
The High Priestess & The Silver Alpha

[Mature Content] Lilith is the daughter of the Fae King and the first Witch. She was powerful and beautiful. From the moment the Moon Goddess proclaimed her to be the mate of an alpha wolf, she has been fighting them throughout the centuries. Miguel is a Silver wolf and the Alpha of the Silver Lakes pack. He has been alive for over 250 years, waiting for his mate to finally surrender to him. After finally pin pointing her location, he finds her in New York City. Will Lilith finally stop running and surrender to her mate or will she finally reject him? This is book one of a series that I am currently writing. I have started book two and three. The book "Their Human Goddess" is book Four of this series. ************************************************************************ “I love you Lilith Santana of the Silver Lakes pack.” He said to me with a smile. Then he took a drink from the absinthe bottle. I could feel his sexual energy get stronger as the liquor hit him hard. “I love you too Miguel Santana.” I said to him. We kissed again as I felt him slide his erection up and down my wetness. He teased me with it before taking another shot of the bottle. “I’m ready papi.” I said to him in my anticipation.

Bronx_Lyran718 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 9

Miguel's P.O.V.

The way Lilith laid out her financial plan for the pack gave me an estimation of six months. I have heard rumors of her wealth. Humans think that they are wealthy, Lilith literally owns so much wealth. Her long life has made her the richest woman in existence. So whatever she is including me in is nothing. She even outlined everyone's salaries. What is did was increase our salaries by 85%! She lied to Thomas and Francisco, she had more than the means to cut ties with them financially. I couldn't help but smile.

"Can you give us a copy of the financial report you are reading?" Thomas asked me. I looked up and opened a mind link with Lilith.

"Baby, they want a copy." I said to her. She blinked and I could see her standing naked in front of the mirror in my closet.

"There is a small packet in the back of the binder. Make a copy of that. I don't want them to know the real numbers. I don't trust them papi." She said as she put on some cute red shorts.

"Play with your breasts for us." Carlos managed to say excitedly.

"No, Gary is sitting outside watching t.v." she said.

"No more sex stories." I said to her. She smiled and grabbed her breast to bring it to her mouth.

"There." She said as she let go of her breasts.

"I will be there soon." I said to her. I grabbed the packet from the back of the notebook. I grabbed it as I got up and walked over to the printer in the corner of the room. I made copies of the papers and put the original back.

"I hope these numbers will satisfy your curiosity." I said to them as I handed the packets to them. They look over the first page that broke down the budget amount she gives.

"I am more than happy." Thomas said with a smile. Francisco didn't say a word but I could tell he was amaze that the amount. If he only knew how much she was actually providing.

I shook their hands as I walked them towards the door. I kept the binder close to me as I walked upstairs to my office. I opened my secret room and in the safe, I put the binder. I didn't want anyone else seeing this. I closed it up and headed upstairs to meet my baby.

When I walked in my room she was sitting with pillows prompt up behind her and Gary was laying down by the edge of the bed. They were watching The Scary Movie trilogy by the Wayne Brothers.

I walk over to the bed and lay down next to her. I push my head into her stomach as she runs her fingers through my hair. I love how she makes me feel.

"I can't wait for our puppy to grow in here." Carlos said. I look up at her and she is smiling.

We spend the rest of the afternoon watching comedies until dinner time. I literally throw her over my shoulder in order for her to join us at the dinner table. I sit her next to me as she puts her head on my arm.

Everyone was there, Jason, Gary, Gloria, Cakes, and Taylor. I know that she is a vegan so fix her plate with no meat.

"You two look like you are too old for her when in reality, she is older than you." Gloria said smiling.

"Right, they look like he is her sugar daddy." Jason said. Lilith looks up at me with a smile.

"She is my sugar baby." I said as I look at her. I love how shy she acts around everyone.

"We are almost done getting everything together for the Luna ceremony. But what are we going to do about the pack run?" Cakes said.

"Well my mom and Taylor's mom were human so they had a choice." I said to Cakes.

"I've had my fairy wings since I was 10 years old. But I don't use them." Lilith said.

"People tend to forget she is half fae." I said to them.

"Too many stories to believe out there." Jason said.

We finished dinner and we headed out to walk around. She convinced me to walk around bare foot because it will help ground me. I didn't fight her; I just did what she asked.

"I love seeing the stars. In NYC, the fluorescent lights fuck it up big time." She said as she holds on to my arm.

"What made you settle in New York City?" I asked her.

"I knew I would be needed there. There are no packs in the city so a lot of rogues go there on the east coast. In the 1800s, I helped a few small packs find refuse around the country since I can mask my scent and others as well." She said as we continue to walk.

"I heard the stories. Why haven't you started a coven like your mother?"

"When that wolf took my mother, I was left alone. So after she died, I decided to stay alone. I have helped a few witches here and there throughout time but a coven, no." she said

"You are not alone now. You are the female leader of a big pack of wolves." I said to her. She looked up at me with a smile.

"I just have to get used to it. It's a big adjustment but I will do my best. I almost forgot; I have a present for you upstairs." She said smiling.

"Are you going to let me fuck you doggy style?" Carlos asked. She her face turned red.

"In time papi." She said teasing us.

"At least let me eat you from that position. I promise not to finger fuck you just my tongue." Carlos said. She smiled before pushing her face into my arm to cover her embarrassment.

"Why are you shy? I thought you didn't mind hearing about our desires. I want to please you as my woman." I said to Lilith. I could tell her face was getting redder.

"I'm not shy. It's just different when you talk dirty to me. I've had men talk to me dirty before and it didn't bother me at all. Nothing, no feeling. But with you, it turns me on. My imagination goes crazy plus I can feel the passion behind your words so it sends my body into over drive." She says.

"We can go as slow as you want. I'm not in any rush. We can talk about the things you want to do and explore that can turn you on." I said to her as we sat on a bench in the garden area.

"I know but I can't help but wonder if my lack of pleasing you will drive you to go be with one of your ex-lovers." Lilith said.

"No. You are my mate. I've waited for you for so fucking long. I fucked a few females but what I feel for you will never let me even think about another woman. You read my mind this past week. All I thought about was you. I missed your smell and lying next to you." I said as I grabbed her and put her on my lap.

"You make me feel safe. The last time I felt this way was with my mother." She said as she laid her head on my chest.

"You can turn people into sand and leave entire cities empty. I feel safe with you." I said to her. We both started laughing.

"They were dumb male wolves that came to take a group of girls into their pack as sex slaves. I thought the fuck not! They were under my protection so I did what I had to do." She said.

"You went back to their pack and dropped off the bags of sand in front of their alpha. What the fuck baby?"

"He needed to get the fucking message. And no other packs have tried that shit since. I wanted to ask you something big daddy." She said. Fuck I love it when she calls me that!

"Anything you want baby." I said to her as I squeezed her ass.

"I wanted to ask if I can teach a healing class. There are some pups who are being born with healing abilities and I want to teach them how to manifest and used this ability. Plus the knowledge of herbal medicine helps a lot." She said as she wrapped her legs around my waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck before giving me a tap kiss.

"I take it you have it all planned out?" I asked her. She flashed me a smile.

"Of course." She said.

"We can see." I said to her. She pressed her lips against mine so hard. Her tongue intertwine with mine as we kissed. Her smell and her the way she felt was driving me crazy.

"Down boy!" she said as she pulled away.

"You do this to me!" I said to her with a smile. She started grinding her pelvis on my erection before standing up. I couldn't believe what she was doing.

"Sorry I don't mean to give you blue balls. I'm sleepy." She said with a smile.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Carlos said in shock. Then she started running. I got up and ran behind her all the way to our room.