

my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Hinglish-sama-novel-update-news-105542290905160/ This story is based on a world. Which is like our world. This story tells the history of that world. History that has been erased. When humans were not born. FIRE HUMANS ruled the world at that time. There came a time. Such kings started ruling the world. Who were very bloodthirsty. He used to persecute his people.   At that time the world was a storehouse of atrocities, corruption and crimes.   At that time a warrior fought the bloodthirsty kings.   This story is based on the hard work and hard work of that warrior and his companions, liberated the world from the bloodthirsty kings and established peace.

hinglish · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


Suddenly, VAMPIRE attacks against humans have been increasing in NORTH KINGDOM for few days.

That is why debate is going on in Parliament today.

  Which includes King and General.

Meliodas Burgess (District Magistrate of Audiba)

is telling

"My Lord VAMPIRE attacks have been taking place in my area for the last 25 days.

4 or 6 VAMPIRE suddenly attacked the villagers.

  As soon as we knew. In the same way, our soldiers used to reach there to save the villagers and attacked VAMPIRE and killed them.

But for the last 2 days, VAMPIRE has been attacking 30 to 50 in the herd.

This is why our soldiers are having trouble defeating them, due to this many of our soldiers have been injured and many have died.

But somehow we were handling these attacks.

  But yesterday's VAMPIRES attacked three villages simultaneously. Each village had an army of 200 to 300 VAMPIRE.

We immediately sent 3 troops of our army to all three villages. The three troops went to different villages.

An army contingent consisted of 500 soldiers.

But whenever we could not do anything.

In 2 villages, VAMPIRE killed people and burned the entire village and took away boys and girls of 15 to 25 years with them and all our soldiers were also killed.

But when the third party of our army reached the third village, they saw that a masked warrior alone had burned 300 VAMPIRE to ashes and he was using his Fire power to kill them."

KING: "How can this happen."

"The temperature of the NORTH kingdom is so low. That Fire humans have to use all their Fire Power to keep their body warm in order to be alive here, and if no one does, then they cannot survive in the NORTH kingdom. Except a few people from just 2 Familys which is.


7 MEMBERS of WHITE FAMILY who can keep their BODY warm using Fire Power, as well as use Fire Power for more work.

None of them were in AUDIBA and they have no need to hunt VAMPIRES by hiding their faces.

Why would COLA FAMILY hunt its own people."

  King: "Meliodas will get you the help you need."

King: "I need all the information about that Fire human."

" Who is he, what is his name, how powerful is he, how many companions does he have and whether he is our enemy or not."

That's when a voice comes from behind.

  No !

Meliodas you just concentrate on stopping VAMPIRE's attack and killing VAMPIRES.

I will handle that masked Fire Human.

King: "AQUA, what are you doing sitting back there."

AQUA: "I'm sorry."

AQUA: "I was a little late to come and I started listening you both, so I sat back and listened to you."

AQUA: Father!




WHITE FAMILY is one of the 7 most powerful warriors)