
The Hero's Mask

A commoner boy named (Zac Keller) wants nothing more but to become a hero of his home country and the world, just like the five former heroes he idolized! Until he came home to see as his mother was being assaulted and later killed by the kingdom's knights, the same knights that swore to protect the kingdom and its people. Hoping for justice to be served against the Knights, it was but a vain hope. Any authority never accepted his mother's case and instead would brush it off as "just another useless commoner dead." So throughout the years, living his life with the scene of his mother stuck in his head, he would constantly be abused by the people he once wanted to protect. His sanity soon had been lost. He now wanted nothing more than to destroy everything he tried to protect. Years passed by, and he is now chosen as one of the five heroes. - Novel includes: EXTREME VIOLENCE CANNIBALISM AND R*PE

BadStripes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Hours became days, and days became a week.

What was supposed to be the end of Zac's torture was only the end of his physical torture. They have yet to destroy his mind completely.

Physically torturing Zac for a week was enough for Zac to want to become part of the bandit group to stop his torture, but they had to break his mind as a safeguard to ensure Zac never thought of revenge or running away.

What could they do to break his mind? Zac has watched his mother die at the hands of people who he thought would protect them, and then was betrayed by his teacher, who gave Zac the false hope of becoming strong enough to take revenge for his mother's death, not only was his hope broken, the love he had for his teacher that was almost as strong as a family, had already brought Zac's mind to its knees the moment of betrayal.

What could they hold over Zac that would make him their loyal dog? To serve and protect the bandit leader as if he were God himself?

The people torturing him couldn't figure it out; it would've been easy if Zac was an average child who still had his parents or if he never had been through betrayal or hadn't already gone through more mental trauma than a kid his age should.

Zac's mind is already broken, but it could also be considered fortified because it is nearly impossible to control a kid whose mind can't be tampered with anymore.

Leaving no other options, Zac's torturers have decided to take the difficult route. They will drug Zac every day for as long as possible until the drug affects his reality, making him willingly be a slave to the group until the day he dies.

A drug called Ether.

The reason for it rarely being used was because the cons outweighed the pros when controlling a person long-term.

First, the drug must be taken daily without fail, or the effects will disappear.

Second, the victim must take it for the next 15 years until it has permanent effects.

Third, the victim must be ordered for every movement, including telling the victim when to walk, talk, eat, or take action.

Fourth, the drugs doesn't show any symptoms other than no control of oneself, but if the drug interacts with any sort of poison, whether alcohol or anything that can harm the victim internally, the victim may become crippled.

And lastly, the drug can be countered by any ordinary fruits and vegetables or something that can heal the body internally.

The drug is illegal and famous for how significant the effects are, but its existence was only really made for brothels and one-time use. That's why the cons outweighed the pros by a large margin; it was made to have a significant effect on controlling the mind, but it had to disappear quickly from the body to erase any evidence of the suspect who might've used the drug.

Hesitant to use the drug for the next decade, Zac was too much of a rarity to let go.

Not only was Zac trained by one of the heroes that exist in the world, but he has also been trained by the strongest out of the five heroes.

Zac could become much stronger in the future with multiple teachers and, if lucky enough, take down at most a hundred men before he would get tired.

Reaching a decision, the torturers go with the long years to come of drugging Zac daily.

"Can't we just kill the kid and call it a failure? I don't see why we should wait 15 years until the kid is under our control." A man talking to Grandid asked.

"We can't just kill the kid! The boss decided to keep him at all costs no longer how long it takes, something about the kid being more valuable than all of our lives together." Grandid responded.

"What do you think the boss is planning anyway? Why do you think he took the risk of contacting the hero just for a mere child? Normally the boss would never take risks-"

"ENOUGH! I don't know any more than you do. Besides, it's best not to question the boss's actions; everything the boss does has always led us to victory; even when his actions had caused countless casualties on our side or even when his actions seemed to be completely hopeless, the boss never disappointed, so I suggest just follow orders, so you don't get yourself killed." Grandid said in frustration.

"Anyway, I have to get back; the kid just won't stop struggling even now."

Heading back to the basement where Zac sits quietly, no longer letting out screams but only slight gasping for air.

