
V4 ch35

I liked that we weren't at the game tonight for a completely different reason. And I didn't know it until later as the game played out. Stanford lost to Auburn. It started off pretty even, but as soon as Stanford replaced their starter with a relief…the horror show started. Hit after hit. A walk. An error. The distance grew between Auburn and Stanford and it wasn't something that Zeke or Bradley could help shorten on their own. They made a small dent in Auburn's lead but came up short. They lost 10-7.

Noah played dead on the living room floor, acting like it was the end of the world. "That was so painful to watch. My heart hurts."

Dave laughed, giving him a small kick in the leg. "Yea, well, how do you think Zeke feels?"

Noah jumped up. "Oh man. He's gotta be pissed. Rhys too. They're going to come out so hot tomorrow. I bet they put the beat down on Auburn. Definitely going to game three on Sunday."