


Old bat watched the girl stroll down inside the school; the woman's wise eyes noticed how unhappy the girl looked throughout the ride. She picked up her phone and dialed her owner's line.

"Don't make me take your girl to school no more...she almost sank my car six feet under with her multiple sighs." The woman barked at Raven over the phone.

Raven, on the other side of the call, moved the phone away when he was sure the woman was done talking. He asked, "What happened?"

Ms. Havilah rolled her eyes, "Clearly you happened. It's like leaving a toddler to be taken care of by a neighbor. She would obviously sulk for her mother all day. Why did you leave without telling her where you went?" The woman asked worriedly.

Raven didn't reply to the question; all he said was, "I don't know when I'll return. Take her back home and call me if anything should happen." He dropped the call.