
The heroes are psychopaths

What will you do when you suddenly woke up in a different world? and was suddenly hailed as a hero by the inhabitants. What ? Sounds like a rip off? Its original ! On the other hand you are not alone. as eight other of people has woken up along side you. However some of these people has no interest in saving the world but rather more interested to things that benefits them. Now its up to you to become the strongest and protect the new world. You think its another boring isekai huh? Dinosaurs Flying Whales Acient Wolf's And a whole lots of booba's Interesting characters and logical plots!! You still think its boring ? .... ...... ........ .......... Tsk fine. Kneels* Please read it... ༼;'༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ I bet my balls you will like it.

CainZerWilliam · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

True intentions | Chp3

The medieval room had enough space to host the four of them.

William and michael sat on the bed while anuj sat on the chair and Arthur sat on the window.

"What brings you guys here? " Michael asked.

Arthur anuj looked at william.

( It seems they were dragged here by william )

Michael thought.

" The kings are kinda suspicious dont you think? " William started the conversation.

" What do you mean? " Michael asked.

" We were summoned here to stop a great disaster but did not tell us what exactly is that great disaster.

On top of that the way they acted all excited when they found out we received rare talents.

Similar to a child getting a christmas present."

" Are saying they're going to use us to strengthen there military power? " Michael asked.

" I had the same hunch " arthur said.

" Makes sense when you think about it " anuj commented.

" But what if they are just happy to have such talented saviors? " Michael contradicted.

" Its too early to tell " arthur said.

" I agree, we havent even gone outside

yet "

Anuj commented.

" But what if thats the case? Are you willing to become a the kings personal butler? "

William added.

" No, i hate being used. " Anuj commented.

" Of course not! " Michael respond.

Arthur on the other hand was silent.

" Wait, why did you not call the others? "

Michael asked. If its a hero meeting why only four of them.

" The fat bastard was sound asleep and the two sluts were doing there thing.

Anyways im gonna head out first." William said walking out the room.

" Ill get going as well " arthur followed and also left the room.

Now michael and anuj only stared at each other.

" Im gonna be real with you, between the eight of us i trust you the most."

" Unlike william and arthur who seemed to be in there own minds and the other three who are useless." Anuj said.

" I feel the same way, lets look out for each others back from now on. "

The two shook hands before anuj leaving his room.

Meanwhile in the kings office.

" What do you guys think? " Mclung said while stroking his beard.

" There are eight of them, how do you suggest we equaly split them? " Lendon asked.

" You and alastor get three heroes and i get two But i get to choose first. " Mclung suggest.

Alastor and lendon looked at each other.

( Sounds good ).

( Lets do it ).

Mclung tried hard to hide his smirk.

( You old fools! )

" Then ill take hero William first " Mclung

Out of all the heores the top three choices would be Arthur=William just below them is michael.

(I knew this old bastard would be after talent)

Alastor thought.

" Ill take hero  Arthur " Alastor said.

( Ill choose Michael next )

" ill take hero Hanna " lendon looked unbothered that the first two options was chosen first .

( What is he thinking ? ) Mclung thought.

( Maybe his just a pervert ..) alastor thought.

" Ill take hero philip " Mclung said.

( He needs a bit of work but he can be very use full ).

" Ill take Hero Ella " Lendon said with a creepy smile as if he just about to commit a crime.

( This guy.. ) alastor thought.

" Ill take Hero michael " Alastor said.

( I did not get william but its only fair )

Alastor thought letting a satisfied smile.

" i guess ill take hero Zhou " Lendon followed.

" Ill be taking hero anuj then " alastor said.

The three kings discused more trivial matters before calling it a night.


Phillip was seen taking a bite in a donut

And drinking a coke.

" I should savour it well, this will be the last time i  would get to eat Coke and donuts " he said savouring every bite.

It was early in the morning when a light knock was heard waking up the heroes.

( Hanna pov )

" Uh " hanna cutely grunts as she stood up half asleep.

She slowly approached the door.

" Hero Hanna please proceed to the dining hall the king wants to eat breakfast with the heroes." The servant said from the other side.

Hanna quickly got ready washing her face and changing into a new set of clothes.

For a moment she stared at her self in the mirror.

Her silky long hair, hazel eyes and hourglass figure can undoubtably charm any rich and influential man she desires or pursue any career she wants.

