
The Hero's Mask

A commoner boy named (Zac Keller) wants nothing more but to become a hero of his home country and the world, just like the five former heroes he idolized! Until he came home to see as his mother was being assaulted and later killed by the kingdom's knights, the same knights that swore to protect the kingdom and its people. Hoping for justice to be served against the Knights, it was but a vain hope. Any authority never accepted his mother's case and instead would brush it off as "just another useless commoner dead." So throughout the years, living his life with the scene of his mother stuck in his head, he would constantly be abused by the people he once wanted to protect. His sanity soon had been lost. He now wanted nothing more than to destroy everything he tried to protect. Years passed by, and he is now chosen as one of the five heroes. - Novel includes: EXTREME VIOLENCE CANNIBALISM AND R*PE

BadStripes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Like a Mannequin

Zac stands behind Katrina, having watched as she sliced chunks of the maid's skin off, dug into her eyeball with a spoon, calling her male servants to remove her clothes and fuck her repeatedly until she had lost her mind.

It didn't even end there.

Katrina cut out the maid's tongue for screaming too loud, her hands cut off for trying to resist, and her feet cut off for wiggling too much.

The worst part was that Katrina didn't give her a break, she kept the maid awake with drugs, and it even heightened the pain.

Anytime the maid came close to death, it was only a few minutes until she was electrocuted to keep her heart beating.

There was no mercy given to the maid; she lives even now with such horrible wounds, you could say the previous victims were shown mercy by being able to die.

The maid can't even think; her mind should be mush by now from such torture.

Katrina would look back at Zac now and then to see if there were any changes in his facial expression; there was nothing as usual.

Katrina smiled through the process and enjoyed herself as if an eight-year-old were playing with dolls.

*knock, knock*

"Get that for me," Katrina ordered.

Zac opens the door, and the head butler appears.

"Sorry for interrupting your fun, milady, but your father wrote back. He says he won't be able to make it back until next month." The butler says.

"That's fine. I can wait that long; I found a new toy after all." Katrina says with a gentle smile.

The butler looks into Katrina's eyes from a distance, looking back at each other into their glassy eyes.

"Yes, miss," the butler smiles back as he closes the door.

"I think I'm done for today, dog. Let's go back to my room." Katrina says to Zac.

Zac stares at the disfigured maid as he turns his back towards Katrina, leaving the dungeon.

"Ugh, this blood feels sticky. I'm going to shower; you just stand here until I'm out." Katrina says.

As Katrina enters the bathroom and turns on the bath, glass crashes, and loud bangs are heard from the bathroom.

Katrina screams in anger.

Blankly staring at the bathroom door, Zac listens and waits until Katrina comes out.

"Fuu, that was a nice and relaxing bath," Katrina says with a sparkling smile.

Katrina grabs Zac's knife that he carries on his side for protection.

"Wouldn't it be great if you just smiled for once?" Katrina asks as she stares at Zac and holds his Knife to his mouth.

"Well, I guess I could just order you to smile, but there's no fun to that." Katrina puts Zac's knife back.

"I'm tired, and I think it's time for you to go away to your dog pen, doggy." Katrina lies down and watches Zac walk out of the room.

"Sigh, such a pain," Katrina says as soon as Zac leaves.

~[The Next Day]


The scream fills the entire house, gaining the servants' attention.

Finding Katrina looking down, all the servants gather around and look at the floor.

A maid with a cut across her leg is on the floor, and Katrina is holding the bloodied knife.

Knowing this is Katrina's doing, the servants do not stick around for long to ask questions and immediately walk away, leaving the maid on the ground to save herself.

Frightened assuming what happened to the previous maid will happen to her, she begs for forgiveness, even when they both know the maid did nothing wrong.

"You were in my way, don't let it happen again," Katrina says angrily.

Katrina then leaves, leaving the maid lying on the floor.

The maid passes out; the fear of what Katrina can do is so terrifying that the maid could be any of the servants' siblings, yet, they wouldn't do anything to get on Katrina's wrong side, even if it meant letting their sister or brother die.

After Katrina leaves, the other servants who have previously crowded around stay behind to watch what will happen; they then help her to her sleeping quarters.

Looking at Katrina's back, there are only looks of fear and sustain towards their psychopathic master.

