
The Hokage Married Tsunade

Ye Chen traveled through the world of Naruto and happened to be attending the Jonin Convention! At this moment, Tsunade proposed to reform the medical system and was rejected. As Tsunade’s classmate, Ye Chen said that he is just a soy saucer. At this time, the system appears! “The system starts, and in view of the host’s current situation, three start options are given!” “Option 1: Be a salted fish, sit idly by, and stay away from the plot! Reward: An improved version of Bamen Dunjia!” “Option 2: Strongly oppose Tsunade, reward: Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.” “Option 3: Agree earlier than Kato Duan, reward: Supreme Novice Gift Pack!” Ye Chen chooses… Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Man in Naruto Marries a Wife Tsunade”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate. -------------------------------- Original Author: ATree

Fire_Cultivation · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Chapter 003

Ye Chen didn't expect that the three generations would find him, after all, even if there was a task in the past, it was his leader Shinobu who directly came to inform.

He is a special forbearant, and he is not qualified to lead a team by himself in this war era, and he doesn't even have many opportunities to see Hokage.

Although Ye Chen was a little puzzled, he didn't say much, just silently followed the dark part.

Entering Hokage's office, Ye Chen only saw three generations alone, and all his former teammates were gone.

Do you want to give yourself a solo mission this time?

Ye Chen guessed correctly, and the ape flying sun saw Ye Chen come in and said

"The patrol team on the border of the Land of Wind is short of manpower, I took a look at your mission resume, although it is particularly tolerant, but the record is very good, so I decided to send you to reinforce."

In the past, Ye Chen did not take over the task of patrolling, but it was the first time he went alone.

The three generations said that they have a good record, why didn't they discover their advantages before?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen asked quietly

"What about my teammates? Since there is a shortage of manpower, if the four of us go together, it should help a little more."

The three generations said apologetically

"All three of them have been sent to the border with the Land of Rain, and the situation there is not optimistic."

[Ding! Given the host status, the system gives three options

[Option 1: Accept the mission and fish on the front line.] Reward: 10 million taels].

[Option 2: Reject the task and stay with Tsunade to increase favorability.] Reward: Flying Thunder God's Art].

[Option 3: Accept the mission and solve the Sand Ninja Intelligence Unit.] Bonus: Full version of Kamui].

Options will be determined by the system based on the host's actions. ]

Ye Chen had just tasted the sweetness of the newbie package, and he was looking forward to this system task.

At the moment, the first of these three options does not need to be considered at all, and it is simply despised to buy him for 10 million taels.

It was between two and three, so Ye Chen didn't know how to choose.

The rewards of both options are good, and it is a very buggy space ninjutsu in the original book.

Whether it is the Flying Thunder God or the full version of Shenwei, it has a good improvement for Ye Chen now.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen still decided to choose three, after all, he was not qualified to refuse the task now.

Although he already has the capital to become stronger, it has not yet been transformed into strength and due status, and the current task is an opportunity.

If he can solve Shinobu's intelligence forces, perhaps he will have a certain prestige in Konoha.

"Obey, I will leave for the border of the Land of Wind as soon as possible!"

"Let's go on"


Out of the office door, Ye Chen's face became gloomy.

He already smelled the conspiracy.

He had just come into contact with Tsunade and was sent out on a mission, and it was really impossible not to think about whether it was a dangerous place like the border at any time.

You must know that he was before him, but he was idle for half a month.

Thinking of the fate of Rikato and Tsunade in the original book, Ye Chen also became cautious.

Since he took the task, he would not retreat, but he now had the ability to sound thunder fruits, so he did not panic at all.

Before leaving, Ye Chen came to Tsunade's residence, intending to say goodbye to her first.

I don't know how long this walk will take, but he has to brush Tsunade's favor first.

What made Ye Chen puzzled was that he knocked on the door for a while, but Tsunade actually didn't react at all?

Just as he was about to break down the door, Tsunade finally came out.

At this moment, she didn't even look at it, so she said with a look of disgust

"Kato broke! I said I haven't been available lately, don't come and harass me anymore! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Tsunade realized that it was Ye Chen who knocked on the door.

Immediately his face turned red, and he said embarrassedly

"Ah! Ye Chen… I'm sorry, I thought Kato broke off again…"

Ye Chen only understood when he heard this, not long after the end of this upper ninja meeting, Kato actually came to find Tsunade again.

This kid is really a thief who doesn't die.

It's a pity that Kato has missed the best opportunity, and if he continues to get close to Tsunade now, he will only get bored by Tsunade.

"I'm going on a mission later, I want to come over and say goodbye to you first."

Tsunade's heart tightened when she heard this, she is a famous decaying star, and if she has a good relationship with anyone, that person will suffer immediately.

This is true of her parents, as are many of her former comrades.

"Is it a front-line mission? Why did it suddenly send you over? "

What Tsunade was most afraid of was that Ye Chen went to the front line, and every second he patrolled the front line could be attacked by the enemy!

Ye Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw Tsunade's nervous look.

Although he lived in Konoha for eighteen years, his parents died at a very young age, and he was relatively precocious, so he actually had few friends.

Although I have always cared and approached Tsunade, I have not received feedback.

Today I finally saw a return.

"Are you worried about me now?"

Saying that, Ye Chen also slowly approached Tsunade, gradually forcing her to the wall.

Tsunade was only an eighteen-year-old girl, and when she saw Ye Chen's intimate behavior, her heart suddenly beat a little faster.

In fact, she had a good impression of Ye Chen before, after all, Ye Chen was an adult soul, and she was not less attentive to Tsunade, and when she was most sad, it was often Ye Chen who spoke comfortingly.

Today's Ye Chen is particularly different, although the strength still looks particularly tolerant, but the whole person is a lot more confident.

Ye Chen's handsome face was less than a few centimeters away from Tsunade, and Tsunade said that it was impossible not to move.

"I… I…"

Ye Chen saw Tsunade stammering and unable to speak, thinking that this girl was finally emotional to herself, and actually showed such a little woman's appearance.

Sure enough, the choice at the meeting was wise, and it was this key choice that made Ye Chen proudly enter the palm of Tsunade.

After knocking Tsunade's hand into the wall, Ye Chen did not do anything out of the ordinary, but slowly took out a notebook.

"This is for you, I will help you sort out some information about the medical system, as well as the development direction of medical ninjutsu."

Tsunade originally thought that Ye Chen would do something to her, but it turned out that she thought too much, and Ye Chen seemed to do it more honestly than she thought?

Seeing the notes Ye Chen took out, Tsunade's eyes suddenly lit up, she was worried about this, and after thinking for a long time, she didn't know how to start writing a plan.

From Ye Chen's hand, she only read a few pages and understood the importance of this note.

Not only did many plans coincide with her, but they all made detailed plans, and even about the development of medical ninjutsu, he also gave several, what palm cactus, chakra scalpel and so on.

It also made her eyes shine, and she had new inspiration for the development of medical ninjutsu.

"Ye Chen, you sorted this out?!"

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