
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs


Ava was lying on the bed, she felt tired whenever she recalled the morning incident. Could Logan really betrayed her? What if he was in love with Thea? as all these thoughts ran through Ava mind, she didn't even realize when someone came into the room.

"Ava" Logan called softly as he walked slowly to her, he heard about everything that happened and he blames himself for leaving her alone.

When Ava heard her name she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep and then she felt his rough hands caressing her cheek as he says "I'm sorry, I should never have left you alone."

When Ava heard those words, she opened her eyes and asked "Did you sleep with her?"

Logan knew Ava was pretending to sleep so he only smiled when he saw her opened her eyes but he was taken aback by her question.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Ava asked Logan with pain her voice.

"Yes, but it was a long time ago and it was only once" Logan said and he panicked when Ava started crying.

"Ava" Logan said softly as he tried to cup her cheek but Ava pushed his hand away and said angrily "Don't touch me"

Logan felt guilty when he saw Ava crying, and once again, he held out his hands to cup her cheek. He breathed a sigh of relief when she did not push his hands away and said "It happened when I was drunk and I promise you Ava, it was just once. I assure you I don't have any feelings for her."

"Really?" Ava asked with her tears filled eyes.

"If I truly had feelings for her then I would never have gotten married to you." Logan said firmly.

Ava was satisfied with his explanation but she became nervous when a question came into her mind "Are you angry with the decision I made regarding Thea?" Ava was nervous that Logan would be mad at her, after all Thea is a member of his pack.

Logan saw Ava nervousness and pecked her on her lips and said to her "You are this pack Luna and you have the right to make decisions for the Crystal pack. I fully support your decision concerning Thea, she went too far and must pay for her actions."

"I heard werewolves can heal fast, so she won't have any problem with her left eye, right?" Ava asked as she felt a little guilty of stabbing Thea in the eye but it was either that or Thea wolf would have killed her.

"Thea might not be able to see with that eye ever again, mainly because the knife you used on her was made of Wolf bane. And by the way, where did you find wolf bane from?"

Ava stiffened when she heard Logan question. She wasn't sure if she should tell Logan about her godmother yet, while she was debating on if it was alright to tell Logan about the truth or not, Logan held her hands and said to her "Ava, we are married now, a marriage can only be successful if there is trust, so I am asking you to trust me and tell me the truth."

"It was my godmother Serefina that gave me the knife. The truth is Serefina is a witch and she made the knife with wolf bane, she told me that it would protect me." Ava decided to tell the truth, she felt she was truly starting to have feelings for Logan and she did not want anything to ruin her relationship with Logan before it began.

"Ava, how did you meet your godmother." Logan asked

"It was when I sneaked out of the palace to explore other places, then some group of men almost attacked but Serefina saved me and apart from that she is the only one who understands me." When Logan saw the smile on Ava face as she talked about Serefina, he knew it would take a long time before he could show Ava the true colors of Serefina.

Logan smiled at Ava and asked "Would you introduce me to your godmother?"

"Yes, but before that, I would like to talk to you about something." Ava wanted to talk to Logan about what his family did to Serefina before a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in" Logan said with coldly.

Davis the pack doctor came in and he gave a slight bow to both Logan and Ava and said "I have treated Thea but since the knife had wolf bane on it, Thea will never be able to see with that eye again. As for the lady you bought in, she is fine and I think she went unconscious because of shock."

Ava looked at Logan and asked "What lady did you bring in?"

"When I coming back from my visit to the Crescent pack, I saw a lady lying down on the road and she did not have the smell of a rogue, so I thought she must be human and leaving her there would have been dangerous so I bought her back." Logan explained to Ava immediately so that she wouldn't get jealous.

"Thank you Davis" Davis nodded and left the room. He still could not believe that their Luna was able to take down the strongest female warrior of their pack. To Davis he has found a new form of respect for Ava, infact neither him or any of the pack members see their Luna as just an ordinary human anymore. He gave a sigh and went to check on the pretty lady their Alpha has bought in.

"I hope you don't mind that I bought her here" Logan asked

"No I don't, you say it as if I get easily jealous"

Logan gave a light chuckle at Ava words and said "I would never give you a reason to become jealous and Ava I want you to promise me something"


"Promise me that you will always hear me out before jumping to conclusions. Whenever you have questions and doubt come to me and demand answers, okay?"

"Yes, I promise. But you must also promise me that you will never betrayed me."

"I will never betrayed you Ava and that is a promise" After making this promise, Logan pulled Ava to him and hugged her tightly, inhaling her scent.

"Come let's go check on her, Davis just said she's awake" Logan said as he pulled away from her.

"Will I ever be able to mind link like you guys do." Ava pouted as she asked Logan this question. She found it unfair that Logan and his other pack members could have secret discussions without involving her.

"You are going to make me kiss you, if you keep looking at me like that and then we won't be able to leave this room" Ava face became so red that Logan thought she was having a fever.

"How you alright?" Logan asked worriedly

"Yes, i- I'm fine" Ava replied quickly

"Didn't you say she's awake, let's check on her and return her back to her family." Logan gave a light laughed as he watched as Ava ran out of the room.

On getting to the guest room, Ava saw a beautiful lady with long black hair, looking at her confusedly. Ava thought the lady must be afraid, so she walked closer to the lady and asked with a friendly tone "Are you alright? My husband found you laying unconscious on the road, so he bought you here. No need to be Afraid" Ava stretch out her right hand and said with a smile "My name is Ava, do you remember your name?"

Ava gave a sigh of relief when the beautiful lady nodded her head and shook her hand as she said "My name is Lia."

I hope you guys haven't forgotten about Lia. What is Lia true purpose of coming to the Crystal pack, we will find out soon. In the meantime don't forget to vote for this book and leave a comment or review. Thank you guys

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