
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
210 Chs

Am I bad husband? 

Having had sex without resting for an hour, Celia was very exhausted and rested her head on Felix's shoulder as they snuggled under the bedsheets. 

"Is this really how a wedding takes place?"

"Of course it is."

Rolling her eyes at this blatant lie, Celia heated Felix's chest with her clenched fists and said, "Whom are you trying to fool? Even though I am a virgin, I've seen many real weddings!"

"Fine. Then according to you, what is considered as a real wedding?"

"Shouldn't we promise ourselves to each other while taking the heaven, earth and the others as witnesses? Invite various guests and have a huge feast?"

Chuckling a little Felix, wrapped his arm around Celia's shoulder and pulled her closer. 

"I don't really care about those hypocritical and fake ceremonies, because for me, marriage isn't something you do to show off to others about how you found yourself a partner. Instead, I only care about what you think of me. Because in my mind, you were already my wife since the first time I saw you. So all that matters to me, is what you think of me."

"Does that mean I'll need to call you 'husband', like that woman was doing?"

"Not at all. She's just different that way."

Thinking about Sophia, Felix couldn't help it as his eyes lost a little focus and stared into the air as if he was seeing her image in it. 

Feeling jealous at how Felix was thinking of another woman while hugging her naked body, Celia pinched his waist and sat on top of him. 

Looking at him threateningly she said, "I consider you as my husband, so don't you dare think about another woman when we're together! Of course, you're free to think whatever you want the other times."

Seeing how possessive she looked, Felix didn't do anything childish like arguing with her and just nodded his head. 

At the same time, Sophia's voice came from outside the door. 

"Husband, can I come in?"


Walking in Sophia saw how Celia's naked body was sitting on top of Felix's waist and just shook her head, "Shall I inform the others that you're back, husband?"

As soon as Celia heard what Sophia said, her body trembled as her eyes looked a little sad.

Who could blame her? Not only wasn't she able to have a grand wedding that every woman hoped for, she even had to leave as Felix spent the day with other women.

Which woman would be happy from this?

"Don't do that, Sophia. I want to spend the rest of the day just with her."

Hearing what Felix said a smile blossomed on Celia's face as she hugged him tightly and smothered him with her breasts, while Sophia said nothing else and left the room with the same smile she had on her face since the beginning. 

However after what he just experienced Felix made a mental note to have a conversation with Sophia later on about if he should hold a proper wedding. 

Feeling happy about what Felix said, Celia who was exhausted felt her body refilled with energy as the two of them continued having sex until it was already night outside. 

As the maid had delivered food to their room, both of them ate it after which Celia slipped into dreams with a happy smile on her face. 

On the other hand, Felix slowly made his way out of the bed without disturbing Celia who was still asleep. 

Walking out of the room, Felix left the palace while lost in his own thoughts. 

"Sophia, am I a bad husband?"

"Why do you ask that husband?"

Not at all surprised by Sophia who appeared out of nowhere, since he had already sensed her presence since the moment he left his room, Felix kept on walking.

Finally stopping below a huge tree, Felix looked towards Sophia who was right beside him and looked her in the eyes.

Despite how much he enjoyed having sex with women over the years, Felix had always been troubled by a question which he didn't dare think about for too long as he was afraid of what answer he would reach.

"Don't you think I'm too selfish?"

Not answering, Sophia just looked at Felix who spoke everything he had kept hidden deep inside him. 

"I sleep around with every woman I want to, but I don't take any responsibility. I claim to marry a woman, but I don't even give them a wedding they deserve. I take you away from the real world, and force you all to stay in here and wait for me as I do whatever I want on the outside."

"However none of you ever say anything against me, and do everything the way I want you to. In the 6 years I spent outside, not one of you complained. Even though I only came back for one day every year and had sex with all of you before leaving."

"If that doesn't make me a bad husband, what does?"

Sophia still didn't say anything and looked at Felix who was staring towards the sky through the gaps between the tree branches.

Walking up Sophia wrapped Felix's head in her breasts.

"You are a bad man. You sleep with every woman you want to, even if she is married."

"You are a selfish man who wants to have sex with every beautiful woman."

"And you are very possessive to have made us stay in here while you enjoy yourself outside."

"However, you aren't a bad husband. Because every one of us chose to be with you. You didn't force anyone of us, husband."

"Regardless of what reason it was, every single woman inside that palace chose to stay here on their own volition. Because every one of us loves you more than anything else."

"And if we truly thought that you were bad, wouldn't we have left you and escaped using the rings you gave us?"

Pausing here, Sophia spoke in a voice even softer than before, "However, if you want to be an even better husband, I do have a few ideas. Do you want to hear them, husband?"

Felix nodded his head while he seriously thought about what Sophia had said.

"How about giving us a gift every once in a while? It doesn't have to be something costly, we'll love it as long as you choose it for us."

"It's fine if you can only spend one day with us every year, but on that day instead of spending it here, how about taking us outside?"

"We don't mind you sleeping around with other women, or even wanting to have sex with all of us at once. But I'm sure everyone would appreciate it if you could once in a while just take the time to talk with us individually."

"As for having a proper wedding, I can tell for sure that every one of them is hoping to have one. However, none of them are saying it out loud."

Completely listening to what Sophia said, despite her trying to not blame him at all, he understood that he had failed them. He failed every single one of them.

He acted as if having sex with them was showing his love, when he didn't even take the time to spend a single day with them.

But fine, every man makes a mistake. Be it intentional or not. He, however, wouldn't continue this mistake of his. 

It was time to change his attitude. Having sex with them once didn't mean that he owned them. And it was time to show it. 

Thinking till here Felix's face no longer looked depressed and guilty. Instead, it showed the confidence he had in rectifying his mistake.