
The Hero Of Vengeance

"Kill them all...Burn it down..." Those are the words I heard echoing in my head ever since the day I woke up in Lorelei. The voice sounds familiar. I've heard it before. But would it be crazy if I said it sounded like me? Would it be crazy...if I said i remembered dying? Utterly rediculous. To repeat the same thing over and over, expecting a different result while changing absolutely nothing. I was the son of a Duke and a commoner in a foreign land. Through pain and suffering, I somehow managed to marry a beautiful Princess of that land. You know...after my father got eaten by a dragon. And after being locked in a dungeon and tortured by her insane sister... But none of that matters now. Because my world lies in ruins. Everyone I've ever known is dead. All except my beloved, who stands to protect me with her shield. But I don't mean to say that things have been destroyed... What I mean, is much simpler. Avernia is gone. Gone forever. Lost to the plague I called 'The Black Ooze'. But I'll avenge it. I'll kill the one responsibke for massacring my family and destroying my world. They'll regret having made an enemy out of me. Because the sword I wield is called Vengeance. The Overseer sword. The Omni-Weapon. No matter the cost...I will have vengeance. I'll kill them all. I'll burn everything down. Author's note: I sincerely hope you enjoy my work, but keep in mind that I am my own editor and I don't see everything. there might still be a few errors. Sorry! This is an original work.

DovahKean · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
326 Chs

Chapter 11: Self-Defense

The next day, I got up quickly and put my gear on.

I left my room with a smile and made my way out.

When I entered the dining hall, Aria saw me and ran over. She wasn't wearing her usual work clothes, so it seemed she was off today. She was dressed warmly as if she planned to head out. It had gotten colder lately, of course.

"Mizik! Are you going out?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I was going to go see Rose at the guild," I said.

"If you're going out...can I come with you? Papa wants me to run down to the market to get a few things. Also, I want to meet this Rose woman!" Aria said.

"Sure. But do you need me to go to the market?"

"Not really...but I get bothered by people a lot when I go out, sometimes..."

I get it now. She means that she gets harassed by perverts on the street, doesn't she?

Truthfully, Aria and I had gotten very close over the last few months. She was my Aunt, but acted more like my big sister.

She was the person I told everything to. And until yesterday, she was my only friend. Even if she was family.

Aria had even taken to cutting my hair when it was needed.

She also protested against anyone else doing it as it was 'her job' and that she was best at it.

"Don't worry, then. I'll protect you. Maybe Rose can come along, too? Who knows, maybe the two of you could be really good friends!" I said.

Aria hugged me and smiled.

"Oooh! I wish I could get a boyfriend that was just like you! Most of the men here are gross..." Aria said.

"Well, if you come to Noir with me, maybe you'll find someone?" I said.

"You're so sweet, Mizik! Maybe one day I will!"

After Aria let go of me, I told her to wait by the front door so I could let Maul know we were going out together.

"Hey, Maul, would it be okay if I took Aria to the market? I'll be running by the guild to talk to Rose and Aria doesn't want to go alone," I said, leaning my head into the kitchen doorway.

"Of course! Mizik, I trust you with my daughter like no one else. I would be honored for you to watch over her while she's out and about. Keep her safe, alright? And make sure you invite Rose here for dinner! I wanna meet my grandson's new friend!" Maul shouted back.

"Will do," I said as I left and made my way to where Aria was waiting.

She had one of her arms through a small basket which she cradled close.

"Ready?" I asked her. She nodded with a smile and we were on our way.

* * *

The walk to the guild was fairly uneventful.

Once we arrived, I saw Rose waiting out front with her full suit of armor on. She waved at me.

"Mizik! Over here!" She shouted.

Aria ran ahead of me and stopped in front of Rose.

"Oh, uh...hello!" Rose said.

"Hmm...why are you wearing a helmet?" Aria said.

"Eh...t-to protect my head?" Rose said uncertainly.

"What are your intentions with my nephew? Are you going to bully him? Are you taking advantage of him?" Aria said angrily.

"N-no! Nothing like that! We're just adventuring partners! Friends!" Rose said.

"Take it easy, Aria. Rose is nice. I don't want you to scare her off!" I said worriedly.

