
The Hybrid Mate: Dark Moon

no longer updating

Yasmina_Iro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Note from the Author

Hello everyone and thank you so much for reading my story! 

if you've gotten to this point, I'm so sorry to let you know that I will not be continuing my story here. I am not making anything off of my stories here and need to take my writing elsewhere. 

As much as I have loved sharing these stories, I need to do what is best for me. As I am not allowed to delete them, they will remain available until I am. I hope you will check out my published work under the pen name, Kirro Burrows, and continue to support me as I continue my journey as an Author.

Hopefully I can bring these stories to you again, either in a different format or print and let you see my full vision. 

Once again, thank you!