anger and sorrow. "You massacred innocent lives, all in the name of balance. How could you justify such cruelty?"

Soul 2: "We were blinded by our duty and our own self-righteousness. We believed that our actions were necessary sacrifices, that by eliminating those we deemed a threat, we were ensuring the stability of the realms."

Eve's voice grew more heated. "You callously took lives and destroyed families, and now you stand here expecting sympathy?"

Another soul appeared, and it bore a resemblance to her father. It was James, his presence carrying a mixture of sadness and regret.

James: "Eve, we are fully aware of the consequences of our actions. We do not seek forgiveness or sympathy. We carry the weight of our choices."

Eve's voice cracked with emotion. "But you never truly understood the pain you inflicted on others! You talk about balance while ignoring the lives that were lost because of you!"

James: "Our duty was to maintain the order of the realms. We were trapped in a cycle of violence and believed it to be the only way."

Eve's anger surged as she confronted her father's soul. "I can't believe you, of all people, defend this. You're not heroes; you're monsters!"

James: "Do you want us to apologize for being murderers? To absolve ourselves of guilt? The lives lost, the people you knew, they are gone."

Eve's voice rose in defiance. "And you expect me to accept that as an excuse? You don't deserve pity for the hell you created!"

James: "If you're not willing to make the tough choices, to be a heartless killer for the greater good, then you have no right to be an Eden. You are the last of us, and yet, you've disappointed us all."

Eve's eyes slowly fluttered open, her mind still reeling from the encounter with the souls of the past Edens. As consciousness returned to her, she found herself back in the midst of the battle, a witness to the cataclysmic clash between Kai and Azathoth.

Her gaze locked onto Kai, but what she saw was not the familiar figure she knew. It was a being of immense power, his form transformed into something beyond human. The golden eyes, the dragon-like scales and wings, the crackling energy surrounding him – all of it painted a picture of raw, overwhelming strength. And yet, there was an unsettling aura about him, something dark and intense that sent shivers down her spine.

Eve's heart raced, her mind struggling to process the transformation before her. She had seen Kai's potential, the depths of his abilities, but this… this was beyond anything she could have imagined. The fear of what he might become, the doubt about whether he could control such immense power, gripped her thoughts.

As the battle raged on, Eve's inner dialogue echoed with a mix of disbelief and concern.

Eve: What have you become, Kai? Is this the only way to face Azathoth? But can you really control that power? I've seen you struggle with your own darkness before… is this different?

Eve: I've always believed in your strength, Kai, but this… it's almost too much. Can you keep yourself from being consumed by this power? What if you lose control? What if you become the very thing we're fighting against?

The conflict within her intensified as she watched the brutal exchange between Kai and Azathoth. The overwhelming power Kai possessed was undeniable, and yet, the cost it might come with haunted her thoughts. As the battle reached its peak, Eve felt a mixture of fear, uncertainty, and a deep sense of shame – not for Kai, but for herself for being weak.