
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs

Azathoth Known existence

Kai's eyes widened in shock at Vincent's revelation. The name Azathoth sent a chill down his spine, as he knew the immense power and destruction the ancient entity possessed.

Kai: Azathoth? That's... that's unthinkable. We cannot allow such a catastrophe to unfold.

Vincent: I couldn't agree more. Shadow has been gathering forbidden knowledge and artifacts to resurrect Azathoth, hoping to unleash chaos upon the world. We must stop them before it's too late.

Seraphina joined them, her expression grave as she listened to their conversation.

Vincent: I couldn't agree more. Shadow has been gathering forbidden knowledge and artifacts to resurrect Azathoth, hoping to unleash chaos upon the world. We must stop them before it's too late.

Seraphina joined them, her expression grave as she listened to their conversation.

Seraphina: This is beyond anything we've faced before. Azathoth's revival would bring unimaginable destruction. We must gather all the strength and resources we can to prevent it.

Vincent: That's why we need to uncover Shadow's true intentions and their plans. We must infiltrate their ranks, gather intel, and strike when the time is right. It won't be an easy task, but with your skills and determination, I believe we can succeed.

Kai clenched his fists, determination burning in his eyes.

Kai: We won't let Azathoth rise again. We'll do whatever it takes to protect this world, even if it means sacrificing everything.

Seraphina nodded, her resolve matching Kai's.

Seraphina: We're prepared to face the darkest depths to ensure the safety of humanity. No matter the odds, we won't falter.

Vincent smiled, appreciating their unwavering commitment.

Vincent: I'm glad to have warriors like you by my side. Together, we'll face the shadows and bring an end to their wicked plans.

The trio stood united, ready to plunge into the heart of darkness to save the world from the malevolent grasp of Shadow and the impending threat of Azathoth.

With their determination set, Kai, Seraphina, and Vincent began devising a plan to infiltrate the ranks of Shadow and gather crucial information about their activities. They knew that secrecy and precision were of utmost importance in their mission.

Vincent: We need to operate covertly and blend in with their organization. To do that, we'll need to establish fake identities and gain their trust.

Kai: How do we even begin to approach them? We don't have any leads or contacts within Shadow.

Seraphina: We'll have to start from scratch then. We can gather intelligence from the streets, listen for whispers, and observe their patterns of operation. It won't be easy, but we'll find a way.

Vincent: I have some contacts in the underground network. I can reach out to them discreetly and see if they have any information about Shadow's whereabouts.

Kai: Good. The more information we have, the better our chances of infiltrating their ranks. We need to understand their objectives, their key members, and their resources.

Seraphina: And we must also be prepared for any confrontations. Shadow won't hesitate to eliminate anyone who poses a threat to their plans.

Vincent: That's why we'll undergo rigorous training and preparation. We need to enhance our combat skills, gather equipment, and stay one step ahead of them at all times.

As they delved deeper into their planning, the weight of their mission settled upon them. The fate of humanity rested on their shoulders, and the task ahead seemed daunting. However, their determination and unwavering resolve kept their spirits high.

With their preparations complete, Kai and Vincent stood ready to go drinking for the night while Seraphina stays at the apartment.

As Kai indulged in another night of revelry, he found himself once again succumbing to the effects of alcohol. He drank without restraint, losing himself in the mirth and chaos of the moment. However, his excessive consumption eventually took its toll on him.

Seraphina: Vincent, where is Kai? I've been looking for him everywhere.

Vincent: points to the floor He's over there, but you might want to prepare yourself.

Seraphina: (*confused*) What do you mean? Why isn't he wearing any clothes?

Vincent: Well, he got into a drinking game with some girls. Every time he lost, he had to drink a full cup of liquor and remove a piece of clothing. He lost six times and, well, you can see the result.

Seraphina: sighs in frustration Seriously, Kai? This is not the time for such nonsense.

Vincent, still wearing a drunken smile, continues to chuckle at the situation. However, he suddenly doubles over and throws up, his laughter turning into a grimace.

Seraphina, determined to wake Kai up from his drunken stupor, grabs a bucket of water nearby and pours it over him. She watches as he jolts awake, groaning in pain from his pounding headache.

Kai: Ugh... Seraphina? What happened?

Seraphina: Don't act innocent! You got yourself into this mess. We have important matters to attend to, and here you are, drunk and half-naked.

Kai, finally realizing the gravity of the situation, looks embarrassed and remorseful.

Kai: I'm sorry, Seraphina. I lost control. It won't happen again.

Seraphina, clearly disappointed, turns away from him and starts to leave the drinking party, heading back to their apartment.

Seraphina: Just get yourself together, Kai. We have work to do, and I won't tolerate any more distractions.

Kai watches her leave, a mixture of regret and determination filling his gaze. He knows he needs to regain his focus and prove himself worthy of Seraphina's trust.

With a heavy sigh, he slowly gathers his scattered clothing and tries to shake off the effects of his drunken revelry. Deep down, he knows he has to make amends and prove that he can be a reliable partner in their mission.