
The Hopeful Journey

In this world where history has shaped the world for more than centuries, where currently 2 main people stand on the top. Will you find your way going through the ranks to eventually grant the power of the dragon? Our Protagonist, Simon, is all alone until he is at the wrong place at the wrong time (or was it) and suddenly in a dark room with an unknown person sitting in front of him. Will you give this journey a watch?

Vrus_Gaming · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 3: The First Mission


"Who is this loser?"

I stop in place as the girl just says I am a loser, I don't want to introduce myself anymore. Well I need to be nice to them.

"Well um hi, my name is Simon."

"Yo I am Torren Inuka, ignore Hari over here."

"AHEM I am right here you know?? But as he said my name is Hari Toya."

Wait so both of them are a part of one of the 7 Great Families? That is something that I definitely need to keep a note of. Suddenly Zecin jumps in between all three of us.

"Looks like you three have done a year's worth of knowing each other. Now get some food so I can tell you what you three should work on next!"

I do not know what goes through this guy's mind but somehow he is able to push us forward even though it may look like none of us would work together. We grab some food and take a seat at a table where he explains he will be sending us on a mission to defeat a person going crazy in the forest of Elsband which is on the west side of where we are. 

I also learned about both Torren's and Hari's power, Hari's power is to summon and control golems from any material she has which is a subcategory of the Toya Family blessed power. 

Then there is Torren with Coin manipulation which I was confused about it at first too. Here is how it works; he is given a coin that has a random value to which he can either predict it's worth or use it for combat, at any point he is able to guess the price even in combat. If he guesses the value right then he gets a powerful weapon, there is a price range where he gets different weapons which is decreased by 5. If he gets a coin worth 100 novas then if he gets it on the dot he gets a powerful sword, if he guesses between 95-99 then a weaker sword, he guesses from 90-94 then he gets a weaker sword then before, it keeps getting weaker until the lowest you can guess if 50 from its original value. His power is super complex but it also scales to his strength and combat ability. Man if he learns to master it he can grow to become a Flare. 

Compared to these two I am a nobody who can't even fully control his own power. I need to get stronger, I need this new opportunity to change me for the better. As I eat my food I pay close attention to Zecin's orders.

"This is mostly a test to see if it is worth training any of you, even if you fail there is a chance that you may have succeeded in another category other than combat."

Wait so combat ability is the only thing being watched over? Tsk either way I need to grow so I need to pass this test that Zecin has put in front of us.

We later go in a cart that takes us to the path into Elsband Forest. The trip is silent, I bet they already have a game plan for themselves. I have no idea what I am going to do but I know that I need to pass.

"Hey I don't know what to do since I am basically powerless."

I get a pill thrown at me, why did they throw this at me? And why now, couldn't they have given this before?

"Zecin told us to give you that berry, it is a Basoberry. It will boost all your physical stats for about 3 hours but once those 3 hours are done then your body will crash."

So it wasn't a pill? Interesting to say the least, but it does take the shape of a pill. I should save it for later just in case the time goes faster than it should. Torren threw the pill but he looks ready for combat and Hari is ready with a spear. Looks like I will be going bare hands with this, wait the only person i've fought is Fredrick so maybe I learned a thing or two? He was ranked in the top 1000 so maybe these people won't be so high. I mean there are over a 100 billion people in this world. 

All three of us get out of the cart and face the Elsband Forest, the other 2 rush in from the sides while I am just standing there. Out of panic and confusion I rush in through the middle. As I am running I am able to keep up with these two, maybe running away from frederick helped out? Maybe I am overestimating these two combat abilities or am I underestimating my own physical ability? I jump into an open field where the other two jump in as well. 

We confronted 3 people looking at us: Skinny person, tall, white hair, blue eyes, a weird smirk on his face, a nice looking white cloak as well; A tall person maybe about 5 meters tall, a mask covering his face, I think I can see pink eyes, this guy is jacked; there is also a lady with red hair yellow eyes, also with a white cloak. They are in that order from left to right. Conveniently I am in the center facing against the tall buff guy. 




Suddenly all of us have been teleported somewhere else where I am alone on a white floor. I look around and there seems to be buttons on the ground. Then I hear an energetic voice from the sky.

"Here are the rules and other essentials: This is Super Tic Tac Toe! This game is similar to regular Tic Tac Toe! There are 81 squares total but not every square needs to be used. Now think of the gameboard like a tic tac toe game but in each of the squares as its own tic tac toe game. Whichever square that the first player places in a small tic tac toe, determines which square of the large tic tac toe the next player gets to place their shape at. You are confined to that small tic tac toe ONLY. Your objective is to win on the big game board. But this would be too easy, if both players are in the same field they will have to go into combat to see who plays first."

The voice continued speaking about the rules but they explain we need to win two total games to pass on, but it has to be the individual player so if I win then I cannot have a rematch so Torren or Hari need to win their game as well. There is only one way around that rule and it is if we come to a draw on the big game board. And there is a weak spot on everyone so that is how we determine the winner.


I see the giant buff guy in the distance start walking towards me and I start running. He starts chasing then suddenly jumps in the sky, where he falls back to the sky right behind me smashing the ground

Switching to Torren's perspective, he is facing the white haired guy and summoning a coin. The coin suddenly enlarged and circled around Torren as if it was a shield.

Then Cutting to Hari's point of view where she is facing the red haired lady. Hari throws out 2 pieces of stone that grow into 2 stone golems then shows a large smirk. 

Cutting back to Simon: the Buff Guy is still chasing me. I am hiding behind a button. Why am I hiding? I need to gain courage, wait but against that giant person??

Now these next few chapters I will try to go crazy

Vrus_Gamingcreators' thoughts