
In the manor.

Xiang Yi found the butler's phone number and sent him a short message explaining their situation. 

Soon, she received the housekeeper's response. 

On the day of her coming of age ceremony, her grandpa had gifted her a small private jet painted in an adorable shade of pink and named Air Bunbun.

"I already asked, and they said we can leave at any time." Xiang Yi put her phone down. "Then let's head out after the stream ends?" 

Naturally, Shi Sui knew about Air Bunbun and nodded, gesturing to Si Chuanbai. 

Si Chuanbai's response was a series of ellipses: .... 

He and the feather duster had been so anxious searching for tickets, thinking this was going to be a catastrophe for sure. 

He didn't expect little Xiang Yi to resolve it so easily... 

Si Chuanbai tilted his head and wordlessly looked at Ah Nan who was still searching for plane tickets. "Why didn't you mention your artist owns a private jet?"