
The Hero's Chronicle

My father, he took the life of everyone I cared for, leaving me alone, lost in solitude… The day I lost the only thing dear to me, I decided to end my life, but a flicker of hope brought me out of that darkness. Now… Only my future holds answers, leading me on a journey that would be remembered by all. The tale before I became a vigilante. The chronicle of an fallen hero…

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39 Chs

The Ones Gifted by God

A seesaw creaked over contaminated soil. Children... My youngest brother and me, played in a park, abounded by its own creators. My father smiled; my mother cheered us...

My house, soon set to flames. A building, scorch in my fire.

The smells of that night, blood intwined in fire, creeping at my nostrils, charcoal. In my heart is the burning sensation to laugh, but instead I smile, crying for a loss caused by myself....

Taking in a sinner like me, a God in flesh, I was told to take a knee to them. Treat him as my highest priority....

He himself gifted me something that no other could; Self-forgiveness... In his name, in his God, I am redeemed holy.

What I do now is follow. And what I will continue to do, is tread in his steps, burning the earth he deems unfaithful.

My lord, my saver, my deity, Epsilon. I am yours. Accept me. To those who deny your way, I look upon you as my witness, setting their corpse to flames with your gifts to me.

Till the end of earths cycle, I vow to serve as the vessel, under the name of Epsilon. My dearest love...

Dimond District; City Square; Four thirty-five, minutes before the alert:

Thin long, brightly shining rods of light, stampedes the square above the ground. Theses rods burn the flesh of those it hit, imprinting the ground, vanquishing the corpse into a charcoal state. It was as if judgement day wasn't just a fable and the rods made of sunlight is truly God's punishment impel upon the city.

In the midst of the clouds, above the city square, in one snap, Malaby, the follower of Epsilon fires those rods to the surface, her earrings dangling and her hair dancing to every flawless hand raise she makes, breaking apart the clouds.

Each rod she fires, lands a hit on buildings, forcing metal into ashes, as well as impelling the back of those who haven't been able to flee the scene. Muder on a mass scale. No care of who her rods killed.

Below the danger, flaming rods missing the humongous, chaotic force of nature, Mighty; the youngest of Epsilon's guardians, Calin, shoots shards of ice to every inch of the square, reshaping them into the image of Malaby. Those very same clones, wreaked havoc on the surface, easily copying her abilities to kill those escaping to smaller ally- ways.

Julian, Malaby's left hand, takes on the east of the Dimond city, standing on the gateway bridge leading to Yellowstone, in charge of cutting out communication and escape routes. He creates a massive typhoon that, tosses cars and trucks of the building, tallying deaths.

-A speeding school bus breaking through the typhoon in a screeching sound, Julian holds his hand to the vehicle full of children, estimating a number of victims out of mind, "Twenty-Five." he release from his lips at the same time as blades of water, slicing through the bus, screams silencing under seconds, painting the insides red. Half of the vehicle slaps the bridge's walls, tipping over above the ocean, while the other half, flips back, destroying two cars at once.

- A man steps out of the car, dragging his feet and holding a small hand in his, looking left and right, screaming, "Help!! Someone!! My baby... My wife..." The man wonders in peril, with no help, including denying that his daughter and wife was crushed beside others under the bus. Stopping on the walls of the bridge, the man looks to the one who took his family life, then one last time to the ocean over the wall. He seals his faith, by falling forward without an inch of doubt.

As Julian blindly raid storm on the bridge, Leah, Malaby's right, is task in demolishing huge name brand companies on the west, including, markets, shelters, hospitals and media stations. She drives sharp blades of winds through satellite towers, create tornados in the middle of parks and send malls, tall buildings also, to rubble. All while kicking her legs in joy, eating out of a bowl of orange sherbet ice cream, holding a dagger made out of wind to the ice-cream stand girl's neck.

"Hey, hey!" She calls to the person standing in front of her, flashing her chest, hands plump down on the stand's table. "Do you believe the almighty, our god, Epsilon?" She creates three more daggers, pointing to the woman's neck in a grin, caramel pig tails whipping in the strong winds she creates around her, flashing wide yellow eyes to her upcoming answer.

"P-Please, I have someone at home waiting for-

She creates another dagger, aimed for her eye this time. "There's a lot of yapping coming from those lips. Didn't I ask one question? Do you believe in him? Our god? Our savior?"

"I'm sorry..." She whines, clenching her eyes shut. "I don't know what you're talking about! - I'm really sorry!!"

Leah's grin goes from a playful grin to a frown. "I guess it can't be helped. A true follower wouldn't quake at the mention of his-

Going off of pure instincts, Leah ships all daggers around the woman's neck, shooting them towards two enemies behind her. The dagger slices a pitch-black haired boy's cheek, but the other numbers missed the tall man with her same-colored eyes.

"My oh my, oh my. Isn't she just a pretty young thing..." Vines stretch from the man's back in a snake like fashion, going along his egotistic smile, and the way he licks up his finger. "Can't wait to sink my teeth in this one." The man shot the vines, capturing both her hands.

-The boy who cheek she scratches disappears, reappearing beside her, holding out a small dagger of his own creation, to her neck, in his hand.

"I hope you don't mind this at all..." He pokes the girl who gazes at him in anger, neck, admiring the way she used her powers. "But I quite like the form you forged your wind into. Funny," he laughs. "I couldn't think of a small useful weapon until now."

Meanwhile at The Gateway Bridge to Yellowstone:

"On your profile, they say you are a category apocalypse, ready to explode..."

Ezada, holding the man who was about to leap to his death by the back of his collar, throws the man hard enough to the street to knock him out, holding the hand of a small girl, Amy, continuing forward to Julian.

"But, to me..." He eyes down the embodiment of destruction, dodging a rushing blade of water that cuts through the bridge's street with ease, pulling the girl hand he held to his cradling arms. "You're nothing but a shallow freak, treading in another's shadow." He pulls out a gun to the boy, who eyes grew in shock. "And I really can't stand those types. People without their own dreams."

Dimond District, Dimond City's Square:

A bullet slices through air, shredding Malaby's hair, upon readying another attack to the surface. She pauses the attack in disbelief that not only did a bullet hit her from feet below, but that the attack was almost fatal.

Looking beneath her, she eyes a blond hair girl on the top of the defeated Mighty and a boy cuffed unconscious to her arm. Beside the blond woman, a girl who look a lot like Amy, however, with green eyes.