
So it's begins

Ronan's eyes had a blur as something peculiar appeared before him. He was in a peaceful place he did not recognize. Aurelia stood there wearing ceremonial temple armor.

Her eyes were soft, full of warmth, and she had this little baby in her arms. The child had bright blue eyes and brown hair.

Aurelia smiled at that face, which shone like the sun. "Wow, Ronan. She looks exactly like you."

The words filled him with a strange warmth, but before he could say what was in his heart, the scene faded into obscurity. The baby's laughter kept ringing in his ears, and everything became white.

"Wake up, Ron!" Aurelia's voice shouted sharply, waking him to reality.

He groaned, opening his eyes to see Aurelia standing over him, looking both annoyed and confused. Slowly sitting up, he rubbed the back of his head. "What's your problem this early in the morning?" he asked.