
The Hero's Fall to Rise

Gregory's hate for the empire falls to that of every normal citizen hurt by them. He has no power, so he takes up what he thinks is the power to uproot the corrupt empire and establish a new order. However, first, he needs to figure out how his powers work. Can Gregory figure out his new powers, and follow suit with his form of justice to create his own better empire?

Okrin · Fantasia
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13 Chs

The Hero's Fall to Rise: Chapter 6, Growth

Going to each dead bee and drone Gregory picked up each grey sphere, of which there were 147 total. Each sphere had the same reaction or turning blue, flowing through Gregory's hand and resting in his heart. As the new energy started to merge with his own, Gregory could feel a new strength form within him. "This feeling. It's something I've never felt before" Gregory said as he stretched out his hand. Gregory felt considerably stronger as he stretched his hand and curled it into a fist.

"Still although I feel stronger, what does that really mean?" Gregory said as he started to walk toward the hive.

Picking up the hive he examined it for a few seconds. Tearing apart the husk, Gregory was met with a golden honeycomb center. " I guess I just eat this?" Gregory said as he took a large bite of the honeycomb. As he started chewing the honeycomb he found it a rather odd texture. Still, the texture was tolerable, at least compared to going hungry. Slowly eating away at all the honeycomb, Gregory thought about how little he really knew the world that he lived in. Licking his hands from the sticky honeycomb, he gazed around the place he sat. "I've lived 16 years, or was it 15? Goodness, everything really has become a blur to me." 

"Still if there is anything I have learned. Stock up on food. As much as I enjoy bugs, I could go for some stale bread." Gregory said. Although stale bread would be bland, and hard to consume for most people he had found a simple consistency to it that he enjoyed. It was firm and at most times a very difficult chewing experience, still he was grateful to any time he did get some bread.

Looking to the other hives, which in total came to 3 hives, Gregory thought if he wanted to keep going in an unknown direction it would be best to secure as much food as possible. Gregory had Chompers take care of the rest of the hives. The bees and drones fought as best they could, but still were no match for Chompers. Soon enough 3 hives lay on the ground at Gregory's feet as one by one they were brought over by Chompers.

As Chompers had gone about "fighting" the bees and drones even though it was more like a one-sided fight between a mountain and a human, Gregory had thought of some method to carry all the hives with him. Grabbing thick blades of grass and firm flower stems, he wove them together to fashion a makeshift rope. Still, this being the first time having ever done something like this Gregory found that any tension placed on is would make it unravel. 

"This may take some time..." Gregory said melancholy. As Gregory started focusing more and more on how to make a functional rope to what he had on hand, Chompers sat in front of him waiting. Still, when Gregory was starting to make some progress his mind wandered off for a moment, to which he thought about the grey spheres that hovered over the dead bees and drones of the hives that now sat in front of him. He thought about how easy it would be if he didn't have to collect them himself. 

This thought like many others that Gregory had recently showed just how vast and versatile his power was, as well as the loyalty that Chompers possessed to Gregory. Now although Gregory had no way of knowing what could and couldn't be done to the grey spheres, that was more due to the fact that he had only ever touched them himself. So with the intention of making it easier for Gregory Chompers set off on his own mission. By gently grabbing the grey spheres in his jaw, he could pick them up without any issue.

Chomper made a pile of grey spheres next the Gregory. The total grey spheres amount to 246, with Chompers placing the last grey sphere he then sat back down in front of Gregory out of his way and with his little mission finished.

Greroy didn't take notice of Chomper's effort yet due to his inability to find an effective method to make a rope. "Just what am I doing wrong..." Gregory sighed as he wiped his hands on his shirt, most from the flower stems that had leaked their surgery food. Then as Gregory looked at his shirt, which had now a few holes and tatters from a fight, and a makeshift holster for his spear, found that it could possibly help. Grabbing a thread from one of the holes in his shirt, he began to carefully pull the thread loose. He continued to pull and pull until he had what he thought would be a manageable amount. 

"I think this will be my best try, as if I start taking any more from my shirt I might as well not wear one at all." Gregory said. Wrapping the blades of long grass, and flower stems once again together, this time in a manner that had worked out the best for Gregory. Expect this time he weaved the long thread from his shirt into his makeshift rope. Then at both ends he made a simple knot, that while not too tight as to break the thin thread, but just enough the keep hold.

Placing a little tension on the rope, Gregory found that is had a much better strength than his first failure to fashion a rope. " Well, that should be a more useful way to carry them anyway," Gregory said. Taking his dagger Gregory carved out 3 holes in each husk of the hives that sat in front of him. Then gently placing the top through each hole he made a sort of sling with 3 hives. Gregory then tied the ends to each other so that the hives wouldn't fall off by accident. 

Finally, after making sure that the hives couldn't fall off by accident Gregory noticed the small pile of grey spheres that Chomper had collected for him. "I don't remember asking him to do that, out loud or in my mind. How did you even do that? "Gregory asked. Which in cue Chompers showed Gregory. He picked one of the grey spheres up in his mouth and then placed it back in its pile." interesting, well thank you Chompers" Gregory said happily. Placing his hands on the pile, he felt a swirl of energy flow into him. The feeling was very different compared to when he had grabbed each individual grey sphere. The feeling was much faster and more abrupt. 

After a few moments the feeling passed. Gregory gathered himself as he felt the first time after absorbing all the grey spheres. Then with a moment of thought, he picked up his makeshift sling of rope and placed it on his shoulder. The hives softly pushed each other as they slid down the rope, with a little bit of their husks falling off as it happened."Well, we might as well start moving into the forest." Gregory said as he steeled his resolve. As much as Gregory tried he couldn't calm his heart. While although he was far from really surviving, the idea of exploring and venturing into the unknown made Gregory excited as to what might come to be.

Sorry to all of you who were waiting for the next chapter to come out. I was looking for a better way to write my story. As well as Thanksgiving happening I was just a little short on time. However back on track, I'm still going to stick to my goal of getting to 30 chapters, and then a consistent schedule to chapter upload. It looks like I could do maybe 2 or 3 chapters a week.

Anyways hope you all had a good Thanksgiving as I know I did !

Love you all bye!

Okrincreators' thoughts