
The Holy Chronicles of Baator

"One day I woke up as Zeoticus Gremory with my A.I. Architect. Thus I decided to set a new goal, to stand at the top of the Universe." *** Enormous AU DxD, Cultivation Elements (like MGE and WMW), Cross-Over, Self-insert, World Building, Kingdom Building, Wars, Polygamy, Slow-Romane at Start, Multiple Universes, not every chapter is fight or war, no pokemon catching, no MC centric novel... Read them and think before you start reading something that you know you won't like and then review and comment how you don't like something that has been tagged already... Such comments and reviews will be instantly deleted *** And for those who still don't understand it, then only this for them: How would Ramsay say: "Fuck off donkeys" From now on deleting all reviews that are bad because of the cultivation element or multiple worlds or due to something mentioned in warnings and disclaimer (basically everything that people are complaining about despite being warned about that)... is in the description and tags so you have been warned. The reason is... that is not reviewing or commenting but just whining and hating cause some people don't have something they like, it is not even objective but just based on the existence of cultivation elements alone.

Trafford · Anime e quadrinhos
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583 Chs

Meeting in the Lucifaad (3)

After he said that, I saw a person enter the throne room.

She was a beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down, which ends in twin braids and red eyes.

She wore an outfit that was a black shirt with golden caramel accents at the edges of the shirt and spread horizontally near the bottom, with two light golden trims going down the shirt, and the shirt splits slightly above her stomach, exposing her midriff. Her jeans are blue, with a white outline at the top. Around her neck and shoulders is a long, cyan scarf made from light material that reaches her hips.

"Lord Lucifer."

She bowed to Lucifer after she turned her attention to me.

"Young Lord Lucifer."

And then she bowed again.

"Now that you are all here, it is time to test a bloodline resonance between you two."

Said Lucifer, as Grayfia and I cut our finger a bit to bring out a drop of blood, to which Lucifer started casting some incarnation, and soon enough, the two drops of blood combined and shined brightly before they dispersed into nothing.

"Excellent... your bloodline resonance is powerful. That is good, Grayfia; from today, you will be destined to be with the blood of Lucifer for all eternity."

He said with a commanding voice that Grayfia just nodded her head in agreement, as this was the moment she was mentally prepared for. One could say that from her earliest childhood, she was groomed to become an aide to Lucifer.

As always, a Lucifer must have a Lucifuge. It was her destiny.

"Now that everything is done, you both can go."

Said Lucifer as he basically sent us away.

Both of us, Grayfia and I, bowed slightly before we left the throne room, leaving the original Lucifer alone sitting on his throne.

As he was sitting on the throne, he revealed a slight smile on his face as he watched me departing, which I just barely caught, and it looked creepy.

After we left the throne room, I saw lord Lucifuge, father of Grayfia, waiting in the hall, before the entrance to the throne room, with rather an anxious expression on his face.

When he saw us both exiting the throne room together, he sighed in relief.

"So, the bloodline resolution between you two must be high, right?"

Asked him, to which I just nodded my head while Grayfia looked at her father without saying a word.

"Now we would become family, Young Lord Lucifer. Your grandfather must have been delighted to see another person with Dark Light... with this, we would have another powerful combatant on our side before the war starts."

Said Lord Lucifuge.

"It is exactly as you say, Lord Lucifuge, just with the declaration, Lord Grandfather, I will soon become a prime target for assassinations from Heaven and Grigori."

I said to him, to which he nodded in agreement, as it was an undeniable truth.

"Indeed it will, but also, it will be a test for you..."

Said Lord Lucifuge before he bowed slightly and went away.

"So, what now, Lady Grayfia? Shall we depart for the Fuerig, or do you wish to do something else before?"

I ask her.

"No, we can go, Lord Zeoticus."

She answered mildly before we went to the I used teleportation spell for the Castle Fuerig.


Meanwhile, in the throne room.

"So what do you say, Gerstahl?"

Asked Lucifer, his attendant.

"He has potential, immense one... I have never thought that someone, too, would inherit the Dark Light. Are you sure about the announcement? If unlucky, someone like Kokabiel would come to assassinate him, and it could spell problems if he doesn't reach Satan-Class quickly, and this is just between our Three Faction. Maybe even other factions would make a move to prevent the rise of another powerhouse on our side."

Answered Gerstahl Lucifuge.

"Heaven and Grigori won't send anyone above Ultimate-Class as they won't risk war erupting prematurely before they complete their preparations. By now, it is set in stone that war would happen. At most, they would send several Ultimate-Class powerhouses to kill him. If he can't survive that, he won't be worth being my descendant."

Said Lucifer.

"And why exactly you gave him the Demonic Energy Crystal? It was of Mid-Quality; they are pretty rare to come by."

Lord Gerstahl Lucifuge was aware that Demonic Energy Crystals were pretty rare these days, as the energy density in the Underworld was worse compared to what it was in the distant past.

"If my guess is current, then he will use it during his metamorphosis to Satan-Class, to directly reach higher ends of the Satan-Class. At least he would become useful. With additional Lucifer at Satan-Class, we will surely win the war, and Devils will dominate everything."

Siad Lucifer with mad glee in his eyes.

"As you command, My Lord."

Said Lord Gerstahl Lucifuge with a slight bow before he left the throne room.

'His mental state is once again deteriorating... same with the other three. Where this will lead...'

Thought Lord Lucifuge as he went away.


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