"But...what if she turns on you!?" Aria said.

"I don't think she'll do that. Right, Rose?"

"Of course not! I would never! You're my friend, Mizik."

Aria bowed her head low and turned to Rose.

"I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to accuse you! I'm just worried, is all... Mizik has had a lot of bad things happen to him. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to hurt him. Can you forgive me...?" Aria said.

"Well...I suppose you're just looking out for your nephew. Okay then! I forgive you...Aria?" Rose said.

"Yes! I'm the greatest aunt who ever lived! I'm basically Mizik's big sister! Aria Kneltol!"

Rose giggled at this and I just smiled.

"So, are you going to marry Mizik? Are you in love with him, yet?" Aria said as she narrowed her eyes.

"WH-WH-WHAT!? NO! O-OF COURSE NOT!!! Mizik and I are just friends!!!" Rose shouted.

I tapped Aria on the shoulder.



"Yes, Mizik?"

I lightly chopped Aria's forehead with my hand.

"Stop that! It's embarrassing!" I said.

"Okay okay! I'll stop!" She said.

"Sorry about that, Rose. She means well, I promise," I said.

"You have such a loving family. Honestly, it makes me a little envious..." Rose said.

"Well, my grandpa wanted me to invite you over for dinner. If you're interested, that is," I said.

"At the Sleeping Dragon? Eh...it's not that I don't want to..." Rose said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well...I'm not allowed to...umm...take my helmet off... Same with my armor. When I'm out of the house, of course. My father made me follow that rule to be an adventurer..." Rose said.

"That's okay, then. Your father sounds strict, though. Is everything okay at home?" I asked.

"I...should probably not talk about it for now. Sorry! If I get to know you better, I won't mind telling you! I'm just not allowed. It's nothing personal, I promise!" She said.

I detected a hint of worry in her voice, so I decided to drop it.

"It's fine. Aria wanted some help going to the market. She dislikes being harassed all the time so, could we-"

"That sounds like a request! Become an escort for your Aunt Aria! We accept!" Rose said immediately.

"W-wait! I don't know if we can get paid for-"

"Payment...? The satisfaction of a job well done is all I need!" Rose said proudly.

"Well, for Aria, I would have to agree," I said with a smile.

"Rose. You and I are going to be...BEST FRIENDS!!!" Aria shouted.

She lunged forward and hugged Rose.

"AH! C-CAREFUL!!!" Rose shouted.

I couldn't do anything but laugh.

After the exchange, the three of us headed towards the market.

We spent a lot of time laughing and talking about lots of things.

I had originally planned to do some adventuring work today, but...

I was having way too much fun with Aria and Rose.

The result was that we stayed out until the sun went down.

*   *   *

"Ah...it's really late! I should probably go back home! Will you two be okay getting back to the Inn by yourselves?" Rose said.

I nodded.

"It shouldn't be too much trouble. We can be there quickly. Will you be fine on your own?" I asked.

"I should be fine. My Uncle is very...particular about making sure I'm well protected. You two should go! And Mizik, we'll meet at the guild again tomorrow. Is that okay?" Rose said.

"Sounds good to me! Goodnight, Rose!" I said.

"Goodnight, Mizik. And Aria, it was a pleasure meeting you!"

"Likewise! Sleep well, Rose!"

After that, Rose left and the two of us started walking.

It was really dark and the two of us were a bit worried because it was hard to see.

As we were walking, Aria noticed an alleyway and pointed to it.

"Mizik, if we go through here, we should make it home quicker. Do you think that would be okay?" Aria asked me curiously.

"I guess so...let's hurry through, then," I said as I began to feel somewhat anxious about using the alleyway.

Alleyways were where dangerous people usually hung out and I didn't feel comfortable taking Aria through one.

We had, however, been out too long and I needed to make sure she got home as quickly as possible.

Aria nodded and we walked through the darkening alleyway.

As we made our way down an intersection, I saw in a branching path as we passed by, two somewhat familiar faces.

They saw us and immediately smiled.

"Well well well! What do we have here, Dak?" The bald man from the time I first met Mason said loudly as he strode up to us.