As Grandid enters, he can't help but notice Zac's face.

His eyes were the abyss itself, void and soulless, threatening to drown those who glanced at him in despair. After that experience, the void consumed any emotion that dared to show itself, even the tears that wanted to form. His face froze the air around it, chilling the bones of those who had the misfortune of being swallowed by his despair.

Although surprised, Grandid's soul had no care for the cold gaze his victim showed him. In reality, Grandid always experienced pleasure from the faces all his victims showed him at their breaking point. For this reason, Grandid decided to torture people in the first place.

"It seems this is our last day together. Honestly, I'm disappointed, and it was my first time torturing a child so young." Grandid said as he put a grin on his face.

"W- what?" Although presented with what sounded like good news, Zac wouldn't dare have hope. Thoroughly broken physically and in mind, Zac's emotional state could not bring any more light to any situation after having all ounce of hope he has ever had since his mother's passing been crushed.

"Ah, c'mon, kid, don't look so depressed; I'm sure we'll see each other again," Grandid said as he patted Zac's back which had been severely injured due to cuts and bruises left by Grandid.

There's nothing more Zac wants to do than just scream and kill Grandid, but he can't. He knew that although he wasn't as strong after a year of training, he wanted to be.

Zac had the strength to take down 30 full-grown men who had trained for longer than he was alive, he knew that, but Zac couldn't help but only think that he was a worm compared to true strength.

As Grandid kept tormenting suddenly, there was a knock coming from a door upstairs.

"Ah, looks like they're here," Grandid said in surprise.

Grandid rushed upstairs, allowing the visitors in.

"Young miss! What brings you here at this hour?" Grandid says in a worried tone.

"What? Am I not allowed to visit my father?" What sounded like a little girl would respond in anger.

"Of course, you are, miss; I just was just surprised by the sudden visit, please forgive me, but your father isn't here, so I really think you should head ba-"

Did I ask for your opinion, you stupid gorilla? I heard my father got me a new toy, and I wanted to see it for myself."

"But miss-" Grandid hesitantly speaks.

"I. WANT. TO. SEE. IT." The little girl demands.

"Y- Yes, I will lead you to it." Unable to deny the visitor's request, they start making their way to the basement.

Zac looked at the stairs leading to and from the basement in confusion and fear.

Zac couldn't help but assume the worst.

Zac sits in his blood and feces and waits for this person to enter the room.

The footsteps stop at the door; the suspense could kill Zac, not knowing what awaits beyond that door.

The loose doorknob turns.

Once the door opened, Zac sat there in shock because the visitor he believed would be another man worst than the other, revealed to be a 4,3ft little girl with bright blonde hair that reached to her waist that looked like gold, wearing a pink dress that brought color to the filthy dark colorless basement that was only lit up with a few candles, light pink lipstick and blush, pink socks with white stripes that were pulled up to her knees, and shiny black shoes that didn't cover the top of her foot, she could not have been any younger than nine-years-old which was about Zac's age.

And behind her, Grandid and a mysterious woman dressed in all black wearing a mask that only covered her mouth and nose, looking straight ahead with eyes almost the same as Zac's.

Zac was shocked by what he thought would've been another middle-aged man scarier than Grandid; seeing the little girl, Zac did not change his emotionless and dehydrated face.

The bright little beauty looks around the basement until she finally sets her eyes on Zac.

"She seems cute." is what anyone would think looking at a bratty kid but what a vast misunderstanding they've made.

As this girl sets her eyes on Zac, her innocent-looking face turns ugly as if she had just seen a rodent.

"This is him?" The little girl would say in disgust.

"Yes, miss, he's almost ready to serve by your side faithfully-"

"Kill it." The little girl would interrupt Grandid.

"But little miss, he's almost ready," Grandid responded in confusion.

"I don't want him! He's too ugly!" The little girl would respond.

"We can't have that." Everyone rushed their heads over in shock as the leader suddenly appeared behind them as if he had just teleported.

"FATHER!" The little girl would happily run over to him as she lifted her arms up to be picked up.

Zac seems to meet new people anytime he's at his worst...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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