
The Hero Remains

A young man who suffered in most of his life, where he knew the human greed, disillusioned by life for everything they have shown him, he goes home. On the way he found a scene somewhat familiar to him. A robbery of a bank. where heavily armed criminals were leaving without realizing their surroundings. He Realizing that a delinquent would hurt a family where there was a scared little girl; he crosses the road where the bullet went. So that the police then catch the thieves. Unfortunately, the shot was with motives to kill, so the bullet went through his lung. Seeing that his chances of achieving his "simple dream" vanished in the air along with his life he regrets until he feels the girl sobs. Remembering his past and his desire to be a true hero like the Stories he always read, such as Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, The Knights of the Round Table, Gilgamesh among others. Yes, the young man was a strong fan of Fate's series. he always wants to be a hero. In the end he could be the hero he always wanted to be ... at the cost of his own life. He would never regret his decision. Anyway, the young man could prevent a poor girl from suffering what he lived for all his life, and if it was the cost of his life, he would pay it without hesitation twice. With a soft smile he closed his eyes forever ... or not?

KuroganeGwain · Outros
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4 Chs


(POV ARTHUR) - Point of view of a Character.

-I challenge you to ... -, Dialog of a character.

(What should I do now?), Thinking of a Character.

Disclaimer: The characters of Boku no Hero Academy, Fate Stay Night, Fate Grand Order, Among others belong to their respective creators. For which I write without profit and only for fun. (For now.)


Darkness. Everything around him was a gloomy environment where Arthur felt nothing, could not see or breathe less. Why was this? Arthur wondered why he could not see beyond. Does this refer to the scientists, the experts referring to the supposed 'Peace' that one gets after dying? He had many questions but nobody could answer a miserable question... Why?

-Because I'm dead.- Arthur said contemplating the loneliness and although it is rare ... tranquility, he felt at this moment. He did not really hate that, instead after all the tortures, the hardships he lived and that his life has culminated in a heroic sacrifice. (Then this felt the heroes of the past who sacrifice their own life not for their own profits ... yeah you feel good about yourself, although I would have liked to see at least the smile of the little girl who I save, at least she will not go through the hardships that at some point of my life I passed, sincerely ... it's a relief.) Arthur thought, without knowing it in his 'face' there was a satisfied smile.

What he did not know is that he was being observed by many divine entities who saw the heroic sacrifice of the young mortal. Perhaps it was strange, to be seeing a supposed 'record' of the young man who was looking into the void while humming a song with a tranquility that even the beings themselves were surprised.

-What do you guys say? I think the young hero passed the test that we imposed without him knowing. - an entity spoke to where other beings were observing the 'resume' of the young Arthur.

- Is it necessary to ask? The young man sacrificed himself for another life, although years have passed that young creature still does not forget the sacrifice, instead have you not seen the earth afterwards? Even the girl ended up being an important agent of the government that managed to lowed a large percentage of the hardships where mortals are, if that karma collected is not enough, then I do not know who else could achieve it. - Another person answered that in this case her voice sounded more ethereal than the previous one. While looking at their other companions.

-in this case, I think that with all his karmic points he can live a good life. I think he deserves it. But ... Where? - Asked another voice while looking at the figure of Arthur with sadness.

- Do not you remember that world? The one where heroes lived everywhere while saving lives? I think he will be comfortable. Obviously we will give a little 'help' do not you think? - replied another ethereal voice with a happy tone, implying to the other figures that person was happy with the opinions of their peers.

-it is evident that we will help him. And I know perfectly how we can help. But now there is another problem that we must fix. You remember that ... there are other 'little problems' in other worlds than what you plan to send him to, right? Practically where we will send him will be like a small tutorial for the little mortal.- calmly answered another being who analytically observed the 'soul' of Arthur.

-Then there are no problems. Let young Arthur take care of those problems. Anyway, it's not the reincarnation of 'that' person, is it? It is time for him to wake up and be what he once was. But ... Would not it be fun to forget all the memories of the stories he read at some point? To this day mortals impress me with their imagination. Who would say that the 'Animes' they created are different worlds that actually exist? Actually, that person when he created them were true his words. That the potential of humans is infinite.- said another being while imagining the future problems that will have to 'cleanse' that soul, not for nothing among all the beings that were there was the most animated.

