
Chapter 12 [Songwritter Idol]

The day for her winter opening performance has now arrived, her preperation aside from her rehearals for the said event which she had done a few hours ago wasn't something that she had done for her debut performance which she had winged, which was not something that was recommended by any professional performer.

It started with her vocal warm ups and ended with the stretches that she did before starting her rehearsals.

This feeling will just never go away, will it...?

She took a deep sigh before she had walked onto the venue's hugely-sized stage.

"Ki-a-ra! Ki-a-ra! Ki-a-ra!"

All of her fans that came exlusively to watch her opening performance all started to cheer as soon as she had shown herself to the said audience.

Well... Here we go...

An instrumental of the song that she had been rehearsing for started to play, along with some of the lights turning of and being turned on.

The tempo of the said song wasn't too fast nor was it too slow, it was just perfectly in the middle.

Her song this time was in the J-Rock genre which had been on her latest single, her fans instantly recognized the said song and started to cheer along to the beat.

Pen lights waved about as every beat of the aforementioned song blasted through the venue's speakers in a loud and clear manner.

They were in perfect sync with the song- no wrongly-timed pen light waving was noticed, their metronome-like sync was noticed by Kiara herself which gave her the feeling of encouragement that she needed to perform better than anyone could ever expect from her.

The aura around her was- if it were put into words... out-of-this-world.

Every single one of the audience members was absolutely stunned due to how well she had performed all of her recently released songs one by one.

The people who had been watching at home via a live feed of the concert were also as shocked the moment Kiara had started to sing, every single one of them were posting on forums and SNS sites about the performance- she had caused yet another frenzy among the online idol fanbase all over japan.

It was as her father had predicted- She was born to be a performer...


I overdid this time... That cheering in the audience really isn't a joke...

Once you hear it, your body just starts moving on it's own...

Was what was on her mind after her performance had ended and she checked the internet.

The attention that she had received made her a bit uneasy, every single on of the news site that she had visited were all showing articles about her own performance as usual- but something was different...

There were some that were accusing her of using a vocal correction program, this was ofcourse something that she would never do nor allow to be used on the recordings of her voice.

She hated the idea of using that form of "lying" to fans- even if she were to lose fans due to her voice not sounding as great as it currently was.

Shrugging the said accusation off, she started to divert her own attention to listening to some of her favorite music instead of paying any mind to any of the said articles.

Music really makes my day...

"Are you listening, Miss Kiara?" The voice of her manager who had been trying to get her attention for the past few minutes had gotten her attention after a hand was waved across her face.

"Y-Yes? Were you saying something?"

Kotori's expresssion twitched a little bit as Kiara appeared to not be paying attention as she spoke whilst she drove the now well-known girl back home.

"I was wondering if you could try your hand at music composition since the CEO wanted your next single's theme to be "Songwritter Idol"." Realizing that this might be too much to ask she continued. "You don't really have to if you don't want to, there's a backup plan laid out if you couldn't do it."

Me? Composing songs...? Why haven't I thought of trying that before...?

I guess I'll just agree for now and see what happens after...

Now with the list of the said genre's given to her by her own manager, the task of composing music for her own music release has now begun.

As soon as she got home, she immediately got to work with the said songs. With the first task of composing the song she had begun with trying to mess around with some melodies that she had thought up on her trip back home on a grand piano that had been in her bedroom ever since she had taken piano lessons once she had reached the very young age of three years old.

With the only source of light being the light coming from a lamp shade on top of her desk acting as lighting, she slowly made progress on the first version of the first song for her upcoming music release.

It was well and good until she hit a snag on the chorus of the said song...

"Something sounds off here..." She said out loud, playing the same melody on that specific part over and over attempting to figure out what the problem was.

Should I try and lowering the tempo here...?

And so, she tried it and it didn't sound better than it was before, frustrated she decided to try and repeat the melody that she had composed for the first verse on the chorus but with a slight variation in it's notes.

Three hours had passed ever since she had begun her composing task and had now reached the to the point where she was satisfied at how the first track sounded (instrumental-wise).

It's already this late?! I guess I'll stop for now and finish all of my homework.

Time had passed without her noticing due to how much she got into her task, her homework left seemingly untouched ever since she had gotten home she moves to her desk on the other side of the room where she had placed her bag for school.

(End of Chapter)