"Looks like a cutie pie and a snot-nosed brat wandered into our turf, Vaughn," the sleazy man, presumably named Dak, said.

I immediately got between Aria and the two men as they approached us.

What I wouldn't give to have Rose here right now...damn it all!

"Mizik..." Aria started to say as she trembled slightly.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it," I reassured her.

"Say, you're that green-eyed little shit that led us into that pawnshop a few months back, ain't ya? How nice to see you again! We been meaning to pay you back for the black eyes we both got from that gorilla lady," the bald man named Vaughn said as he flashed a twisted smile.

"We're gonna beat you within an inch of your life, pal. Then we're gonna have some fun with that sweet thing you brought us!" Dak said as his eyes moved between both me and Aria.

"Like hell. If you touch a hair on her head, I'll cut your filthy hands off!" I shouted back at them.

"You're welcome to try, little man!" Vaughn stepped forward as if to show off his height difference.

He was big, but not as big as Maul or Sheila. I had sparred a bit with Maul for a while and had a few tricks up my sleeve.

Vaughn raised his fist and took a swing at me.

I blocked it with my shield and shouted at Aria.

"Aria! Get out of here! Run away!"

"But...w-what about you!?" She asked, eyes wide with fear.

"I'll be fine, just go!" I said as Vaughn recoiled his hand from the impact of my shield.

"Not so fast, sweetie!" Dak rushed around and grabbed Aria by the arm, causing her to drop her basket.

This was bad. Really bad.

If I didn't stop them they were probably going to do something horrible to her.

I told Maul that I'd look after her, and that's what I had to do.

Vaughn glared at me as he grabbed my arm and shot his knee into my chest. It knocked me on the ground.

Despite wearing armor, I felt the force of the impact knock the wind out of me. I gasped for air as I saw Vaughn raise his foot to stomp on my head and rolled out of the way.

Is this psychopath trying to kill me?

"Create water!" I shouted as I sprayed a jet of water into his eyes. He backed away with his hands over his face.

I bolted over to Aria and Dak as he had pushed her to the ground and was pulling on her coat.

I pulled my arm back and felt someone grab me.


I was spun around by a very pissed off Vaughn who punched me in the side of my face.

I felt myself fly into the wall of the alleyway.

I was dazed. I blinked a few times and tried to get my bearings.

That hurt. A lot.

My face felt like it had been kicked by a horse.

Suddenly, I felt another sharp pain in my face. Vaughn had kicked me.

My head bounced back and hit the wall.

I felt blood run down the back of my neck and my face.

"Nooo! Please!! Let me go! Please don't hurt him!!!" Aria cried for help as Dak kept her pinned to the ground.

I have to... Help her...

She had tears in her eyes as she desperately reached for me with her head pushed to the ground.

Vaughn smiled at me as he readied another kick.

If I got hit again, I would blackout...or worse...

No...I'm not going to let that happen. I'll die before I let them hurt Aria!!!

I knew what I had to do and I didn't hesitate.

I put my hand on the hilt of my sword.

"Critical slash!!!" I shouted.

Vaughn's face went from that of a sadistic torturer to one of pure agony as I unsheathed my sword and cut through the tendon in his leg with one swift motion.

"GAAAHHH! YOU LITTLE BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU!" Vaughn screamed as he fumbled to grab a set of spiked brass knuckles from his pocket.

And you expect me to just let this happen!?

I clumsily got to my feet and shouted again.

"Rage of Iratus!!!"

As I called out the name of the skill, that familiar searing rage enveloped me followed by a green aura.

My target stood before me, trembling from the pain in his leg.

He was bleeding.

I suddenly recalled the fountains of blood released by the goblins long ago.

[Yes...make them pay. Show your enemies no mercy...]

{Kill them all.

      Burn it down.}

The pain in my head vanished as I felt the overwhelming desire to tear him to pieces.

Vaughn had managed to get his brass knuckles on his hands and started swinging at me.

It looked like his attacks had slowed down considerably.

This idiot. He's just a big clumsy oaf.

I evaded his attacks by ducking under them and got close to him.

"Critical Slash."

My blade moved on its own as it found its home in Vaughn's throat.

