

Joshua was running through the streets of the Holy Capital without pause going through all the back alleys he could to escape the danger of being caught. Even though he was pretty confident that no one saw him he could not risk at all of being captured and tortured. If he was caught by the guards or the Pope's guard he would be killed and maimed before he could even say "sorry".

After Josh had run a couple dozen good blocks from the Popes party he heaved a sigh, thank god I had put all that training into my agility or otherwise I would have been toast. Although he was pretty far away already he kept feeling a shadow gaining on him till he increased his pace.

Now that he has escaped I should go to this city's Assassin Temple, so I can finally become an official assassin and get the class and all of it's benefits. Josh kept running to the place he remembered with the map within his brain and till he brought himself to a suspicious looking alley and, pressed 10 stones with a certain pattern and suddenly a passage opened within the wall.

Josh ran down the tunnel all the way all while avoiding the traps that the temple recruit master told him about before sending him to his target. and finally after getting past all the traps he finally saw the door that led him to the Assassin Temple and he opened it in a relaxed manner. After all who could get here all the way without triggering one trap that alerts the whole Temple.

When he finally got in and walked past everyone training and sleeping or drinking and got to the room he desired withing this place. The recruit master that handles all recruits their missions and their training that they should get after they pass their recruit mission. He opened the door and saw the recruiters face and said "hey master I passed the mission you gave me just ask the Popes guard and you know I wont be lying".

The master then said "I know you idiot, you think I wouldn't place a tail on you after having such valuable info as our location and trap placement?". "Oh" said Josh after coming to a sudden realization that he was idiot that he couldn't be watched with such info.

Well then can I become a Assassin since I passed the mission and didn't get caught, "yes but you're only gonna be the lowest ranked assassin in the whole temple a recruit Assassin" said the master.

[Ding! you gained the Recruit Assassin Job]

okay I forgot to put that the last chapter was actually just a intro to the story not the actual first chapter of the story sorry about that.

My chapters are now usually gonna be around 400 words to 550 considering on how I feel at the time, and my chapter update is gonna be 0-2 a day

choosingbeggarcreators' thoughts