
Day 3 (continued)

"Where are you!" The angry voice boomed. The horrifying monstrosity looked at Hutson coyly. "You know, if it weren't for this glass wall, you would have been dead," It spoke. "Please don't turn me in," Hutson begged. It looked down on Hutson as if considering eating him. "Fiiiine. But you owe me!" It hissed. Hutson had a relief expression. That only lasted one minute. A Lazer bond collar was put on Hutson. As he was being dragged way, He noticed that Kayla was dragging him to the door. "KAYLA!!!" Hutson screamed with furry. She didn't respond. It wasn't till they where in the main room that Kayla had a face of despair on. "You may leave now," A robotic voice said. Kayla left without saying anything. As soon as Kayla left a robot nurse came in. "Welcome Master," It spoke. Hutson was utterly confused. "Follow me!" It spoke again, leading Hutson to a big room with a huge owl closet inside. "Please wait here while the scientists choose you type!" It spoke. It went face first into a wall and vanished. The huge closet opened and a robotic arm picked up a needle. As soon as it was finished inspecting the needle, a piston pushed him onto a frame that quickly filled with a purple liquid, make him unconscious.