The look he gave me was a pained expression of surprise, confusion, and fear.

Did he not expect someone so young to be capable of killing another person?

I flicked my blade and decapitated him.

Blood spurted from his now headless corpse and he fell to the ground with a thud.

So much blood...I need to see more!

I smiled as I kicked Vaughn's headless corpse.

I felt like I was boiling...like I needed more.

"Wh-what the hell!?"

I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned my head and directed my anger at the now-terrified Dak.

Now, what did I threaten to do if he touched her?

Dak stood up as he let go of Aria and tried to run from me.

You're not getting away so easily!

"Critical Slash!!" I shouted as I lunged forward and buried my sword in the back of his leg.

"AAHHHH!!!" Dak screamed as he fell face-first to the ground.

I kicked him over and swung my sword.

One of his hands flew off.

He screamed in pain and fear.


"Mercy? MERCY!?!? LIKE THE MERCY YOU WERE ABOUT TO SHOW ME AND ARIA? THAT MERCY!?" I screamed at him in response.

The color left his face and I smelled something awful.

The spineless coward emptied his bowels in fear.

Just bleed for me, you pig!

I swung my sword again and cut his other hand off. He screamed in pain and backed himself against the wall.

Face justice! Pay for your sins with blood!

[Make them suffer. Take Vengeance upon them!]

"ASSAULT SLASH!!" I shouted as I cleaved him in two.

Blood exploded outward.

It pooled beneath Dak like a fountain.

{Human Enemies Slain!}

I really didn't care right now.

I closed the status menu before it told me how much exp I had gained.

Then I slowly backed away from the corpse and felt a pair of arms wrap around me tightly.

It was Aria.

I looked over to her as she held onto me and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Mizik!! Please calm down! Please! Go back to the old Mizik!!!" Aria cried out as I felt her squeezing me.

Suddenly the skill wore off.

I was in a daze for a moment before figuring out what had happened.

I just murdered two men!!

No...they left me no choice. It was self-defense!


I started feeling the pain that had been inflicted on me again as I collapsed to the ground with Aria holding onto me.

She sobbed quietly as I ran my hand through her hair.

She was shaken up, but otherwise unharmed.

"Aria...I'm sorry you had to see that," I said quietly to her. "If you're curious... That skill was the one that saved my life down in the sewers a while ago."

She said nothing and continued sobbing.

"I kind of just lost myself there. I don't know what else to say... I'm sorry...I know I must seem like a monster..."

"Don't..." She said quietly.

"What?" I asked her.

"Don't apologize for anything!" She said aloud as she looked up at me. Her face was soaked with tears and some of my blood. She showed a look of genuine concern and not of fear.


"No! You saved my life! You didn't provoke them, they attacked us first! You just...fought back... It was self-defense...but..." She spoke softly while trembling.

Self-defense is one thing, but I have obviously gone overboard!

"You're right, but I think I overdid it. We need to get out of here," I said.

She tightened her grip on me and rubbed her face on my shoulder.

"Mizik...I just want to say thanks. You saved me. If not for you, I'd be-"

"Please don't. I don't want to think about it," I stopped her.

I didn't want to imagine those pigs hurting her in any way.

We stayed that way for a short while before she helped me to my feet

"Aria, I need to hide. I need to take refuge at the Inn. Can you help me get back there quietly?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"We can take the back entrance. I can give you something to cover yourself. You know, to hide the bloodstains until you get cleaned up," She said with a look of desperation.

I can't believe I'm making this poor girl help me get away with murder. Am I becoming a monster!? Dad...please help me...

"I won't let them take you away, Mizik! You can count on me! Trust Aunt Aria!" Aria spoke with determination.

But I could tell that behind her eyes, she was terrified.

We spent a bit longer in the alleyway. I was surprised that no one came around and saw us. Thankfully, Aria found an old blanket.

I wrapped it around myself and we moved quickly back to the Inn.

Aria helped me in the back door and we both snuck back to my room.

"Aria, go into the bathroom and get cleaned up. After that, you can talk to Maul and Cleo. Tell them what happened."

"I keep a few extra outfits in my inventory, so I should have something clean to wear," she said.

