
The Hero is a Mixologist?!: Crossing Worlds and Saving It

We take on the eyes of the Former Hero and how he retired as a bar owner and his adventures before he retired. Erik, the Hero of Multiple Worlds. Tasked to saved each world he comes across with. And his adventure group named the Phantom Cat. Will he understand each world he comes across with? Or will his bartending skills get on his way as a now labeled hero.

Sandwich_Author · Fantasia
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6 Chs

A Vampire Who Embraces The Sun.

A few rounds later this is getting a bit boring now. Also wow I got bored from fighting here??? What level of numbness am I at right now? I killed 3 people in a row now. What is wrong with me, why am I doing this.

"Hey there champ. Great job out there, you'll soon get your reward if you keep it up." Said the guard.

"That wasn't a challenge to be honest."

"Seems like your ego gets a boost as well. Anyways good job winning out there kid." Said the guard.

From the looks of it I'll be here for a while. Man this really sucks right now. And I haven't got any clues to where is Lea right now. And my God gifted sword is missing. This is by far the worst I've been through and I haven't been through a lot which is surprising as it is.

Since fighting and waiting for the next round is what I've been doing for more than hours now. What's next fighting some kind of beast or vampire?

"Hey kid it's your turn now. You'll be fighting a powerful man out there good luck so far." Said the guard.

"I know thanks for the good luck there."

I befriended that guard somehow. Anyways whose next? As I crack my knuckles and waited for the elevator to raise me to the coliseum. I hear the cheers of the crowd and endless praise coming from the king as he announce my arrival.

"The current champion that stood amongst the powerful out there. Sir Erik! And his challenger coming from the dark ages he maybe a vampire but he doesn't look like one the challenger, Drac! Who will be fighting out our champion of this side of the coliseum will commence!" Said the king.

"Seems like I'm fighting someone who's different this time."

"Well I heard you took down giants with your own hands. I respect you for that but this time I have to win this thing. Here it comes!" Said Drac.

"Well buddy I'm here to survive so would you please submit so I wouldn't kill you?"

"I was just about to ask you that myself." Said Drac.

"Heh, seems like we're in the same boat then. Have at it then!"

As I charge in with a punch he immediately blocked it and returned a punch of which I blocked as well.

"Great as I expected you ARE a great fighter."

"We're you expecting something else?" Said Drac.

"Kind of. Maybe I'm just surprised then."

"I guess we're in the same wavelength cause I was surprised too some human equaling me a pure-blooded vampire." Said Drac.

"But we're in the middle of the day isn't this weakening you?"

"You think vampires are weak against sunlight?" Said Drac.

"My first prediction was yes. But screw that then seems like you're not weak against sunlight."

"Your prediction isn't far off from the common myth that people thinks of me. Other vampires might fear sunlight while me I embrace it." Said Drac.

"Enough talk let's do this."

"Couldn't have it any other way then." Said Drac.

We continued exchanging blows as I now add magic to each punch and to counter-act his powerful vampire strength. I could hear the crowds cheering this very entertaining match of ours. Seems like we're in a stalemate.

We're equaling ourselves on terms of power and endurance. I can tell his fists are slipping off and I can feel mine as well. Come on body just a bit more this is a battle of endurance now. As I push forward more of my upper strength to push him back to offset his balance. And as I try to pressure him throwing him off his stance.

He quickly recovers from that pressure to return back the favor of which I also recover. This is getting nowhere now.

"Why won't you fall down?" Said Drac.

"I'm thinking as well why won't you break your stance."

"We're playing the long game now dipshit we're doing this for real this time." Said Drac.

"Oh I wouldn't be so high and mighty there man."

As our fists meet in the middle releasing a powerful wave of force dusting off the stage off the sand from their place.

"Nice punch."

As he grits his teeth to return back a left hook as our right fists are occupied I return back the favor and block that punch and we're back into a unbreakable stalemate. The shout and cheer of the crowd are much louder now as we continue facing each other in the middle of everything.

The sounds of two punches meeting each other echoes the loud cheer of the crowd its irritating to be honest. But I have to keep up with him or else I'll stumble and die probably. Our bodies are at 100% I just need to outperform him I need that 1% more than him. Just 1% is what I need.

Come on body keep up with him. Just a bit more, just a bit more I need more power from you. The sound of fists hammering each other billows the dust that surrounds us. I can really tell he's going at it at full tilt.

"You tired?" Said Drac.

"Heck I'm still at it. Look at you on the other hand you're already sweating."

"You son of a gun." Said Drac.

As I find a slip from his fingers I managed to finally push him back and on to his knees.

"You have my respect for having me fight you. Been a pleasure but I won't kill you here. That's my appreciation towards your strength. In the future I want to fight you again."

"You have my regards. Now finish me!" Said Drac.

As I flick his forehead falling back from his back. I won for the first time making me actually fight someone for the first time. And from the looks of it I did deliver a good amount of entertainment for the people.

That feels nice I guess. As I walk back to the elevator and I can still hear the crowds cheering my name from that fight. It was I guess fulfilling if I have to say it that way. Also I'm near the finals, that's good. I could finally leave this joint and find Lea.

Man I can feel my knees giving up after that match. I could barely stand up as the elevator sends me back to my cell. I found the guard there amazed by the match.

"Woah! I never thought I would see that kind of fighting in my life. So glad I took this job. Anyways I'm rooting for you in the finals great job out there kid." Said the guard.

"It was a difficult fight I'd say we're equally strong so that gave me a reason to fight seriously."

"I could see that. The fight was amazing you punching each other at unbelievable speeds. It was mind-blowing." Said the guard.

As he continues to rattle on I ate my food waiting for me in my cell and headed to sleep after that very tiring match against a vampire who embraces the sun.

Thanks for reading this new book of mine and this new chapter!

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