
The Human system! Humanity's last hope.

After waking up in an unknown place, our protagonist, Amon Daisetsu, find himself face to face with someone he never expected to meet, it's none other than one of his favorite characters from a certain manga called records of Ragnarok, he then sees himself getting offered a deal. This deal will sign the start of his new life. Warning: please don't expect a perfect mc from day one, I plan to make this story as realistic as I can, so he will have his own personality, his own strength and weaknesses and will be constantly evolving throughout the story, if you can't understand that much then please do not even bother reading a single chapter. This will be a multiverse story so expect a few world travels. Also this isn't a harem story nor do I think there would be any romance at all and even if there is it won't be a main part of the story. **Disclaimer** -all copywriter content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Saint_Hubris · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

System upgrade

After coming back home and taking a nice shower, I sat down on my sofa which became my new lucky place for opening rewards.

I'm not the type to believe in such a thing as luck and superstitions but I did feel more comfortable having my little habits.

[Do you wish to receive your reward?]

[Yes] [no]

After clicking on yes, I was welcomed with another notification from the system.

[Congratulations for obtaining 30 coins!]

[Congratulations for obtaining 5 F class chests]

[Congratulations for upgrading the system to version 0.3!]

[New items are available in the shop and the number of items available for the old items have been multiplied by 2!]

[Side quests are now available!]

[Reward of upgrading the system to version 0.3:

Special chest]

Seeing all those notifications pops up in front of my face did throw me off, but I couldn't hide my excitement upon reading them. I started by clicking on that so called special chest.

[Special chest:

Rarity: special


A one time chest that allows you to obtain a single F rank skill of your choice between 5 basic skills.

Options: -cleaning (Rank F/lvl1) / language mastery (Rank F/ lvl1) / crafting (Rank F/lvl1) / cooking (Rank F / lvl 1) / gardening (Rank F/ lvl1)]

Hmm some of those seems to be really useless, the most interesting ones would be language mastery and crafting. I decided to click on both of them to get more details about how those skills worked.

[Language mastery (Rank F / lvl 01):


Allows you to perfect your mastery over 1 language of your choice, the mastery over the language will depend on the level of the skill.

Exp required for level up: 10exp

Current exp: 0/10

Upgrade: unlocked at lvl 100]

[Crafting (Rank F/ lvl 01):


Gives you the ability to craft basic objects using simple materials, the mastery will increase depending on the level of the skill

Exp required for level up: 10exp

Current exp: 0/10

Upgrade: unlocked at lvl 100]

Both of those skills seemed interesting but their description made me question a few things.

'System how do I raise the level of a skill?'

[The level of a skill is raised by using it often, each skill requires a certain amount of exp to lvl up, this exp is gained by using the skill]

'And what's this upgrade about?'

[Once a skill reach the maximum level you have the possibility to use coins to upgrade it, the amount of coins varies depending on the rarity of the skill. When a skill is upgraded to a higher rarity, you will lose your mastery over it which will be back to level 1,but the skill will become an upgraded version of itself, for example the language mastery will give you a mastery over 2 languages once it reaches Rank E]

After hearing the system's explanation I knew that the crafting skill wouldn't be very useful to me and since I wouldn't use it often I wouldn't be able to unlock its potential, while the language mastery seemed interesting, it wasn't something I currently needed.

[Are you sure of your choice?]

[Yes] [no]

After thinking for a bit I clicked on yes and another notification appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations on obtaining the skill "cooking (Rank F / lvl1)"]

I knew this skill wasn't the best but it was currently the most useful to me and I knew that it would always be very useful to me. And I was also in desperate need to be able to cook myself better meals than sandwiches everyday.

Cooking being an essential skill for survival in general I knew that I wouldn't regret that choice, if I ever end up in a situation where I can't buy myself food this might come in handy.

[Cooking (Rank F/ lvl 01):


Allows the user to have mastery over basic recipes. The mastery will depend on the level of the skill.

Exp required for level up: 10exp

Current exp: 0/10

Upgrade: unlocked at lvl 100]

I'm glad to have finally got my first skill, it might not be the most manly first skill but it's the most ideal for my current situation.

Finally moving on from that I remembered that I still have a few things I didn't ask the system.

'System what's the difference between a main quest and a side quest? And how do I receive quests?' Now that I lost the only quest I had, I felt kind of lost. I got used to constantly having a quest to finish.

[Quests can be triggered in many ways but the system advise the host to follow people who have a strong fate to trigger quests, being present during certain events can also trigger quests. The difference between a main quest and side quest is simply that a main quest have the power to strengthen both the system and the host while a side quest is only present to strengthen the host.]

That explanation did clear up a few things in my mind, those people with strong fates are probably the protagonists, the first quest I got was by meeting Raku and Chitoge so I guess for now I'll have to stick to them for a bit.

Now that my questions are over I can focus on what I found to be the most interesting change with this upgrade, the shop!

'System show me all the new items'


E Rank items:

Height booster. 1/1 available. Cost: 100 coins

F rank items:

100 skill exp. 10/10 available. Cost: 10 coins

Energy replenisher. 100/100. Cost 1 coin

Currently balance: 30 coins.]

My eyes widened at the sight of the first E Rank item I've seen. For me who's currently stuck at 169 cm with a special body which won't grow without the help of the system this is a pure blessing for me. I decided to click on it to have more details.

[Height booster:

Rarity: E


A small pill which will grant you + 1cm after being taken.

Available: 1/1

Cost: 100 coins]

I looked at the description with a bit of disappointment in my eyes, I knew it was already amazing but having to spend 100 coins on a single cm is bound to hurt my broke self.

I decided to stop thinking about it and just open my 5 F class chest that I got as a reward for completing the quest.

[Would you like to open all 5 F class chests?]

[Yes] [no]


[Congratulations on obtaining an energy replenisher!]

[Congratulations on obtaining a small strength amplifier!]

[Congratulations on obtaining 1000 yen!]

[Congratulations on obtaining an energy replenisher!]

[Congratulations on obtaining 100 skill exp!]

I gained 18 coins worth of items thanks to those chests so I was pretty satisfied.

I directly used the strength amplifier on myself and then tried using 100 skill exp.

[Do you wish to use your 100 skill exp on the "cooking" skill?]

[Yes] [no]

I urged myself to click on yes curious of the effect it would have.

[Congratulations on upgrading the "cooking" skill to level 6!]

[Cooking (Rank F/ lvl 6)

Exp: 10/22]

It was pretty satisfying to see it go up so much after so little time, level 6 should already help me make some pretty eatable dishes.

But before that I want to use my 30 coins to improve my stats a bit more.

'System show me all the stats amplifiers'


Small strength amplifier: 9/10 available. Cost 5 shop coins.

Small endurance amplifier: 5/10 available. Cost: 5 shop coins.

Small speed amplifier: 10/10 available. Cost: 5 Shop coins.

Small Dexterity amplifier: 10/10 available. Cost: 5 shop coins.

Small intelligence amplifier: 5/6 available. Cost 10 shop coins.

Small charisma anplifier: 5/6 available. Cost 10 shop coins

Balance: 30 coins]

After thinking for a bit, I decided to purchase 3 charisma amplifiers since that's what I needed the most currently, this world wasn't overly dangerous from what I've seen.

And if I managed to get closer to Raku and Chitoge I'd have the protection of the yakuza and the protection of the Bee Hive gang so my safety would be assured.

After another round of over thinking, my stomach made a weird sound which was my sign to go prepare myself something to eat, the "cooking" skill was surprisingly effective, everything seemed much more natural and once I was done with my dish I received a notification.

[+2 exp for "cooking" skill]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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