
The hunt for last full blood vampire

Some blood and Gore Some swearing

WVwriter_RR · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 15

Atom talk about how he know is her father and Alan was shock that Abby have her memories so Alan ask Abby "how did your memories come back and I thought your memories was easer" and Abby said " The memories came back one day and I learn how to use my powers" and after talking bit they left her house with her and went back to the werewolves headquarter  and Abby saw Emily and Abby walk to and said "Nice to see you again Emily" and Emily give a confuse look and said "do I know you" and Abby said  " You very little went I saw you and parents" and Emily said "sorry but can't remember parents or recall anything memories about them" and Abby remember that her parents easer to protect her so she give Emily her name. Then Emily have her hand to head then I see Alan grabbing Emily and trying to comfort and Alan ask "what is happening to Emily?" and I said " that memories are coming faster then anything" and Alan ask "What do you mean the memories coming back?" and Abby said "Emily parents easers her memories to protect her from my father " and Alan said "The only easer memories are my dad and the full blood vampires powers" and Abby said "Yes her parents are full blood vampires" and Alan ask "will she have the memories or not" and Abby said "She have memories when she human and the memories of full blood vampire" and Alan shock but he still loves is fiancee and Alan ask " What should we do with her right now?" and Abby said "put in bed and stay with her" and Alan put fiancee in bride style and run to the their car and drive to their apartment and Alan carry is fiancee to their bed and Alan still with her. Four week when by Alan have no sleep in twenty-eight day and still waiting for is fiancee to wake up and it was about 4pm she wake up and Alan said "good afternoon sleep head" and Emily ask "How long was I out and I like beard" and Alan said "you out for four week and how do you feel" and Emily shock she slept that long and Emily ask " did you watch over me" and Alan nod and after the talking about keeping beard or not .    Emily have a urge of blood then she bit Alan to get blood from him and Alan let this happen and then after that Emily have no urge of blood and Emily saw what she did then try to get out your bed then Emily felt a hand over her hand and Alan said "it ok I know that you don't mean it but now you a full blood vampire that needs blood and you just wake up" and Emily said "so you aren't scare of me" and Alan said "no I not scare of you and still my fiancee and I call a friend up for some blood bags for you" and Emily started to cry and Alan comfort her. After all that Alan call a friend for blood bags and call is brother Atom to come over to apartment and bring Abby and Atom and Abby come in the apartment.  Abby will teaching Emily to control her new powers and Alan and Atom was talking a battle strategy to defeat their uncle and aunt one and all then Alan see that Emily flying to me and then fell to Alan arms and Atom chuckle then Alan hear knock at the door so Alan walk to the door and see his friend with the boxes of blood bags Alan said "thank you" and friend nod then left then Alan started making dinner for them and Alan toss the blood bags to Emily and Abby but Emily toss it back Alan and said "not right now ok" and Alan nod after Alan finish making the food they sit around the dinner table eating and talking everything come mind.