
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasia
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68 Chs


Queen Rosaline stiffened at Serefina words and replied coldly "I'm not your sister". Queen Rosaline turned back and was about to leave when she heard a word that made her still.

"You have no idea how much I can't wait for Ava to be fully awaken." Serefina said with a smile on her face as she watched her sister become still by her words.

"What do you mean by that?" Queen Rosaline asked.

"Emilia, do you really think that I do not know of the warning you gave to Ava about me" Serefina said coldly, her smile completely disappeared from her face as she watched as Queen Rosaline face her.

"Why did you give her that warning, did doing that made you feel like her mother? You should focus more on your daughter Emilia, it is because you were too careless that your daughter ended up pregnant and now you've come once again, to take away a child that is not yours. First you begged me to give you 'her' child, and now you have come to asked for me to take away your daughter child. You may not be a witch but you surely are worst than one"


"Do not shout. After all these years, haven't you still learnt. Since you are so good at giving advice, it is only fair that your older sister gives you one as well. The first advice i will give to you is 'Do not interfere in my plans for Ava' you act like a caring mother but should I tell you something, the truth is deep within, you secretly wish Ava did not exist because in your pathetic heart you still think King Ford would have loved you if he wasn't reminded of Karina and of course how can a man ever forget the only woman who gave birth to his child." Serefina stopped when she saw the hatred in Queen Rosaline eyes then she smiled and continued "How do you feel knowing that even though you married the man she loved and even became a Queen, you still lost to her"

"Serefina!" Queen Rosaline shouted and gave Serefina a slap.

Even after receiving a slap, Serefina laughed and said calmly "Ava will always be the daughter of King Ford and Karina. And here is my second advice you should get your act together and focus on your daughter, or else just the way you lost to Karina your daughter will also lose to her daughter"

"That will never happen."

"It has already happened, Karina daughter is getting married to the Alpha of a pack who is known as the most feared pack in the world, and let's be honest after his marriage with Ava half of this kingdom will belong to Ava and as for your daughter she got herself pregnant with a lowly commoner who doesn't even have a penny to his name. Do you see now Serefina, your daughter lost to Karina daughter just the way you lost to her twenty years ago."

"Do you know why I supported Ava marriage with Logan, because once Ava and Logan get married, I will make Elizabeth husband become the next king of Aldia and she will become the next Queen and I will make Ava relinquish any right she has to the throne. I have heard of how cruel and ruthless Logan is and I know such cruel man can only be tamed by his mate and once Logan finds his mate Ava marriage to him will be completely destroyed."

Hahaha, Serefina couldn't stop herself from laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Queen Rosaline asked irritatingly.

"Do you really not know?"

"Know what" Queen Rosaline asked impatiently

"Ava is Logan mate. Is your marriage to King Ford so bad that he didn't even share such an important piece of information with you, but I don't blame him though after all you are not Ava real mother, he must have thought that it wasn't necessary. You always behaved so smart, but yet you couldn't figure at that a man like Logan will never get married to a woman who is not his mate." Serefina said with a smug look as she stared at Queen Rosaline, she smiled, as she watched Queen Rosaline leaving her cottage in anger, then she thought to herself 'Emilia, you are so pathetic, your jealousy will be your downfall'.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow, my princess" King Ford said as he entered his daughter room with a lovely smile on his face

"Father" Ava said happily, even though Ava is a little bit scared of her father, she still love him the most, after all when she was a child, anytime she had a nightmare, she would sneak into her father's room to sleep beside him and sometimes she would force him to tell her a story. Thinking of those memories Ava ran to hugged her father and she said "Thank you for helping Elizabeth"

"Of course I would help her after all she is my daughter, but with Elizabeth pregnancy she would have to get married, and finding a man who would be willing to marry her and her child might be difficult but do not worry I will make sure she doesn't get married to an old" King Ford said seriously.

Seeing her father serious look, Ava raise her hand and pinch her father cheek saying "If you continue to have such serious look on your face, you will end up having wrinkles"

"Ava Isabella Braun, are you calling your father old" King Ford said as he feign a hurt looking at his daughter. Ava laughed at her father fake hurt expression and seeing his daughter laughed made King Ford to laughed as well.

"I love you so much Ava, and I am glad you agreed to get married to Logan. I am sure he will respect you and love you but if he makes you unhappy, you can come to me and your father will do anything it takes, to make him pay". King Ford said seriously but Ava pouted at his words and said "Does that mean if Logan doesn't make me unhappy I am not allow to come to the castle"

King Ford laughed at his daughter cuteness and said "The door to this Castle is always open to you, dress we and you are welcome anytime."

King Ford kissed his daughter forehead and said to her "Get some rest, tomorrow is your wedding and I want you to look refresh. Good night my sweet girl"

Ava kissed her father on the cheek and told him "Good night" But Ava saw a look of regret and sadness on her father face before he left and she wondered why he had that look on him.

So sorry I haven't been updating early lately, but I have good news, as from tomorrow I will finally be able to update early. Thank guys for reading my book, please don't forget to leave a review and a comment. I will really appreciate it if you guys vote for my book.

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