
Chapter 7 [How did this happen...?]

Inside the CEO's office of Kiara's family's talent agency, a stern-looking middle-aged british man is currently doing some paper work...

Looking at the reports about his daughter- Kiara's records that was laying around on his desk, he couldn't help but feel a bit relieved at how she's been doing in terms of her career as an idol in japan.

Looks like my daughter's idol career is going smoothly so far...

Throughout her childhood Kiara had been a child of talent when it came to music, she would be often heard to be singing in her room on key everytime without messing up a single note aside from her talent when it came to her dancing that was also discovered by her parents when she was only about eight years old.

From this point on her parents have decided that her being an idol at her father's talent agency in japan had to be a reality.

Though, It is a shame that they haven't told her why she was gonna be one since she was bound to refuse once she found out about why that is...

Little does her father know that this was only the beginning of a long and eventful career for his daughter in the months to come...

With that said, Kiara had also been doing a lot more jobs ever since her opening performance back in the department store. More people were know interested in her compared to when that opening act hadn't happened yet.

Is it just me or am I getting invites to be a guest on radio shows too often lately...?

Kiara noticing that almost every week her manager Kotori always mentions atleast two radio shows on her schedule if not just one instead of no radio shows at all.

For this she came up with two possible reasons as to why that was:

1. The radio show hosts/The staff at those radio shows just really liked her as a idol.

2. They love her music and want to hear more about her.

Though this were just her guesses as to why a lot of radio shows wanted her as a guest, she got the vague idea when it came to the reason due to the questions that she was asked about every single time whenever she went to a radio show to be a guest.

The questions that they came up with weren't creative enough... I could already tell why they were asking them by just their tone of voice.

Ofcourse there were also some requests sent in for her to do collaborations with other artists that also liked her music but those weren't always on her schedule due to their numerous numbers if one were to count them all everytime some came in, they were only placed on her schedule if it had a gap when it came to activities for the set day of the week when she would be working as an idol.

"Oh, It's the "Foreign Siren" "

Was always what she hears whenever someone that knows about her spots her down in the lobby everytime Kotori made her wait due to something urgent that she had to attend to, she eventually grew accustomed to hearing it from people to the point where she just thought of it as a nickname that a close friend or family member would call her.


"How did it come to this...?"

Kiara felt a bit confused as to why there were people always serving or following her at school like she was royalty from a far away land like they were her personal maid at home who was always by her side.

The group that served/followed her always consisted of those who were either fans of her music or they started admiring her from those times when she was a guest on radio shows all over japan.

"Are you by chance thirsty, Ms. Kiara?"

No, I'm not... Thanks for asking...

"Are you hungry by chance, Ms. Kiara?"

Most certainly not... Thanks...

Her homeroom teacher and the other faculty members had also taken notice of this sudden behavior, they naturally asked the girls that always hanged about her during free time or after/before classes including the person of interest herself: Kiara about why this was happening but too bad for her... She couldn't possibly answer this given question since she doesn't know the reason.

She was merely just not saying anything since this might get them eithet upset or offended.

Sorry girls... I'm just avoiding any fights or possible problems... Though I appreciate that you give away your free time to do all this...

Next the said faculty members which consisted of all the teachers of the campus asked the group of "followers":

"Then, Why are you girls doing this?"

They were silent for a moment thinking about a good enough answer to satisfy the teachers inside the room.


A girl who looked like she was an american decided to speak up with her brunette hair not tied up in any way.

Please don't say anything embarrassing...

Kiara clasped both of her hands in hope of not hearing something stupid come out of the said girl.

"I'm a fan of her."

Huh? Well, That's kind of obvious... But wait- Won't that anger them?!

The same teacher who was female furrowed her eyebrows which indicated her current thought which was "what?".

"By fan... What do you mean...?"

OMG... Are you seriously asking that? Come on teach! Do you even watch tv or listen to the radio?

The "stupid and obvious" question according to Kiara made the pink-haired teen almost speak up and get herself in further trouble.

This situation wasn't exactly something that you could laugh at either due to the fact that all of them including Kiara could be sent to remedial class as punishment for this whole ordeal- though Kiara herself found it a little amusing at first but stopped herself from laughing.

"Well, you know--"

"We're a fan of her music, talent, and personality."

The same brunette attempted to continue but was interupted by a blonde-haired girl with greyish-blue eyes that was from what Kiara had been informed of from canada.

Oh no... I think I'm done for now... No wait-- There isn't a rule on the student handbook that states students couldn't have part time jobs and my job as an idol is technically a part time job!

Kiara let a sigh of relief slip out as she suddenly remembered the rules on the student handbook that were given to all the students of her school.

A different teacher from the previous one spoke up this time: "So what you're trying to say is... She's a talent that works for a talent agency?"

"Y-Yes, that's right."

The brunette spoke up once again now knowing that the teachers now know the reason.

[To be continued...]