
Chapter 176. Cave Dwellers

"But, what about Master Rui?" Ning Xin said again.

"No need to think about the old man. The only thing we have to think about is how we can get to the top of the mountain quickly," Xiao Ara replied, the girl looked up and looked at the sky.

Hearing that, Ning Xin was speechless. The girl felt very guilty.

If she had known that she would only cause trouble for Master Ju Xian, she might have refused to come along.

The rain is getting heavier, the air temperature is getting lower, coupled with the occasional wind that blows.

It seemed they would spend the night in the cave, therefore they could not continue their journey.

If Xiao Ara was alone, perhaps she would continue on her way. Rain and other things are small obstacles for her when she is in the forest.

Ah.. it seems with her current body and physical condition. Continuing the journey to the top of the mountain would also make her physically exhausted.