
Chapter 36: Anime Expo(III)(Final)

Wassup, I'm here to clear some misunderstanding some readers saying my mc is obsessed with dragons.

First of all, I will teach you a little bit about Japanese, Tanaka's full name is Tanaka Ryuuji, I don't know if I have explained this here but his last name Ryuuji is connected to the word Ryu, in which was a dragon, and if you add his full last name which was Ryuuji, you will find its close to the word Ryujin, which means dragon god.

I made dragons signify Tanaka since it was the symbol of his last name or his clan if you want to, that was also one of the reasons why the village was called the Hidden Among Dragons Village(In English) since Tanaka was the Dragon here.

Hope you understand okay?

If you guys have more questions feel free to ask, I will try to answer it, and stop giving my FF bad reviews just because you don't understand something...

Also I warned you at chapter 1 that I don't have much knowledge about Naruto since I didn't watch it, so don't be a sus if you found something wrong, just go along with it.


In the Aniverse, people found a whole new world, especially the Daimyo's, they learned many things that they only saw but did not know in the Aniverse.

For example the electricity, they know this thing existed in anime but they only have thought of it as a fantasy idea but it was actually real.

Not just them but everyone who joined the Anime Expo, take note that the over all population of Shinobi World doesn't exceed 7 million, and 5 almost reaching 6 million people attended the Anime Expo.

about 40% of them were Shinobi while the rest were normal people, this world had a scarce population due to the warring states period.

In the og anime, there should only have been 3 to 4 million maximum population due to the continuous war and because of Tanaka, not too many lives were lost.

And Tanaka was proud of it, he may not be a symbol of peace or the world savior like Jesus, he was a man feared and respected by the people.

He was the wall that stopped their titan desires from destroying the world with their desires, no, not just him, but the whole village he made.

If it was the past then, Tanaka was always needed by the village and it's people but now, it could stand on it's own legs and face the world.

Anyway, Tanaka didn't bother hiding the whole new things he brought to this world from his past life or maybe, they would also reach this kind of technology but it would take many years.

These things will help making the peoples life better, Tanaka didn't mind them and enjoyed the moment.

Holding Miyano who was sitting on his head, they were having fun, a year had already passed since Miyano was born, this world, babies have stronger physique and they could already crawl at 1 year old.

Miyano is very energetic, she have like infinite energy source that only Tanaka could cope with, well, he was really having fun playing with her.

Tanaka treasured his family in this world since in his past life, he only had a sister and their parents had died.

Speaking of his sister, Tanaka hoped she was doing okay, anyway, Tanaka always spent his time with his family whenever he could.

Maybe one day, something happened and he could not spend his time anymore with them.

Well, Tanaka also became energetic and was trying to make the second baby with Erina.

The Ryuuji family then have their best fun in the Anime Expo, as for the trouble makers, there had been some who was ignorant with what was happening and tried to cause trouble and was immediately talked nice by the guardians with their fist.

No one dared to cause trouble after that.

Anyway, the most popular attraction was of course, the second floor or plane? since it looked like a new world, but everyone really loved the place since it was not just the buildings that they saw there but also their favorite characters that was alive!

Yes! Tanaka used his Creation of All things technique for these characters, though, they were only Artificial Intelligence that Tanaka had tried to create and it worked quite well.

Thankfully, Tanaka had some experience in making A.I's, these A.I's are advanced ones and are extremely loyal to Tanaka, they don't have any strong battle strength but they could still do the skills of the anime characters they are made of.

For example, Luffy, the A.I could also stretch any parts of it's body like a rubber, it also have 2nd gear to awakening.

There was also Doraemon who could take anything out from it's pocket, but now, it only takes candy out from it's pocket and give it to it's fans which also they loved.

Everyone was full of smiles as they stroll around the Aniverse, they never felt so mystical before.

In the blink of an eye, it was already night time but the Aniverse was still lively, to give the ones who came from very far away some service, Tanaka added some hotels and restaurants that was manned by Ryuotsuki Graduates.

And the most popular restaurant was Tobirama's Restaurant in which he do all the work alone, well, he uses shadow clone to serve many customers and also fasten his cooking, it could be said, he was a one man restaurant.

Though it was a little expensive, the people still decided to eat here, this made the prestige of the Ryuotsuki Academy.

Of course, as the most kind and handsome leader, Tanaka had a reservation for this restaurant even with Tobirama's resistance, since he could not really go against Tanaka.

Tanaka also brought Hashirama and Madara's family and they all ate dinner happily.

And just like that, the Anime Expo days passed very fast, in these days, Tanaka also held some events such as cosplay contest, singing contest and dance contest.

So it never really got boring, The Daimyo's also had meeting with each other and they all hope Tanaka could either let them have a share or even purchase from him.

In which Tanaka accepted with condition of course, they would allow him to build a branch company building on their countries in which they allowed since Tanaka didn't ask for their payment.

And on the seventh day of the Anime Expo, they ended it with singing of the popular idols of Ryugakure and fireworks.


Finally! Nearing chapter 40! I can finally laze ar- I mean, work hard for my next FF.

If you like my work, please do it by PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.

Wise-Man Words:

A thing about Gender Equality is Men are taught how to treat women properly and nicely while Women are taught how to fight men and how scary they are.