-The only thing you want is a form of entertainment, right? ... so be it. But I will not let him forget the other stories or his knowledge. May he believe that they are dreams. Who knows? He could be a great writer, a great musician ... or also the best hero who has stepped on that world - the ethereal voice answered.

-Then so be it. When he awakens his 'powers' he will also remember who he is. And above all, we will give you the way to handle your powers well. I would not like for a slip of the young man to destroy the worlds he is in charge of saving.- Exclaimed another voice that was silent. Giving to understand that that being was the one that had the last opinion between all his companions.

-Thus. I declare at this time that Arthur Pendragon, the one who was once the King of Knights, is in charge of the worlds that are on the brink of ruin and chaos. May the sword of promised victory guide you on your path that will be in chaos and destruction. You will suffer, you will fall, even at some point in your life you will not find an outlet ... but you will also be loved by different women who will mark your next life, you will be loved by many as much as humans, spirits or other beings that you will know. But above all, YOU WILL CREATE ANOTHER LEGEND WITH YOUR NAME! May my voice be the proclamation, may your next light be warm and guide the future of the worlds. We will watch your young way. Maybe at some point we will meet again ... that the fire of your next life will flame like never! - Exclaimed the voice authoritatively while other beings observed with different expressions the soul that was immersed in their own thoughts.


Meanwhile, with Arthur who was immersed in his thoughts he saw two lights among all the darkness that surrounded him. Thinking that there is the exit walks at a calm pace. Following both lights that were very close to each other.

After a few minutes of a long walk he could reach the end of the route, or at least the first light that radiated different colors, like a kaleidoscope. Arthur curiously seeing these lights he felt that he was being called, that he take that luminous sphere in his hands. He felt that this sphere was a part of him. Something that at some point he had.

Curiously Arthur took with both hands the luminous sphere that floated in front of him, so that then a luminous torrent surrounded him, he was stunned by what had just happened, but he could not move, he was only with the sphere in his hands as he disappeared that light slowly. If another person had been there with him, he would have noticed that the light was slowly entering Arthur's body. What he did not know was that this sphere of light was so much two swords that at some point in his old life he was accompanied until the fall of his reign. There were also the memories of his past life, like practicing with the sword, magic, everything that he once had in his power was now slowly absorbing him.

But it was not everything, the beings who were previously observing him, also gave him a power, or rather a magic along with the way to use it and various memories of different things that magic uses. But there was something else. There was something that would be forever in his soul from now on. A powerful magic that he can use at some time in his life where there is no remorse before leaving the 'world'. But that is for later.

After a few minutes, the light disappeared completely leaving no trace, thinking that the luminous sphere has already fulfilled its role, started towards another light, which differed from the previous one, it felt ... gentle, warm. The previous one could even feel remorse and deep sadness, which at some point caught his attention, but it did not take on greater importance.

He took a little 'air' then straighten his back, while with a calm step but showing absolute confidence he started towards the light that he felt again calling him.

After a few minutes that Arthur felt it was extensive hours of pure walking, he came to the front of the happy light. Every time he felt it called him more and more. Steeling himself with light touched both hands, but in this case the only thing that happened ... was that he lost consciousness.

The earth. There was an event that changed the world, where human beings appeared with powers, or as they call them 'Gifts' or 'Quirks' a gift that makes you special that can give you super strength, speed, change your body in the form of animals, Change your body as elements such as earth, water, fire and air. Fly over the skies even transform you into mythological beings such as dragons, quilins, and many more beings. There was an increase of these human beings who developed superpowers or gifts until reaching the point where currently on earth there are 80% of people with quirks and 20% of civilians with no power. Where popular culture called them 'Quirkless' or a person without a quirk

Despite the years and the increase of people with gifts there were always complications where they judged and isolate them for not having powers or gifts until reaching the point where the government of different countries of the world devised a way to control these people with gifts. And so they created the 'heroes'.