But here she was trapped in another world with no way to go back.

After finishing getting ready she quickly rushed out the door only to bump into someone.

It was two jigglish fluffy melons.

( So soft ) she thought.

" Ouh! Sorry are you okay? " Ella asked her.

She was flabbergasted, she always knew that her beauty was exceptional and unpar her whole life she havent met anyone as beautiful as her not untill today.

Ella Griefs her fellow hero, her shiny gold hair that reflected the sun her Deep blue eyes and redish lips, her big floaters that would make any man lust for her.

( Shes so pretty ) Hanna thought admiring her.

" Sorry im fine, " she replied.

" Are you heading to the dining hall? Lets go together." Ella said with a smile.

" Yes i would love that "

The two woman had a little chat while making they're way to the dining hall.

Meanwhile. ( Arthur pov )

The servant was assigned to wake up hero arthur.

She was outside his room after a few minutes of walking.

She was about to knock on the door when she heard strange sounds.

" Ugh " Clap* " agh "

She instantly went red as lewd images of the hero appeared on her head.

( So early in the morning ) she thought.

However she cant leave without telling him.

With all her courage she lightly knocked at the door.

The sounds did not stop.

" Oh " " ah " Clap*

" You can come in " the voice of the hero yelled out.

( COME IN?! )

Suddenly lewd fantasies began to appear in her head.

( What will he do to me if i come in?)

Her red was reder than a tomato.

Her hands was shaking but she once again gathered all her courage and opened the door.

" EH? ". 

" Oh " " agh " The hero Arthur was seen doing some intensive clapping push ups.

" 1000 " arthur yelled out and stood.

Revealing his sweaty masculine body to the servant.

" He-hero th-the yo-you " she stuttered in the sight of arthur.

( His so... Perfect )

" Yes? " Arthur asked while putting on a t shirt

After wiping the sweat in his body.

" Di-dining Ha-hall.."  she keeps mustering.

" Please cum-Come!" She said after running from embarrasment her cheeks were red and she felt like dying in a hole.

" What a wierdo " arthur said as he head out to the dining hall.


Most of the heroes had gather in a dining hall as well as the three kings.

" Whats taking them so long? " Michael asked.

" Beats me " anuj replied.

Suddenly a familliar obesse man was seen running from the hall.

" Sorry for the wait everyone! " He said while gasping for air.

" Its fine hero Philip " Mclung said as he then showed a fake smile.

Moments later the last member of the heroes finaly arrived.

" William where have you been? " Michael asked.

" Its rude to make the kings wait "  Hanna added.

While william sat down ignoring everyone's presence but then started to eat the food in the table.

The three kings was enrage by this behavior as well as his other fellow heroes.

" Prepostrous! " The king lendon exclaimed.

" How dare you!" The king mclung added while slamming his fist in the table.

( While all you fools were playing around i was learning about how this world function )

( My suspicions were correct, this bastards does want to use us to increase there military power and help expand they're territories ).

(  This three bastards are planning a huge expansion on the neighboring countries and they plan to use us against they're enemies.)

( On top of that )

" How dare you ignore our pressence ! " Lendon couldn't hold it anymore and threw his spoon towards william.

( I learned a lot of things today )

( One, each of us are way stronger and durable than normal thanks to the blessings of the gods. )

( Second is, learning magic is fun and easy )

Suddenly williams eyes began to show a variant glow and a shadow blocked the spoon aimed towards him.

" Insolent! I am your king ! " Mclung said inrage.

While there was no guards around to protect them while. servants rushed and called some of the high ranking guards.

As his fellow heroes were terrafied and shocked to williams arrogant behavior.

" Sorry, i am my own king " as suddenly william leaped towards mclung and aiming for a punch.

But his attack was cut short when another attack was launch towards him.

( What?! A guard? No. )

The attacker was none other than Arthur. Fortunetly william quickly withraw his fist and blocked arthurs kick instead. Sending him a to crash to the walls.

" Your not the only one who learned magic "

Arthur shouted as his feet started to spark electricity.

( Looks like i wasnt the only one who did some sneaking last night. )

( This guy also knows about the strength increase ontop of that he also learned a spell in the span of one night. )

( im not the only genius in this novel)

William thought.

Info drop:

Heroes blessings

- high grade talent.

- increased strength.

- increase durability.

- minor healing factor.

- increased learning.