

He was born, he grew, he lived, he killed, he died Life was always simple for him he was a bodyguard/hitman it was never boring though it was also never calm, he liked the calm, the quiet. He met God got a few wishes and got thrust in a world with little information. He doesn't strive to be the strongest, but he has to survive... For the time being at least, God told him he would later die. All things die Author here first novel so please give support and advice, i just felt like writing after seeing novels like Guild wars, Pandemonium of a lazy soul and Darius supreme P. S English isn't my first language

Imoesi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs



"Aughh" Jackson grunted as he breathed in, all he saw was brightness after God snapped his fingers.

He noticed he was in a room, dimly lit and made of something akin to concrete. It wasn't large, but wasn't small either. He noticed the room was lit by some cuboid shaped object that was attached to the ceiling.

As he tried to get off the bed he was on, when the bed made some creaking sounds "seems old" he mused to himself. He put his legs on the floor "creak"Jackson narrowed his eyes "How old is this place? "

As he tried to asses his new body, he was surprised to notice he was shorter and lighter than before, just for assurance he checked out his little brother "Holy shit!" He exclaimed, "what kinda joke is this, please tell me I reincarnated into a younger body and did not just get a joke from God! " As he looked at his little brother, he remembered one of his teammates who they used to make fun of cause of his little dick. "So this is how it felt like, I'm sorry Samuel I now understand your sorrows" he said with a solemn expression.

He then tried to access the system

"System? "

{Yes} A robotic voice answered

"What are your parameters and how am I supposed to operate you? "

{I was made by a being of a higher existence than those of this multi verse to assist you with the accumulation and assimilation of the power of the previous demon monarch so as to prevent this worlds destruction and disruption of time and space, and this includes and is not limited to the planet which the host is currently on. Part of my uses include the analyzing and showing of hosts data,guiding and advising host when necessary, helping host with information that I am allowed to give and know of,helping host to parse and understand information,and other menial things.}

{I can be operated by you thinking about me, then giving your commands, for example if you want to check your status just think of me and give the command, this same action can be used for other operations too, like your inventory, settings, skill tree and the likes}

After hearing what the system said, Jackson checked his status "Status"


Name:Jackson Smith

Class: --

Profession 1: --

Profession 2: --

Title: Demon Monarch


Strength : 9

Agility : 9

Endurance : 8

Intelligence :12

Luck : 10

HP : 72/72

HP Regeneration : 4.2HP/Minute

MP : 12/12

MP Regeneration : 1.1MP/Minute

Obsidis : 5

Obsidis Regeneration : 0.2OS/Minute.

Skills : Supreme marksmanship lvl 1, Supreme Close Quarter Combats lvl 1, Supreme tracking lvl 1, Empathy lvl 1, Ultimate Assembler lvl 1, Ultimate Mind lvl 1, Magnum Coder lvl 1, Analyze

Spells : -- ]

After seeing his status he understood some but didn't understand some of them

"System, what is the average human strength? And what's this Obsidis? "

{The average human strength is eight but, since you are in the body of a Hikig also known as Demon high Royal you are a Higher life form, the average of this specie is ten, though you are one of the few remaining.}

{Obsidis is the power which this old body used ,it is the refined mana that can only be used by this body because of its high purity. In its raw form it is very corrosive but under your control it is highly versatile but as of now you can not handle it, thought it can not harm you since it is from your body.}

{ Obsidis's uses include , life drain, mana drain corrosion, element change, and in its advanced forms you can make clones with it and send your mind to it if you so wish, when you have completely made it under your control you can make it have free will with the clones, This is known as Avatar forming, only a few beings can achieve this in this universe.}

Jackson wasn't too surprised to hear he was a demon high royal, God did tell him he was being reincarnated... Wait is this still reincarnation since he's just incarnating as his past incarnation?.

Fuck! He stopped thinking of that before he had an identity crisis. But he was a little surprised to hear he was a higher life form, but that did explain why his specie was few

After understanding what the system said about Obsidis, Jackson knew that even if this world had magic and powers this power

was overpowered. If he had complete control over this power couldn't he just make endless clones of himself?. No wonder there were only five points in the bar,he nodded in understanding. He also didn't think too much about the fact that the system didn't say he couldn't give his own clones the power to wield Obsidis, he kept that taboo thought away for later and looked at the rest of his status.

He wasn't surprised to see his old skills in the skill bar, and with the supreme, ultimate and Magnum tags nonetheless, "guess God held up his promise " he thought

He wasn't surprised to see he didn't have any spells though, there was no magic in his former world in the first place.

Then he asked the system "How do I get my class and profession?, and am I only limited to one class and two professions? "

{Your class would be given to you by the system, your class would be chosen based on your base stats, it would also include luck, and skills}

{No you are not limited to one class and two professions,but, other professions and classes which host chooses to do would be outside of systems influence, which entails that its growth will be completely based on hosts talent}

"Damn, this feels like a shady car deal, anyway I'd like to choose my class now, please"

The system interface that was originally showing his status changed into one of those casino games where you insert a coin and pull the lever with three white blanks showing, it read Class, profession 1,and profession 2 on the head of the first, second and third blank space ,respectively.

He pulled the lever then it started to Spin..