
The Honorable Wanderer: Mushoku Tensei

A student died in a quite ridiculous way, where his accident caused a collision between him and a truck. The man who was previously an atheist now repents when he realizes that God exists, and is determined to be more obedient and carry out the teachings and guidance of the God he now worships in another world. The story focuses on the figure of a beastman who was given four miracles by the God Bilbe as provisions to survive in another world, his story of using these powers will change new views.

Poponioko · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

[75] Stepping

It had been around six months since Ash arrived on the Milis continent, specifically in the Holy Milis Kingdom. As the name suggests, this kingdom is renowned for its religiosity. The majority of its inhabitants are deeply religious, making religious values the foundation of their daily lives.

Initially, Ash thought that this city would be as beautiful as imagined—a city that radiates peace and tranquillity, filled with love and purity. However, after living there, his perspective drastically changed. His initial thoughts were far too naïve. This city is called the holy city because Saint Milis, the founder of the Milis religion, lived and died here. The Milis religion itself preaches love, with one of its famous teachings being the prohibition of polygamy in marriage.

Ash, in essence, agreed with some of these teachings, particularly regarding the prohibition of polygamy. However, he also realised that life was not as simple as religious teachings suggested. Moreover, the backdrop of the medieval era, with its diversity of races and cultures, added to the complexity of life in this city.

In his mind, Ash felt the need to revise some parts of his own scriptures. The first thing that caught his attention was the social reality in this city. Although geographically beautiful, the reality was not as picturesque. The majority of the city's inhabitants displayed racist attitudes towards other races. Discrimination and prejudice dominated daily interactions, making life increasingly difficult for those who were not part of the majority.

Worse still, corruption was rampant throughout the city. Minority races living in the city often fell victim to injustice, disadvantaged in various aspects of life. Though the city appeared charming from the outside, its reality was far from the paradise often depicted.

Ash could not turn a blind eye to the rot that enveloped this holy city. Beneath the grandeur and beauty of the architecture lay a darkness that eroded the moral foundations of its society. Despite this, Ash remained steadfast, determined to do something to improve the situation, or at least to gain a deeper understanding of what was truly happening behind the veil of sanctity.


"So, how much is it?" Ash asked, his voice flat and attentive, as he stood in front of a stall in the bustling market. He looked at the stall owner with a calm gaze, though his feelings were slightly disturbed by the vendor's attitude.

The stall owner, a middle-aged man with a cynical expression and sharp eyes, glared at Ash with evident dislike. His gaze conveyed that he was not pleased to serve a customer from the Beastfolk race. "Tch, for you, special price. Five silver coins!" he replied with a disdainful tone, as if the price was an act of extraordinary generosity.

Ash felt the bitterness in the stall owner's words. The stated price was much higher than usual. While looking at the fresh vegetables in his hand—their bright colours contrasting with the gloomy atmosphere surrounding the stall—Ash pondered. 'So, the price is doubled because of me,' he thought, observing the vegetables that seemed to have been on the shelf for far too long.

Ash did not show anger or dissatisfaction on his face. With deep patience, he sighed softly and prepared the money asked for. Although he felt oppressed by the evident discrimination, he tried to maintain a calm demeanour and not let his emotions dictate his actions.

After handing over the money, Ash could feel the prejudiced gaze of the stall owner, who continued to glare at him with displeasure. However, he ignored it with a brief nod, choosing not to engage in a futile confrontation. With steady steps, Ash continued his journey towards the building where he was staying, where he felt more valued and accepted.

Upon arriving at the front door, Ash took a deep breath and gently opened the door. Inside, he was greeted by a family from his own race, the rabbit tribe. The atmosphere inside the building was in stark contrast to the experience he had just had at the market. The family, with bright faces and warm smiles, seemed very happy to see his arrival.

"I'm home," Ash said softly, as if the burden on his shoulders was slightly lifted when he felt the warmth and familiarity of the rabbit tribe family. The atmosphere inside the building felt like a true home. The family, with their friendly and caring attitudes, welcomed him with warm embraces and loving greetings.

"Brother, you're home!" Alice, the daughter of the family, shouted joyfully as she jumped excitedly towards Ash. With sparkling eyes and a wide smile, she seemed eager to embrace him.

Ash returned Alice's hug gently, lifting her slightly off the ground before setting her down again with affection. "Hey, Alice. Why do you look so down? Are you upset because I didn't take you out?" he asked softly, his warm eyes gazing at the little girl.

Alice puffed her cheeks and shook her head. "No, I'm not upset. It's just that I felt a bit lonely when you weren't here. But I'm really happy you're back!" she explained cheerfully, looking at Ash with admiration.

Ash smiled gently, feeling a small happiness in his heart as he saw Alice's cheerfulness. "I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. Maybe next time we can go out together. How about we go to the park tomorrow?"

Alice jumped with excitement at the suggestion. "Really? I can't wait! Thank you, brother!" she exclaimed happily.

Meanwhile, the other family members gathered around Ash, offering food and drinks to welcome him home. The lively sounds of laughter and conversation filled the room, creating a comfortable and warm atmosphere. Alice's mother, with her long hair neatly tied up and gentle eyes, served warm food on the table.

"Ash, we're so glad you're back. How was your trip? Was there anything interesting?" Alice's mother asked with a caring tone.

Ash sat at the dining table, accepting a plate of food from Alice's mother. "My trip was smooth. However, I had a rather unpleasant experience at the market earlier. But, I'm very grateful to be back here and to feel the togetherness with all of you."

"Ah, the market can indeed be a challenging place," Alice's mother commented empathetically. "But we are always here for you. Try to forget the troubles for a while and enjoy your time with us."

That evening, they dined together in an atmosphere full of gratitude and togetherness. The sound of laughter and small stories flowed easily, filling the room with a rare warmth and making every moment feel special.

Within Ash, there was a deep sense of nostalgia, reminding him of the simple times when he was with his mother in Japan. These small but meaningful moments reminded him of the beauty of life that is often overlooked in the busyness of everyday life. During his time in this world, he had learned much about the values of life and the true meaning of togetherness and love.

As dinner was nearly finished, the front door opened, and Vanz, the head of the rabbit tribe household, entered the room with weary steps after a long day's work. When he saw the dining table filled with the delicious dishes prepared by Ash, his eyes immediately lit up with enthusiasm.

As a human from another world, Ash had introduced flavours and cooking techniques that were very different from what they were used to. The dishes served, with their tantalising aromas and exquisite presentation, looked like culinary works of art. Each plate was full of colour and flavour, making anyone who saw it feel hungry just by looking.

Vanz took a long breath, clearly impressed by the food. "Wow, this is amazing! Ash, you really know how to cook superbly. I haven't even tasted it yet, but the aroma alone makes me very hungry," he said admiringly, sitting at the table and preparing himself to enjoy the meal.

Ash returned Vanz's smile with warmth. "I'm glad you like it," he replied sincerely, feeling satisfied with the positive feedback.

"Yes, Alice likes it too!" Alice exclaimed cheerfully, her mouth messy with food remnants.

Her mother chuckled softly, her hands quickly wiping the food stains from around Alice's mouth with care. "Fufufu~ Eat slowly, dear. Don't rush, or you might have trouble swallowing."

Alice looked at her mother with a satisfied smile, then swallowed the last piece of food on her plate with deep gratitude.

The family seemed simple but truly enjoyed their lives amidst a society that disliked their presence.