Heading towards a different part of the mansion, Katrina heads to Zac's room, a room that looks like every other room in the house, except, upon entering, the entire room is empty except for a poorly made, creaky bed, with a blanket that itches just by looking at it.

There lies Zac, eyes wide open as if he didn't sleep a wink last night, awaiting his next order.

Although it should be the servant waiting for their master to wake up, Zac can't do anything of his own.

Like a cripple who is physically capable, but the mind isn't.

The annoyed look on Katrina's face is apparent, but nothing she can do about it except wait for her father to advance the drug or have someone with their mind intact and loyal.

Someone as strong as Zac is rare, impossible to find perhaps, is what Katrina is told all the time, thus not being able to do anything about the situation for now.

"Stand up." Katrina orders.

Zac stands up in a manner fitting his emotions, a puppet.

Zac stands up, but such vague orders are rather annoying.

He stands on his bed, looking down at Katrina, waiting.

Even after two years, you'd think Zac would have muscle memory, even in his state.

To her dismay, the drug works too perfectly to be vague about her orders, and a lesson Katrina never decides to remember.

"We're heading back to the dungeon." Katrina says, "Follow me."

They head back down to the dungeon; there lays the maid who had the worst of luck in getting on Katrina's bad side.

This pitiful maid couldn't even move an inch last night, leaving her cramped in a position that can't be described in words.

Looking at the maid's disfigured body puts a smile on Katrina's face, for what she's about to do, involves Zac.

"I order you to kill her," Katrina says.

Katrina stayed up all night, wanting to leave a scar on Zac, but with his body already mangled, she decided to test whether is was left with an emotional scar.

Zac's past already is a damaging emotional scar, but killing is a different matter.

Katrina, unaware that Zac had already killed her father's driver two years ago, tries to see if killing an innocent girl will put some sort of emotion on his face.

Katrina even wishes that even if he doesn't show emotions right now, during this moment, he will remember it if he is ever to be thrown away.

Being thrown away would mean they no longer need him on the drug; no longer on the drug means this sadistic mother and father duo are no longer controlling him.

Katrina feels satisfied just thinking about it, the day she can see his face as he remembers all that he's witnessed, all that he has done himself under this drug-induced spell.

Maybe she can find the perfect toy she's always wanted, the one she can play with forever.

As soon as Zac heard the order, he grabbed the knife from his holster.

As it dragged across the leather, the blade made a sound that brought a hyped chill to Katrina's ears.


Zac slowly walked over to the maid.

The maid does nothing but lay there in her blood and feces, blocked out by the pain.

As Zac holds up the knife, ready to stab, the maid looks up at zac, muttering something that neither can hear.

Was it a prayer? Who knows? The muttering was her last word before Zac brought the knife down, instantly killing her without hesitation.

Was this mercy? No. Nothing Katrina does would ever be mercy.

This self-entitled little girl who was born and raised by a monster, only to become one herself, could never show an ounce of mercy, even if it meant putting someone out of their misery.

Katrina smiles with red cheeks as she just can't hold her insane way of pleasure in.

Zac shows no emotion but stands there, looking over the body with his knife inside the maid's heart, waiting as he always does.

"It's too bad that I couldn't have more fun with her, but it will all be worth it once I can finally look at your face filled to the brim with despair," Katrina says to Zac as she keeps the smile on as if it's frozen there.

"We have a month together until my father comes back. I think we still have about forty servants in this house." Katrina says, implying that she will play with all the servants inside the mansion.

~[one month later]

*Knock, Knock*...

"No one is answering. Kick the door in." The man orders.

*Bang, Crash!*

Lawrence steps inside the house, stepping onto the broken pieces of the door.

"It's empty; check it out." Feeling confused, Lawrence orders.


Immediately hearing the screams, Lawrence's servant rushes downstairs.

Hearing the screams get closer and closer, the servant starts to sweat, prepared to attack whoever may be behind the door.

Being as quiet as he can, the servant opens the dungeon door, where the screams become deafening.

The sweat pours from the servant as he opens the door wide enough to see inside.

Peeking inside to get a better look, he finds bloodshed; the house servants mangled bodies all lying in pools of blood.

Not one body is recognizable; the fear strikes Lawrence's servant like never before as he looks closer to find Katrina giggling and cutting open the last remaining servant and a boy, standing over these bodies like a mannequin.