But not everything was as they planned. Because there were people with different gifts, crime increased, murders increased, in short, the power of evil increased, since despite all they are human beings and within all there is greed. One more than others of course. Thanks to this, there began to be 'Heroes and villains' all over the world. And that's how the technology advanced radically, but leaving aside other things such as entertainment. In a few words the entertainment stalled. For the heroes the entertainment is to catch a villain and be recognized worldwide. In this way, they created a list of the best heroes in the world. Being currently the number one the great hero called All Might. That hero who saves everyone with a smile. Being him the symbol of peace. But in the dark side of the world there is also a symbol of anti-peace where he gains strength little by little to only cause chaos and destruction.

Inside a hospital, everybody can see a happily married couple where the woman is crushing the hand of her husband while he has tears in his eyes by the force exerted by his wife.

-Son of a... wait until it's over and you'll see everything I'm suffering because of you!- the woman exclaimed in full shouts while looking accusingly at her husband who only nodded with an internal fear for his wife. Perhaps he is one of the best heroes that have existed in recent times, without fear of anything, since his Quirk or gift gives him the power to transform into a red dragon several meters high. But his wife gives terror if she is angry.

-Don't worry dear, there is little more and you will finish- the man answered while a grimace of pain appeared on his face because of the strangulation he had in his hand (goodbye beloved hand, it was a pleasure to have you in all these years) he thought while crying comically.

- ...There is a little more you say? Fucking Dumb you will see me with me when I finish this suffering I have! - exclaimed his wife angrily while strangling her husband's hand even more. Until there was a broken bone sound and a scream from her husband.

The doctors and nurses who were at the scene they had a drop of sweat running down the cheeks from the pressure exerted by the woman on her partner while they tried to calm her down to not provoke a homicide.

- Pendragon-san excuse me once again, we're almost finished - said a doctor while sweating seas, since he did not want to end up dead at the hands of the woman, had a life ahead and two children to feed.

After a loud cry that curiously was heard throughout the hospital so that a whining of an infant sounds through the room where the couple and doctors were. Finishing the last details, a nurse held in her arms a little baby who had blond hair while there was a lock of hair on top of his head, the baby's face was angelic. Everyone inside the room stared at the little infant. he was beautiful according to the nurses. All of them sighed when seeing the small infant that perhaps in the future will be a heartbreaker when he grows up.

After cleaning the child of all waste they wrapped him in a white blanket they finally deliver him to the new parents, especially the new mother of the offspring.

When she received the little baby, when she held him in her arms, a huge joy filled her, she began to shed happy tears of finally having him in her arms... her little son, her beloved baby. her partner was happy he also cried with happiness. After many attempts they finally could have a child, he can finally be a father.

Nobody prepares them to be parents, it is a new experience that will fill them with enormous joy. Something that they would never change for the world.

The little baby when feeling a maternal aura, a security that only a mother could deliver slowly opened his eyes. His mother, when he slowly opened his eyes, she was amazed, they were pearls full of purity, a green iris that radiated purity and tranquility. She sensed that her baby in her arms opened her eyes for her. To see her, to know her.

The young infant, looking at her closely, at that figure, smiled softly. One of tranquility and above all happiness.

So is. The baby was happy to be in his mother's arms for the first time. And the scene moved everyone inside the delivery room. That infant was an angel to all of them. Even with the previous births they were not as amazed as now.

-I will call you Arthur ... Arthur Pendragon, my beloved son ... Son of Akeno Pendragon and Siegfried Pendragon. My future hero.- said the mother known as Akeno to her son who was in her arms with a sweet maternal smile.

Arthur, listening to his mother, was happy. That feeling of maternal aura that his mother possessed took him Morfeo's arms to rest. The last thing the baby did before falling asleep was to draw a happy smile directed at his mother.

This was the birth of the future hero who would be recognized as the Hero of the promised victory. The reincarnation of a heroic spirit. The light of humanity. And above all, he was not the symbol of peace. He was more than that. The King of Knights, Arthur Pendragon.

chapter two of two.

tomorrow I will upload the third and fourth.

Thank you!

KuroganeGwaincreators' thoughts