
Chapter 5

At the hospital where Alan was to heal and the doctor ask "what happen to you sir" and Alan said "I got torture for half-month by the king of vampire" and doctor in shock and said nothing and Alan trying to move out of the hospital bed and doctor stop Alan from moving out of his bed and doctor said "you need to heal sir" and Alan said "I don't need heal" and doctor ask "where you going" and Alan said "heading to the werewolf headquarter to talk you my father" and werewolf doctor ask "what is father name" and Alan said " my father name Jack and the werewolf know him by lord Jack" and doctor was stock again and werewolf doctor said "ssssoooo you are lord son" and Alan said "yes". At the werewolf headquarter lord Jack got a message from a werewolf where Alan is held in a town and the werewolf told lord Jack "lord your son in the town where werewolf come from" and lord Jack said "thank you werewolf and bring my son here please" and the werewolf said "ok" and the werewolf left to bet lord son. lord Jack told Mike and Emily the good news and Emily face lid up when she hear from lord Jack that Alan is alive and in the hospital healing up. Back at hospital where Alan was held and one of the werewolves told Alan that his father wants him back to the werewolf and so Alan got out his hospital bed and Alan and one of the werewolf walk to the werewolf headquarter it took three days and four night to get to the werewolf headquarter and Emily saw Alan and she run to Alan to give a hug and Alan hug Emily back and Alan said " I miss you Emily" and Emily said "I miss you too Alan" and lord Jack ask Alan if talk to him and Alan said to Emily " I be back" and Alan when to his father and told him what happen to him and lord Jack said " sorry it was there this never happen" and Alan hug his father and said "don't beat yourself up dad" and Alan left the room where his father was and went back to Emily and said " I love you Emily and it will never change" and Emily said " I love you too Alan" and Alan kiss Emily on the lips. At night Alan went back to his place to how much damage to the vampires did and it was some damage but not all so Alan clean his place and fixing the window where the vampire come from and Emily come to Alan's place with Alan father and Emily move in Alan and Alan made dinner for Emily, Jack and Alan and Emily miss Alan food and Jack left to go werewolf headquarter where they are trying find the vampire headquarter and back at Alan's place Alan and Emily on the couch Emily put her head on Alan shoulder and Alan and Emily was watching a romantic movie name "Twilight" and after the movie Emily fell asleep on Alan and Alan got Emily on his arms and Alan put Emily in his bed and Alan turn the T.V off and sleep next to Emily on the floor. In the morning strike Emily wake up saw Alan on the floor next to her and her hand touch Alan hand and Alan wake up and saw Emily stare at Alan saw his hand touch her hand and Alan was blushing so hard his face turn red and Emily said to Alan "I make breakfast" and Alan said "ok and can help" and Emily said "no can't help Alan sorry" and Alan said "ok" and Alan making a plan for a date with Emily and Emily said "breakfast is ready" and Alan came in the dinner table and saw pancakes, hash browns, and bacon and Alan said "thank you Emily" and Emily said "your welcome Alan".