I nodded and she left to go wash herself.

A few minutes later, she came out wearing her usual work uniform and left the room with a determined look.

I immediately got to work cleaning up.

Aria had left nothing behind in the bathroom or tub. Likely storing her blood-stained clothing in her inventory.

I shouldn't worry. If anyone pays for this, it'll be me. They won't involve her. She's a victim.

At least that's what I hoped...

The entire Inn could be in danger for harboring a criminal.

[The sinners have already paid the price.]

I hesitated for a moment as I heard a very faint voice and shook my head. I could swear that I had been hearing it during the fight, but...I couldn't remember.

I took my time cleaning up my things and storing the evidence in my inventory. I made sure to cast Greater Heal on myself to fix up my wounds as to not look too suspicious.

I could find some way of disposing of it later, but it might be safe to keep it hidden there, after all.

As I exited the bathroom, I heard a knock at the door.

"Hello...?" I said cautiously.

"It's me," a familiar deep voice said.

Maul had come to have a word with me.

I needed to consider that he might actually strangle me for putting Aria in so much danger.

At least if Maul kills me, he'll be merciful about it. The guards won't.

I decided it would be better to die by Maul's hand than the guards, and unlocked the door.

As soon as it did, the door swung open and Maul hurried into the room.

I backed away from the door and stood in the center of the room as Maul closed it silently.

"If you're here to kill me, I can give you my sword. You can make it look like a suicide. I don't want you all in danger and I'm sorry for all the trouble," I spoke to Maul earnestly as I felt myself tear up. "Just so you know, these past four months have been the happiest of my life. I'll gladly accept punishment..."

"Mizik, what's gotten into you? You really think I'd kill my own flesh and blood? I would never. Not in a million years," Maul spoke to shut me down.

I guess it made sense. If Maul wanted revenge, death by his hand was too good.

"Fine then, I'll turn myself in to the guards. Please just give me a bit to-"

Maul walked over and gave me a bear hug.

"Look Mizik, I need you to stop that nonsense. I came here to thank you,"

"Uh...why...?" I asked him. I really felt confused. I put his daughter in danger and the business at risk.

I honestly felt like scum.

It hadn't been the first time I ended a human being's life, but it was also far more stressful.

When I was in the sewers, I had entered an extreme mental state of survival. I pulled the trigger on the crossbow so easily because I was willing to do anything to live.

This time was similar.

I unsheathed my sword because I had no other way of defending myself and protecting Aria without it. If I hadn't done that, I would be dead and Aria might be too.

They left me with no choice.

"What? You're my grandson, Mizik! What the hell is wrong with you? You know this! You're part of the family and you're also the only thing we have left of Karia. When you're here it feels like she's still around," Maul said simply.

"But I put Aria in danger! And now the Inn will be in danger!"

Maul put his hands on my shoulders and stared directly into my eyes.

"Mizik, Aria was off work today and wanted to spend the day having fun. You went with her to make that possible and protect her. And you did protect her! If you hadn't been there, those creeps would've done some terrible things to her. Besides, if you didn't kill them, I would have! I can promise you that. And you know what? If anything, it's my fault for asking her to run to the market in the first place! You know she gets harassed all the time, right?"

I looked down at the floor.

I heard his words but I was shocked by them. He was right though... As much as I wanted to take the blame and bear that burden, I couldn't

"What about Rose?" I asked.

"Well...if you're gonna lie low for a while she deserves to know what happened. Can you trust her?" Maul asked.

I nodded.

"I know I can trust her. Although, if I can't leave, how will I talk to-"

"I'll send Jax. She'll be at the guild, right?" Maul said.


"Good. Aria said she declined the invitation for personal reasons, but that doesn't mean she can't come to say hi. I'll take care of it. You can either stay here, or help in the back. It doesn't matter to me."

"I'll help in the back! I want to be useful to everyone! And you don't even have to pay me!" I said.

Maul shook his head.

"Honest work gets honest pay. You can work and get paid. We'll take care of you, Mizik. Don't worry," he said with a smile.

I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family...

Once we finished talking, Maul left the room.

With a sigh of relief, I laid down to sleep.