
The Human's Demonic Creature

In the deeper part of the woods of a town called "Demons Vally" where a 19 year old boy named Xen Gets trapped in a circular portion of the forest by a thick fogged caused by the magic of an unknown species of demon.

TheSmallBirb · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Read This Before The Story!

1) I'm not good with writing stories so please understand that I'm trying my best and will try harder in the stories I make in the future.

2) In the story demons appear in certain areas depending on the species of demon. The main demon in the story has three forms, The normal demon form, Human with demon features (horns, tail, fangs, etc.), And The regular human.

3) I try as hard as I can making stories and I'll try harder to make better ones, and I may re-write this whole story If I do get better in the future!

4)The story might be confusing to some readers and I recommend it to older viewers (13+) mainly because It has to do with LGBT+ me may not understand and It's just best for older viewers to read this story.

5) Enjoy this story!